"No need."

The third prince raised his hand, which also made Shen Yueshu get up, and when he walked to the place where a bed collapsed, Qi Yuan was still pale when he saw it, and his eyebrows were screwed tightly.

"Why, still didn't wake up?"

Shen Yueshu shook his head.

Then she pressed the corner of her eye with the veil, and the beauty was crying in an instant, and it was so pitiful.

Even if it is not half of the makeup, but the original face is somewhat ordinary, but it is inexplicably added with a touch of gorgeousness, especially the current pear flower with rain, it is extremely inexplicable to the man.

Even more so, I felt a little eager to move.

The third prince looked at the drowsy man, frowning here.

Since he caught that person, why should he let it go? If it was him, a cut in the morning would result, and Qi Yuan's fortune was good, but the bad thing was that his heart was too cruel and he was unwilling to give others pleasure.

But because of this, I wonder how many opportunities he missed?

Shen Yueshu glanced at Qi Yuan, tears from the corners of her eyes rolled down again, and she couldn't help but feel sad. It is not easy for her to regain her appearance and return to the capital, but why is Qi Yuan remote again? In this way, the chest is almost always pierced. If it hadn't deviated slightly, he might die there on the spot, but even so, he was half dead now.

For some reason, the third prince actually felt a little dry and dry, especially the arc between Shen Yueshu’s red lips, which meant that she could not look directly at it, and the deep meaning in his eyes made Shen Yueshu involuntary. It feels hot on the surface.

The appearance of the royal family is not bad. The generations of the royal family are born with beauty. The old emperor, I have to say, is also a beautiful uncle, not to mention only more than twenty. Three-year-old prince.

Such a face is actually the same as Qi Yuan. Qi Yuan's calculations are all in his smile, but the smile of the third prince is in his nobleness.

The third prince coughed slightly, "Don't worry, this palace will find a famous doctor and heal him."

"His Royal Highness."

Shen Yueshu bowed his knees, and the exposed pink neck was also delicate and beautiful, especially her complexion, which was so white that a soft light had penetrated.

And at that moment, it also seemed to be the eyes of the three princes, who were also countless women, and there were countless beauties around them, but like Shen Yueshu, it was the first time they met.

However, what he didn't know was what kind of secret medicine Shen Yueshu didn't take, and why it changed so quickly. Not only did his body change, but his appearance also seemed to be more gorgeous than before. With a lift of a hand and a head up, there are all kinds of amorous feelings.

Such amorous feelings are rare among other women, and he can see that Shen Yueshu does not have any makeup at this time. Qi Yuan is dying. If she would dress herself up Skilled, that is really something wrong.

But although she didn't put on makeup, where did she come from with such a gorgeous complexion?

The third prince glanced at Shen Yueshu unconsciously, and then turned and left, but he couldn't help but feel a little itchy, and even more hate in his heart. How could this be Qi Yuan’s woman, if it’s someone else, he wants That's it, but Shen Yueshu is different. Qi Yuan has never been a benevolent person, and now he can't tear his face with him, and of course he can't let him die. I hate that there is no one around him. Yes, the dark piles he has cultivated so hard have now been pulled out.

If the Huang Family and Weiping Marquis were still there, if Shen Dingshan died early, and if there was no concern in this world, then the throne is already in his own hands.

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