By the way, it was like the first tea with Tanglin's secret medicine, and it was incredibly fragrant.


Miao Miu stood up suddenly and ran towards Shen Qingci too.

"Meow meow……"

From time to time, Miao Miao used her own claws to grab her master's clothes.

Shen Qingci was also taken aback. She tore Miaomiao off, put it aside, and then packed up the spices, she didn't dare to use it anymore.

I am afraid that her blood also contains some ingredients of the secret medicine of Tanglin. Could it be that she can live forever with her spices. If this is the case, has she become ginseng or medicine?

Think about it, she feels a little scared, so this fragrance.

He shook the white bottle in his hand and kept it instead of selling it.

She took out the needle again and pierced her finger. Suddenly, her red lips bend slightly. That's it, use only one drop at a time. One drop can make a lot of spices. Spices are enough to use three flavours and sell for half a month.

A drop of blood in half a month.

Well, how could it be so cost-effective.

At this time, under the mountain of Xiangjue Temple, Lao Hengsi is starting to move forward one step and one step, and there are leaves blowing at his feet, and his is just moving forward, not staying, only those The dead leaves seemed to be blown by the wind, and then they did not know where it was blowing.

"You came."

Master Jingkong opened his eyes and took down the Buddhist beads in his hand, and then replaced them with another string. There is no way if they don’t change it. They want to eat. These beads were taken away by the ladies. After that, the sesame oil money was full again, right?

Bro Hengsi came over and sat down too.

And his silent speech didn't make Master Jingkong any weird. This nephew has been like this since he was a child, and he did not spend much time as a monk for him.

Finally, now the person is intact, because there is no missing arm, and no broken leg, thinking about it, he is also right to play the spirit of the elder sister in the sky, did not let their only son lack anything?

"I'm here to give you something."

Branding said in a low voice, he also accepted the tea that Master Jingkong poured down for him.

"Bring it."

Master Jingkong puts his hand in front of him, and he has never been soft when he wants to pick up things. In the past few years, he has been thinking about this nephew, but there is no less respect for him as an uncle. Of course, everything Everything is what he needs.

Branding took out a brocade box from his body and placed it in front of Master Jingkong.

Master Jingkong stretched out and took it.

This box is not too big, of course it is not heavy.

He just didn't know what was inside or what it was. He opened the brocade box and saw that it was a wax pill the size of longan.

"What medicine?"

When Master Jingkong saw the wax pill, he knew that it contained medicine. Although he could not smell the fragrance of medicine, but the fragrance of medicine was sealed in wax. However, it can be sealed with wax. Eight or nine are all medicine.

"A medicine that makes people live a few more years."

Brando Hengsi adjusted his sleeves lightly, and the cold voice made Master Jingkong want to punch someone.

What is the medicine that will allow him to live for a few more years? His uncle is not much older than him. No matter what, it is not a problem for him to live for another 30 years.

He opened the wax pill, and when that kind of medicinal fragrance came out, Master Jingkong's face suddenly changed. At this time, even if the medicinal fragrance wanted to be sealed, it was possible.

And he didn't stop doing it. He took out the white pill and stuffed it into his mouth. After eating it, he seemed to be able to feel the whole body warm in an instant.

This is also true.

He couldn't help but swallowed again, it was not good, the food was too fast, and some did not taste.

"any left?"

He stretched out his hand again.

"Give it another uncle."

Although he didn't know what it was, his body couldn't lie, and he could tell if it was a good thing.


Branding hesitantly smoothed his sleeves, and lost the words faintly.

"Don't be so stingy."

Master Jingkong pulled at his nephew's sleeve. Seeing that your uncle brought you up since you were young, would you give your uncle one more?

Bro Hengsi lowered his head and looked at Master Jingkong's paw.

Is this still a high-ranking monk? Is it because the people he saw were fake, high-cold, high-level, high-level?

What it looks like now, even the disciples of the Buddhist school have no respect.

"Give me another one."

Master Jingkong stretched his hands to the chest of Branding. Uncle doesn't want you too much. You give uncle one more, okay?


Branding is still such a sentence, it is possible that he really thought he was a joke.

"This one……"

Master Jingkong sat up straight again, and lifted the Buddhist beads in his hands.

Indeed, he could no longer know the temperament of Branding, but there are always exceptions to everything. Maybe it is really hidden.

"Uncle thinks a lot."

Branding knew at a glance, what was he thinking?

"These medicines were obtained by A Ning by chance, and they are also where her adventure lies. You only need one, and eating more will not help."

"What about the effect?"

Master Jingkong is now sure that these medicines are indeed good things, but I don't know what they are for?

And so far, he hasn't reacted, and some medicines can't be taken.

However, who made him trust this nephew so much, even if it was really poison, he had eaten it at this time.

Bao Hengsi put his hands on his knees, "It is said that people who have taken this medicine will live to be over 120 years old."

The Buddha beads in Master Jingkong's hand fell to the ground just one shot.

He clenched the Buddha beads in his hand, and then glanced outside.

"Something from the pre-Qin period?"

As far as he knew, this kind of secret medicine was only available in the pre-Qin period. It is also said to be a god, and it is said that one can make people live forever, and can live and die.

But those are just rumors, but Master Jingkong learned from a pre-Qin classic that someone had actually made this medicine during the pre-Qin period, but it does not make people live longer, but it can make people live longer. .

Although he understands some secrets, he can't kill his own life, but he knows that he is a short-lived appearance, otherwise, he would not stop into the empty gate at the beginning, so that the ancient Buddha of the blue lantern would be at ease for the rest of his life.

But now, the medicine he was taking was the secret medicine in the pre-Qin period.

Branding hesitantly nodded his head, "That's what Uncle said. As for how to get it, please don't bother about it."

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