"He has a good face."

Shen Qingci squeezed the little face of the little dumpling. This little guy looked very much like a big sister, with beautiful eyes. Although he was born three times with Xiaoqixiaoba, he was partial but not like them.

Those two are both long and leaning towards the grandfather, but this little dumpling looks like his own mother. It's a pity. How can a male baby be so beautiful? It is worrying. With such a look, how can he marry his biological son in the future? If he has a beautiful face, marrying someone who is not as beautiful as him, wouldn't he want a woman to die in shame?

Shen Qingci touched Xiao Tuanzi’s little head again, and he really felt that such a small doll was so funny. It has been two years since she left, and the little doll in front of her is two years old. At the beginning, I was holding it in my arms, but I only knew that the child who was nursing, finally, this is a grown-up.

"How is she?"

Shen Qingci pointed to the baby Shen Qingrong was carrying in his stomach. When she heard that the fetus was unstable, she was also frightened. She also wanted to make Mo Fei come back soon, fearing that the eldest sister might have something to do. In the belly of the eldest sister, this little princess finally got pregnant.

And this little princess, but the entire Prince Jun's mansion has waited for a few years, and finally this is perfect.

"She's a good boy."

Shen Qingrong touched the one in his stomach, which was completely different from the previous ones. The first few were born with twins, and when they came to Xiaoqi and the others, they also had three children.

But this one is a peace of mind, only one child.

She didn’t have to give birth to two at a time. Originally a little girl, one is enough. Although it’s a little bit small, it’s conceivable that this little girl will have such a spoiler. How happy.

This has been a noble identity since birth, of course, this life will grow up smoothly, and if anyone dares to touch her daughter's hair, she will definitely cut it off.

In fact, she really doesn't need to do this kind of thing by herself. Don't forget, there is still Shen Dingshan. As long as Shen Dingshan's eyes are widened, no one dares to attack the young princess.

What's more, it is indeed a good fate to be a little princess, because her maternal grandfather will protect her and protect her until she becomes a biological son. A grandpa over a hundred years old is enough to make her walk sideways in the capital. .

"younger sister."

The little dumpling that Shen Qingci was holding also pointed at Shen Qingrong's stomach, and said with a milky voice.

Now everyone sees Shen Qingrong. They belong to the little princess, the little girl, and even such a small child knows that the mother will give him another little sister, and how beautiful the little sister is, or more. What's the use of the brother, it's not fun at all, it's better for the younger sister, the younger sister is good, and the younger sister can play with him if she doesn't grab things.

Shen Qingci touched Xiaoduanzi’s little head, "It’s my sister’s, so Xiao Jiu must remember, eat a lot, and protect his sister in the future. Otherwise, be careful that my sister is taken away by bad guys. There is no more sister."

As soon as the little dumpling heard this, it was worth it. He quickly stretched out his little arm to the nanny on one side.

"Eat, eat."

He wants to eat. Grandmother said that eating more can grow fast. He needs to grow fast, otherwise his sister will be snatched away. And the entire King Jun’s mansion is now in a madness, and this mouth is shut. The mouths belonged to the little princess, and even the little baby Xiao Jiu put his sister first.

But is this a little brother again?

Shen Qingci fought inexplicably in the cold war. If so, ten young sons knelt in front of Shen Qingrong, and said, mother is well.

Shen Qingci was in a cold sweat.

"what happened to you"? Shen Qingrong stretched out her hand and touched her sister's forehead anxiously, but she drew out sweat from her hand, "It's not that I'm sick, otherwise how could I sweat so much?"

However, when she saw her sister's face again, it didn't look like she was sick, and her complexion was better than before. At that time, she was still relieved. It seems that going out once is not without benefit. Although it made them worry a little bit, but I don't know if this is because they have gone more, or for other reasons, their complexion is getting better and better.

However, it is possible that this is not the case, but the outside is strong and the middle is doing. On the surface, it seems healthy, but in fact, this is a severe physical loss.

"Sister, I'm fine."

Shen Qingrong handed Xiao Jiu in her arms to the nurse, "It's just that she wears a lot today, so it's a little hot." And she didn't dare to tell Shen Qingrong. In fact, she was afraid, if her sister gave birth to another one. What do you want to do?

Regardless of whether it is the eldest sister herself, the eldest brother-in-law, or even the princess Jun, the elder sister is a princess, and Mr. Jun has already written the invitation to the princess, just waiting for the first time. That was to go to the emperor and ask for a title for his little granddaughter. This was the only little princess in their Yuwen family. His soft and glutinous little granddaughter could hardly be wronged.

The decree must be made in advance.

The last time his granddaughter became a grandson, it was all that made Lord Jun depressed for several years. This time, he finally got it again, and he was able to hug his granddaughter soon.

Shen Qingci was talking to her sister here, and soon after, the ginseng soup sent by Shen Qingci was already hot, and it was served. .

As soon as Shen Qingrong took a sip, it felt a little hot.

She took the ginseng soup again, and then blew it up gently, and she could clearly smell a very nice fragrance.

"What is this made of?"

She asked her sister.

And this soup was brought by Shen Qingci from Shuowang’s Mansion. It was when she first came, she ran out of food, so she was not too hungry, but when she wanted to drink it, the soup was already a bit cold, so This is the warmth in the kitchen. It's just after the heat, so I feel a bit hot.

"It's a soup made from Xiangjiang fish. The taste is good, and it doesn't contain any fishy." Shen Qingci's favorite fish is Xiangjiang fish, and it is not tiresome to eat. This is not the case. I helped transport some fish. When I arrived here, there were about ten alive. She took out two and stewed the soup for her sister. Of course, there was some Tanglin's secret medicine in the soup.

The people of other people have already thought of ways to eat for them, and they also have a share of the Changqing Changguan. Just missed her eldest sister. So this time, she made a special trip to send these to her sister.

It’s just a pity, it’s not a whole pill, it can only be said that everything in this world is also predestined.

Qing Rong was holding the soup, and what he couldn't wait was a sip. Of course, there was no taboo. Everyone in this world might harm her, but only her sister would not.

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