But no, it’s not what they can assert. There is no time to see the few bottles of spices that they think they can’t sell for a lifetime. There are no more bottles of spices, and thousands of them are just leftovers. One or two bottles.

Just like this, under their noses, all were bought.

At this time, the large and small bottles on the spice shelf disappeared very quickly, even sometimes when they were in the eyes, but they didn’t know where the hands came from, they just grabbed them. I didn't see clearly what the bottle looked like. It seemed to memorize after a few breaths. As a result, almost everything on the shelf was swept away.

At this time, they knew why someone would say that Yipinxiang's spice is poisonous and addictive to the smell, and they have never seen the top.

At this time, in the county government, Song Mingjiang was also listening to the news brought by the master, and he couldn't help but curl his eyebrows. Of course, his heart was not inexplicable.

"Is it really Yipinxiang?"

Song Mingjiang asked the master again, he wouldn't be so coincidental, it was a first-grade incense, it was the first-grade incense in the capital.

"Exactly," Master is already certain about this.

"Several people asked by the students said that it is no doubt that the fragrance of the first fragrant fragrance is unparalleled in the world. It is not possible to imitate it if you want to imitate it. Butterflies are flying all over the sky. It is exactly the same as the opening of the first-grade incense, and even the spices sold in it are equivalent."

Moreover, Yipinxiang can't be opened by anyone who wants to open it. In fact, this is what he has heard from others. He only heard that Yipinxiang has a great relationship with the court, and ordinary merchants dare not want to divide a piece of cake if they are killed.

This piece of pie is not easy to gnaw. In case the gnawing is not good, there is no money left. If the tooth is broken, then the gain is not worth the loss.

People have always refrained from fighting against officials, let alone the court. No matter how good the money is, there is no life or money.

If it is all dead, then even if it is a golden mountain and silver mountain, I am afraid that it will not be taken away.

Therefore, this Pinxiang, he can guarantee that 10% of it is true, and it is the branch opened by the Beijing Yipinxiang.

"My lord, your return to Beijing is just around the corner."

The master saluted Song Mingjiang.

"What do you say?"

Song Mingjiang didn’t know why he would return to Beijing just around the corner. In such a small place, not only his people are restrained, but also his future. From a dignified official in the capital to a small person with no known name, Lian Tian Yan also can't meet again.

And returning to Beijing, how far out of reach.

The master does not know.

This is what the master said after another ceremony.

"Every year, the expenditures and taxes of the counties must be turned over to the court, and the court must also be recorded in the books. As long as the adults' taxes this year are more than in previous years, it can be regarded as an adult's merit. "

After a few more years, the adults will definitely be able to add officials.

"That's great."

Song Mingjiang sighed. It seems that the fragrance of this product can be regarded as his best help. If he wants to come, he should be able to transfer back to Beijing soon.

However, what he didn't know was that Yipinxiang did not count tax and silver. This was what the emperor said when Shen Qingci, who was still a child, said, although it was just a joke from him at the time, but you must know that Jun has no joke. .

The reason why the emperor also acquiesced in this matter was only because the military expenses donated by Yipinxiang were much higher than those of taxes. There is no one in the world that can pay a million taels of taxes a year.

Therefore, no matter where Yipinxiang is opened, it is not subject to local jurisdiction, and tax and silver are not local.

Song Mingjiang was originally in Beijing and had been an official in Beijing for a long time. He knew very well about Yipinxiang. After all, the speed at which Yipinxiang earned money was terrifying.

But now that Yipinxiang falls in his jurisdiction, it is a great thing for him.

However, in his heart, there was some discomfort inexplicably. It stands to reason that with his current status, for these merchants, he wants to succumb. The emperor is far away. He is the local parent official and the largest local official. These merchants will all To respect him.

However, why did he not know the opening of this product, and no one asked him to join in?

Xu Shiren was on the way when he came.

He comforted himself in this way. Of course, he said to himself in his heart that if they came for a while, he could forgive them for their small mistakes, thinking that Yipinxiang could earn him more tax and money, He will not have any suspicions about this, and he will take good care of him.

However, one hour has passed, and two hours have passed, but Yipinxiang has always been a person without Chen Hui.

And this matter, he was too ashamed to say, that is, took a few yamen, out of the yamen, expressly wanted to examine the people's sentiments, secretly wanted to see, how exactly this pinxiang behaved?

As a result, when he arrived, he felt like he had been punched in the chest.

It turned out that Yipinxiang actually closed the door.

He just remembered that Yipinxiang has always been only open for half a day, from Jingzhong to Yi'an.

This fragrant fragrance really didn't take him seriously.

He couldn't help but flicked his sleeves angrily, thinking to himself that Beijing has the rules of Beijing, but there are also local rules. If you don't understand the local rules, can Yan open a shop here?

And since he went back, he has been inquiring about Yipinxiang from various sources, and he is also paying attention to the ways that they can teach them some lessons.

It's just that Yipinxiang still opened the door for half a day, and there hadn't been many things before. He didn't find a chance until the local annual tax collection came up.

Tax and silver are originally paid every six months, and the files are also available every six months. You only need to check it. Of course, no one dares to use their heads when it comes to taxation. It must be reported to the court. , And they are all done very carefully.

"My lord, the tax and money collected in the past six months is much more than in previous years."

Master took the account and said to Song Mingjiang, especially in this month, there were more than in previous years, and why there were so many in this month, in fact, Master also inquired clearly, thanks to Yipinxiang’s opening at this time, too. There are more people coming and going in Ningxian County. Of course, there are more people and more things are bought and sold. The taxes and fees are also much higher than before.

If you follow this way, then, soon, Ning County will become more prosperous.

Of course, the more prosperous this place is, it will definitely enter the eyes of the court

"How much is the first Shanner?"

Song Mingjiang finally gave a sigh of relief, and the overcharge of taxes and silver shows that he is not bad as a magistrate, he thinks that he is a good official, and he has true talents and learning, he just owes it. A good opportunity, so, for the tax increase at this time, I am happy in my heart, although I did not show it on the face, but I am already proud of it.

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