And Shen Yueshu also felt cold inexplicably, she couldn't help but touched her cheek, and didn't know why, but at the moment just now, something seemed to get straight between her brows.

She put her finger on the center of her eyebrows, as if there was nothing. Could it be that too many things have happened recently, so she thinks too much.

And she thought of something, and then moved her finger to her face, not sure if it was the temperature of the finger or the face.

She actually felt a kind of hotness.

"Let's go back."

She said to the people around her, and several girls followed her in shock, and helped her to get into the beautiful carriage, but they didn’t know. In the distance, there was a person who had been staring at her, but she didn't expect it, didn't notice it, and didn't even see it.

"Let's go."

Shen Qingci took a pillow and hugged it in her arms, and closed her eyes to rest up. Then she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Li Li, and Li Li's eyes never left her.

"Mo Li, how old are you?"

Shen Qing asked Mo Li abruptly, and her words made Bai Mei on one side inexplicably fight a cold war. She is now afraid of the sentence the wife asked, and as long as the wife asks this sentence, 80% think again. She is going to marry a maid, but can she not marry? She has cultivated such a tacit understanding with Li Li. If Madam really marries Li Li, she doesn't have to have a new one.

How difficult it is to get used to a person's cold face, does the master know?


Li Li replied lightly.

When Shen Qingci was eighteen, he felt a little sad.

She used to be fourteen years old, but now she is all nineteen, and next year it will be twenty, and twenty is an old woman, so she sounds 18 years old at first glance, younger than her. Why is it so uncomfortable?

Women are afraid of old age, and she is the same.

However, she remembered the words that the village chief of Dongling had said to her. He said that their Dongling people are long-lived, so they are old and slow, so she should be the same.

She has such a stunning face that she likes. On the contrary, now Shen Yueshu, that face is probably getting more and more gorgeous. Since she likes beauty so much, then she will bring this beauty into her. In the afterlife, as long as she can take it, as long as she can live in the afterlife.

Shen Qingci leaned against the cushion behind him, "If you want to marry, just let me know, and the girl next to me won't be 20."


Li Li was still rolling, without any ups and downs, just like Bai Zhu before.

Some stars flashed past Bai Mei's eyes.

However, in the end, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

It's still too small, too tender, and too simple. Don't look at the righteousness of the lady, who is also the person who has great merit in the mouth of Master Jingkong. In fact, the heart of their lady is black.

"Why, do you have an opinion on me?" Shen Qingci knows even if she only smells it, Bai Mei muttered in her heart at this time, does this mean her heart is dark? If her heart is dark, now their family still doesn't know where to grow grass?

"Madam, how dare the slaves?"

Baimei shrank her neck. Even if she had the courage, she would not dare to say that Shen Qing was wrong.

Not to mention other things, her mother had to beat her up first. The four members of their family are all grateful people. The wife is the benefactor of their family, and their family has always remembered her kindness and respected her for generations. situation.

When the wife died, their Bai family would definitely burn her more paper money.

Fortunately, Shen Qingci didn't know what Bai Mei was thinking at this time, otherwise, she would definitely not talk to Bai Mei for a few days.

Li Li raised his eyelids faintly, and then sat there still, if it weren't for breathing and body temperature, Bai Mei would really think she was a wooden person.

No one is motionless, even without blinking his eyes, not a wooden person, what is that?

Therefore, these people who have studied martial arts are the most annoying.

She is still a cute girl like her, Bai Mei pretended to think that she also felt that she could be a big girl with his wife for a lifetime, anyway, she has always been a big girl, as long as she takes office one day, No one can steal her status as a maid.

She hummed a few times in her heart, also quite proud.

However, Shen Qingci opened her eyes at this moment, and her eyebrows were also stained with a little bit of lightness and smile. It was just a few moments. She frowned again. The whole capital seemed calm, but in fact it has been here forever It's all surging.

The more the emperor got old, the more powerful this situation became, but I didn't know what kind of **** storm was waiting for them.

Being in their place, this seems to be an unavoidable way for them to take.

Of course, this is also the way she has to live again for the first time.

Must go, must go

You must go to the end, and you absolutely can't lose, otherwise, in this loss, in addition to her previous life, there is still this life.

Others lose for a lifetime, but she will lose for two lifetimes.

If she really loses these two lifetimes, she should stop being a person in the future. If she is so incompetent, what else should she do?

The carriage moved forward again, and within a short while, it was already in the Shuo Palace.

As soon as Shen Qingci entered the house, Miao Miao rushed over, thinking of the owner too. It was obviously a cat, but it was like a dog. He licked it at the owner's, and it was very squeamish.

Shen Qingci touched the soft fur on Miao Miao.

When I grow up now, I can’t tell that I have been injured before. Fortunately, it is intact. Otherwise, if she is so beautiful, Miaomiao will become disabled. What should we do? I can’t wear clothes for a lifetime, right?

"I always feel like you have become smarter."

Shen Qingci said to himself, it was not because of the secret medicine, but it was impossible. So many dogs and pigs in Tanglin didn't change much smarter.

So even after taking those medicines, it's impossible for animals to be smart enough.

It can only be said that she is blessed with greatness, she is born so smart, right?

Miao Miao was happy, and she was squeamish for a long time at the owner.

Shen Qingci put Miaomiao down and went to make spices by herself. A new store opened. She couldn't be satisfied with the spices that she kept. Those spices were good, and she made them a little bit, but Now, she finds that the spices she made seem to be better, so the spices she made before can be sold, but she wants to make better ones.

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