So for a while, the people in this mansion were all about Shen Yueshu, like a scourge, even to Lanning. Lanning touched his face, and he couldn't help but think of his own appearance in the mirror. Just as these people said, her current appearance is very ugly, and all these ugliness are hidden behind the rouge gouache, just like Shen Yueshu.

It can be seen on the surface, but after removing these, it is a disgusting ghost.

Could it be that Shen Yueshu is really pregnant with a ghost?

The more Lanning thought about it, the more afraid she was in her heart. When it was nightfall, Shen Yueshu was awakened. Of course, after she slept, she also felt that her spirit had recovered. One thing, and nothing else, is to look for a mirror to see if her makeup is still there. She lived like this in the previous days, so there is nothing wrong with it. After all, as long as the child is born, she will know it. Then it will be well, then the woman will be caught, she will drink more blood medicine for a few days, and her beauty will come back naturally.

The person in the mirror still has exquisite makeup. The first-class fragrance is indeed good. Even after a sleep, even after so long, the makeup is still very clean, and the skin on the face seems to be peeled off. Eggs in shells are generally tender and shiny.

"Madam..." Just then the housekeeper's voice came from outside.

Shen Yueshu was busy taking care of her clothes, and also let people come in.

When the steward saw Shen Yueshu, he just stood at the door, not even daring to step forward.

"What happened, so nervous?"

Shen Yueshu doesn't want to meet people now, she just wants a good rest, and then give birth to the baby, besides being sleepy, she can't afford the slightest strength and doesn't want to move much.

It is because this child is too expensive that Xu has been pregnant very hard since he was pregnant.

"Madam, something happened to Lord Hou."

The housekeeper's sudden sound also shook Shen Yueshu.

"An accident happened to Lord Hou."

Shen Yueshu stood up, her heart was in chaos, and she thought about the possibility a little bit. Is it possible that the one who did it, but it is impossible. It is impossible for him to do so before the time comes. The move was early, but it was still early.

So what happened?

"Master Hou is suddenly unconscious."

The words of the housekeeper also made Shen Yueshu feel a little dizzy on the spot, and she quickly sat down, which was only a bit slower.

"How did Lord Hou stay fainted and what happened?"

Shen Yueshu is really Liushen Wuzhu now, Qi Yuan’s body has always been good, even if it was a hairpin in his heart at the time, everyone thought he was dead, but he still survived, just like him. How could something happen to such a hard-fated person, and Shen Yueshu knew that with Qi Yuan's mind, even if he broke with the new emperor, he would definitely leave a few ways for him.

So, how good is it, but people are dizzy, or it is his plan, he is pretending.

With Qi Yuan's scheming, it is inevitable that he would not really do this.

So it’s no wonder that even the person next to her pillow thinks that this is another strategy of his. Qi Yuan has nothing convincing in him. If even Shen Yueshu doesn’t believe it, then it’s Who will believe him?

The butler actually didn't know how to answer.

"Madam, there is something wrong with the saint. Master Hou was going to enter the palace, but when he left, he himself fell."

Suddenly, Shen Yueshu turned the sky around, and there was something wrong with that sage, and almost all the world she was in collapsed along with it.

The new emperor also had an accident.

He has an accident.

problem occurs.

Well, Shen Yueshu curled up her body, her stomach was constantly tightening, and she also felt as if some heat was flowing out of her legs.

"Doctor, find a doctor!"

Shen Yueshu's face was pale and hugged her stomach, already knowing what was wrong with her, her child, her child should not have trouble, and the child absolutely should not have trouble.

Soon after, the imperial doctor who had been treating Shen Yueshu came over.

He also walked very anxiously, the clothes on his back were all glued, and he also ran out of sweat.

At this moment, even the ceremony didn’t come in time. He came over to diagnose Shen Yueshu’s pulse, and then he was frightened with a cold sweat on his forehead. Shen Yueshu’s appearance was clearly a fetus, and The serious ones are simply incurable.

And he worked hard and busy for more than an hour, and he was able to stabilize Shen Yueshu's birth.

Shen Yueshu was also panting like a lifeless death.

She put her hand on her slightly bulging belly, and she could still feel that the child was there, right?

"Mrs. Hou, your baby is very weak now, and there must be no more accidents."

The imperial doctor was also sweating in a hurry. This sweat has not yet receded, and if it can be saved, it can really be luck, but such luck is not always possible, Shen Yueshu this time It really took his life in vain, and of course his own child's life.

The coming is fierce.

But he was strange. It was obvious that he had come over several times for this baby, and it was nothing better, but this was how long it had passed, and it was not saved.

Shen Yueshu opened his eyes, and also asked the doctor in a low voice, "What's going on over there?"


The imperial doctor actually doesn't know whether to talk about it or not.

"How is the saint?" Shen Yueshu asked anxiously again.

And she is also ready. As long as there is nothing wrong with the piece of meat in her stomach, she can bear everything, but now she just wants to know what happened to that person, how well, but something happened. Up?

Did the fourth prince do it?


The imperial doctor still dare not say.

But in the end he gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

"The Lord has a stroke."

Shen Yue suddenly felt a pain in her stomach again. She lay flat quickly, even her breathing was cautious, and she did not dare to make any mistakes.

It wasn't until the pain in her stomach eased that she exhaled the turbid breath in her lungs heavily.

"How is Lord Hou?"

Shen Yueshu is now certain that Qi Yuan's accident has nothing to do with the new emperor, and it is impossible for the new emperor to tear his face with Qi Yuan at this time, and Qi Yuan still spares no effort to help the new emperor stabilize the country.

They are still in mutual restraint. One thing is unsuccessful, and the other is unsuccessful. It is impossible for them to oppose each other at this time, so it can only be said that the accident between the two of them may be true.

Time and luck.

It is not artificial, it is heaven.

Shen Yueshu looked up at Fang Liang, and suddenly she felt as if she had nowhere to shelter.

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