Therefore, this is the prince, and this is the palace.

The prince surviving in a big dyeing vat like the imperial palace must learn to protect himself if he wants to survive. Only if he learns these can he be qualified to talk about other things, and the throne that everyone wants to be. .

She moved her gaze to the third prince again, but she frowned unconsciously.

What seems to be wrong with this third prince?

"what happened?"

Brando Hengsi asked her in a low voice, "But what did you find?"

It's okay, Shen Qing's resignation is actually not clear now, but she feels that the third prince is really wrong. It’s not that the current three princes are bad, but the opposite is too good. His complexion seems to be a lot more ruddy than before, especially the corners of his lips, almost all of them are more gorgeous, a man grows like this The look is indeed a bit weird.

But it was normal again. Shen Qingci thought at first whether the third prince had been rouge, but when she wanted to look closely, she realized that it was not the case.

He didn't put on rouge, nor did he put on mouth grease, but where did such a gorgeous lip color come from?

The word poisoning also flashed through Shen Qingci's mind.

It's just that this is somewhat unlikely.

Shen Qingci knew that kind of poison, although he had never used it before, but the things in the Lou's Fragrant Code were never fake. The special chapter of the Fragrant Code said about the blood of Lou's daughter.

It is rumored that the blood of Lou's family is not the ordinary blood here. It is true or false so that there is no need for judgment. However, people who drink Lou's daughter will be poisoned, and this is true.

Moreover, the poison can also be contagious, and it will spread to the closest people, especially couples, but even if Qi Yuanri is with the third prince, it is impossible to make the third prince like this.

The face of the third prince was poisoned and unclear.

It’s just that why he thought he had such a heavy poison, this is also unreasonable. The poison on Shen Yueshu’s body will only make Qi Yuan like this, because Qi Yuan is the person next to her pillow, but why is the third prince also like this? In fact, his life is only a few years short, and his body will become weaker and weaker.


Her eyes flashed, as if she had discovered some special secret.

Suddenly, she curled her lips and smiled. That smile was that the three princes felt their back spine inexplicably, but here, at this moment, he did not dare to move, but stood close in front of the emperor. .

The emperor accepted the birthday gifts of the two emperors, and then said something to encourage them to sit down, and the eyes of the three princes suddenly shot towards the place of the prince, but the prince was faint. He raised his eyes, and he also tightened his eyebrows, as if he had discovered the difference between the three princes.

He seems to be sick?

He has a health regimen, and the blood and energy of the human body should be at a corresponding time, instead of showing it on the face in this way.

He lowered his head and glanced at Shen Qingci again.

Does she know?

Shen Qingci snorted at him, anyway, she absolutely wouldn't say it, some people did it by themselves, but it had nothing to do with her.

Okay, I'm not saying anything.

And he put his hand on Shen Qingci’s waist, Shen Qingci leaned back naturally, resting his back, sitting for a long time, no one can stand it, even she who was born with Tianzhixiang They can't afford these shelves, and sitting here motionless, they are sitting in a precarious manner.

She really wanted to stretch her waist, and then lay there, holding Miao Miao Wan again.

"Just hold on for a while."

Branding comforted her.

Shen Qingci knew that this was comforting. How could it be so fast? Yes, how could it be so fast.

When the emperor finished collecting the silver, he was very happy. If you don’t forget, there are so many unmarried men and women in this hall, they are still waiting to show their faces in front of others. Years have changed a bit, and these people are also enjoying it.

After this day, I don't know how many of the world's first beauties, talented women, and talents will come out.

But after all, there are some programs to watch, and it’s always better to watch these ministers compliment each other.

Sure enough, it will be a war without gunpowder for a while, but the same is also full of dead bodies and mourning.

She yawned, really wanting to go back.

"The little girl heard of Princess Wen Shuo..."

I don’t know who said it. As a result, Shen Dingshan stared at him, and then Shen Wenhao. The eyes of the father and son were naturally big. This staring was like killing someone. The woman was there for a moment, and she was too scared to speak for a long time.

It turned out to be Lord Lu's daughter.

That Lu Qianjin still had a sad look just now, but in an instant it was raining and the sky cleared, she hurriedly wanted to stand up and salute, but the next sentence after weighing her mind was that she went in there again.

"Master Lu, you should take good care of your daughter, but this princess can be called by her name?"

Master Lu couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat on his head, and he almost didn't crush his teeth. He really wanted to slap that daughter. What was wrong with that? Why did he have to mention Shen Qingci?

Shen Qingci's name, but she can mention it, but she can't take a look at it. Is Shen Dingshan easy to provoke? The gold medal for immunity is given to Shen Dingshan. What else can't be given?

What's more, this is Lord Shuo, and Princess Shuo is not a cat or dog.

Regardless of whether it was Lord Lu or Qianjin Lu, his complexion was pale and his body was shaky.

Shen Qingci continued to play with his sleeves. All of this has nothing to do with her. What, these people do not want to burn the fire on her, or they want to come over and become her sisters.

But I'm sorry, she has only eldest brother and eldest sister, but no younger sister. She is the youngest in the family and her father's most beloved daughter. Her father did not marry a stepmother, and did not give birth to him. A younger sister came out.

The emperor also opened one eye and closed the other, and he didn't like this adult in his heart.

On this occasion, this is really full, and he has nothing to do. It is rare for him to be so happy today, but the partiality is like eating something unclean, such as choking in the throat, which is really uncomfortable.

Lu Dahui also found the impatience in the emperor's eyes, his heart was so cold, and only that sentence was over.

Yes, it's over.

This time is really over.

That stupid and unfilial girl who killed Lao Tzu, could it be that she was blind and deaf, and she didn't hear anyone who saw here. Who would dare to mention Shen Qing Cizhi's name?

This is Shen Qingci who exploded the mountain, not the kind of woman who lives in a deep boudoir. She even dared to explode the mountain, so what would she dare not?

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