"Don't worry, he's fine."

Brandon held her shoulders and comforted her, "Xiao Shi’s appetite is very good. Although it is a little smaller, she can eat very well. His eyes are also open. To the surprise, Xiao Shi’s eyes are like you."

"like me?"

Shen Qingci pointed to herself, how could she be like her, she and the eldest sister are not born to a mother, but her eyes are like mothers.

"It's somewhat similar."

In fact, it’s hard to say that Bing Hengxiu, maybe this is fate, and the similar eyes with her sister, it also makes Shen Qingrong like Xiao Shi more, she herself is very guilty of Xiao Shi, now it is almost They all treat Xiaoshi as painful eyes.

And she also figured it out.

Maybe she has no daughter fate in this life, and as long as his little ten can grow up safely, there is no daughter without a daughter. In the future, the elder brother will have the same. She will still suffer from the same pain, even the eldest brother does not have any. A Ning, she was raised as a daughter anyway, A Ning, for these few years, she has not regarded A Ning as a daughter.

"I'll go see it tomorrow," Shen Qing resigned without expecting Xiao Shi to be a bit like her.

Boring Hengsi rubbed the top of her hair, he also saw the peach blossom tea on the table.

Then he couldn't help but tighten his forehead, and he knew that his uncle was asking for tea again, but Shen Qingci was very precious to these teas, and he couldn't bear to drink more on weekdays, and most of them were taken away by his uncle.

That old monk, a lot of age, still like to drink tea like this?

If he likes it, he should look for a tree, and make more in the future. Although it is not the same kind of peach blossoms, it is better than those outside.

Shen Qingci is thinking of Xiao Shi in his heart now, and he doesn't feel so distressed about the peach blossom tea that is missing more than half.

On the second day, she went to see Xiao Shi.

When Shen Qingrong saw her, he waved to her quickly.

"A Ning, come here, my little ten looks like you."

Shen Qingci blinked her eyes. Could it be that she really looked like her. She walked over and looked at the child being held in Shen Qingrong’s arms. Xiao Shi also opened her eyes at this time. It is less than half a month now. But it is already a bit bigger than when he was born, and it is also long open. Of course, it is not as pitiful as thin.

The eyeballs are very dark, and because they are very thin, they appear to be very big.

She tilted her head and looked again. She really didn't know where she was, it was not at all.

"This is how you grew up."

Shen Qingrong can be sure that his elder brother also said the same, and he saw Shen Qingci when he was a child, and only two of them were brothers and sisters. A Ning was born as a child, similar to the current Xiaoshi, and both of them lived day and night. Guarding, even one step dare not leave, because when the midwife said that a child as small as A Ning might die early, it was also scared that their brothers and sisters did not dare to leave their sister. I was afraid that something happened to my sister, and the two of them also liked this sister very much, and they had to see her every day.

Shen Qingci glanced at Xiao Shi's wrinkled little face, and then touched his own face again. She looks like this, isn't it strange?

"Ha ha……"

Shen Qingrong laughed, and also hugged Xiao Shi, and kissed his little face.

"My mother's little ten will definitely get better, right, we will definitely grow up safely, just like the big brother and the second brother."

Xiao Shi opened his **** and white eyes, and his little hand grabbed Shen Qingrong’s clothes. In an instant, Shen Qingrong’s whole heart was about to melt. When he was born, he was still disgusted with everything. I was dizzy with my own breath, but now, it hurts so much.

"Did you go to Xiangjue Temple yesterday?"

Shen Qingrong asked her younger sister, in this world, who can enter Xiangjue Temple at will, it may be her family A Ning alone. No one thought that Master Jingkong was actually King Shuo’s uncle, so she wanted to Then shouted Master Jingkong, uncle.

"Well, I went once."

Shen Qingci didn't conceal it either, "I was looking for him to prepare Xiao Shi for a long life."

They all have Xiao Jiu, and Xiao Shi can't be left behind.

"What did the master say?"

Shen Qingrong asked seemingly inadvertently. Although she had already admitted her fate, she still wanted to have a hope that maybe she could give birth to another princess.

"He said that Prince Jun's Mansion has only ten sons."

Shen Qingci didn't want to lie to the eldest sister. Of course, she also knew that someone was coming from outside, and nothing else. It was King Xiaojun. The heart of the people was the most unpredictable, and she didn't want to bet on a man's sincerity with these vague things.

So, she told these things to her elder sister, and at the same time she told her elder sister-in-law.

Even if you marry all the women in this world, no one will ever give birth to another son and a half for you.

Ten sons, her elder sister gave birth to ten sons, and there is no second person in the capital.

Shen Qingrong's hand holding Xiao Shi also paused slightly.

She held Xiao Shi tighter again.

"Forget it, I'm content too."

She already has ten children, and Xiao Shi is like this now. What she fears most is that Xiao Shi will die early. As long as he cries, her mother's heart will feel painful, and now how can she still Thinking of other things, as long as her little ten can live safely, she doesn't want her daughter anymore. Just the same thing, isn't there a big brother?

With a niece, she would treat her as a niece because of her own daughter's pain, and if she didn't, she would still have A Ning, so she would be her daughter.

And Yu Wenhao outside couldn't help but sighed, and he didn't go in, but went to see the other children, as well as the knowledge of Brother Jin, so he couldn't go wrong.

Not long after Shen Qingci arrived, Shen Dingshan also came to see his grandson. He was very angry and was not afraid of demons. When the demons in this world saw him, they all wanted to evade, and he used himself as a town house. , And he also inexplicably believe that as long as he is here, then there will be no monsters coming over.

"Father is here," Shen Qingrong stood up, letting him look at Xiao Shi in his arms.

"Father, look, Xiao Shi is waiting for his grandparents. My grandparents didn't come, so they didn't want to fall asleep."

And Shen Dingshan is so comfortable when he hears these words, and Xiao Shi is just as Shen Qingrong said, with a pair of beautiful big eyes looking at his grandfather from time to time, and waving his little hand to the grandfather. .

Is this welcoming grandparents?

Shen Qing couldn't help but touch his forehead, this kid...

Being so small, you know you can find a backer for yourself.

In this world, there is no backer that is more reliable than Shen Dingshan. Shen Dingshan has eaten the secret medicine of Dongling, which is longevity. In addition to his military merits, he holds military power in his hands. The dead gold medal means how much even today's saints must respect him, let alone others?

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