"Where is Qi Yuan?" she asked again.

"Emperor Ningkang is still in a coma now," the imperial physician's head was lowered again.


Shen Qingci seemed to have thought of something, and then picked up the pot and poured himself a cup.

"What about Shen Yueshu?"

"Ms. Ning Kanghou's fetal condition is unstable."


Shen Qingci seemed to have heard some joke.

"Is the one in her belly the new emperor?"

And as soon as this remark came out, not only Changqing was struck by thunder, but even Bro Hengsi was stunned. This is impossible. Shen Yueshu and the Fourth Prince.

This is not true, Shen Yueshu brought such a green hat to Qi Yuan, and even the child got it out, and Qi Yuan was still kept in the dark, without knowing it at all.

Sure enough, this one's own talent is going to pit one's own.

As long as the **** is swung well, there will be no corners that cannot be dug.

This dig, the child dug out.

The doctor's body trembled. Although he didn't answer, Shen Qingci knew it and guessed it right.

"Qi Yuan still doesn't know about this, right?" Shen Qingci put down the cup. This question was a bit redundant. If he knew, Shen Yueshu would have been given the film by Qi Yuan, how could it still be delicious? For her?

This world is really where the wicked are free to grind the wicked, and the person who has exhausted such organs, if he knows that the one he has been helping desperately all the time is actually wearing such a green hat with his wife.


It's really better than what is sung in the opera.

The imperial doctor shrank back again, this was a squeaky voice.

"Ning Kanghou? He...he doesn't know."


Shen Qingci no longer doubted it at all, no more, no less, just right, and she was very satisfied with the development of the matter, still quite satisfied, and it was beyond her expectation, because somebody was crying and begging. Bumped over.

Pao Hengsi stretched out his hand and squeezed Shen Qingci's cheek.

"Say, are you hiding something from me?"

"Some," Shen Qingci admitted, she just had something to hide. See how honest she is, if someone asks her, she will admit it, but she is much better than those who are honest.

"Let’s talk about it," Biao Hengsi still really wants to know what Shen Qingci has concealed from him. Hearing what she said just now, it seemed as if he knew that the new emperor was going to have something wrong. , The one in Shen Yueshu's belly was not Qi Yuan, but Xinhuang's. Even Qi Yuan didn't know the matter, why did she hear it?

Shen Qingci glanced at the one kneeling on the ground, this one, shouldn't he go out?

"Changqing, send him back."

Branding is the one who talks and counts. Once he has answered, he will never embarrass him.

The old lady wiped the cold sweat on her forehead with her medical sleeve, and finally exhaled the stale breath in her lungs.

He is not dead. He still feels that he is away from the capital. As long as he has such a good medical skill, he can't live well wherever he goes. Instead of being in this capital, he always put his head on the waistband. , I don’t know how to die then.

This had gone through life and death, and he finally wanted to open it.

What is more important than fate in this world. Since then, this madam doctor took his family and buried his life incognito. He went to a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and saved a lot of people. It is also rich and peaceful, with children and grandchildren.

Shen Qingci lifted the pot again, there was no more water, she handed the pot to Li Li, who asked Li to add some water to her.

When I turned back, I saw that I was still staring at her. This meant it was very clear. Even if she wanted to pretend that she didn't understand, she had to say one.

This is a long story.

"This king has a lot of time."

Brando Hengsi smiled, but Shen Qingci fought a cold war inexplicably.

Well, since he wanted to listen, Shen Qingci told him all about it.

As for when to start, that was when Qi Yuan shed her blood for the first time.

The grace of God in the blood of Lou's daughter, since it is grace, it is not something that can be robbed if you want, and can be robbed if you want to. The hidden fragrance on her body comes from blood.

For revenge, Shen Yueshu was drinking her blood with hatred. Who knows, Lou's blood makes her look brighter, but she grows older faster, and Shen Yueshu always thinks , As long as she drank it again, her face would be as good as before, so after catching her, she would drink her blood again.

But she didn't know it, drinking the blood of the Lou's daughter and getting old was only the beginning, and of course it was also a warning.

You are always old, but at least your life is still there, but if you drink it again, it is poisoned, and the more you drink, the more poisonous it will be, and it will infect the closest people around you, especially between husband and wife. .

The reason why she knew that the one in Shen Yueshu’s belly was not Qi Yuan’s species, but also because of the new emperor’s stroke and crooked mouth and eyes, which originally came from those poisons, and such symptoms of poisoning were originally among wifeless people. It can be infected.

Qi Yuan is not too heavy, just lethargic, plus the new emperor personally sent an imperial physician to the place, there is no silver three hundred taels here, but Qi Yuan may still have never thought of it, it turns out that people have long been secretive, too. Let him become a living king, and his head was planted with a layer of green hair.

And how hungry this new emperor is. The time spent with Shen Yueshu is much longer than Qi. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be slanted, obviously stealing. People stole the problem.

And he really gave Shen Qingci an unexpected surprise.

And to die to such a point, their new emperor was the first.

"Is that why you stayed with Qi Yuan?"

Branding thought of Shen Qingci's plea for Qi Yuan. Although he hadn't asked the reason, he kept it in mind.

But he did not expect that what Shen Qingci wanted was Qi Yuan to infect the new emperor.

"Yeah," Shen Qingci pointed his finger right, "but I didn't kill innocent people. The poison is the most serious of Qi Yuan and Shen Yueshu. When it comes to the new emperor, it is only a few short shots. Fate, but who knows, the new emperor shot himself by himself."

"What can I do?"

She spread her hands.

She obviously didn't do anything, so these things can't be counted on his head. To put it bluntly, they are all on their own.

And she, really, is too difficult.

You also said that Bing Hengsi pinched her face hard, you know that if you put more blood, you will die.

"That's why I have a big fate," Shen Qingci took the words of Bengheng, and then pulled his sleeve. "If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have had that adventure, let alone get those medicines back. It may also be that God compensated us after we encountered so many hardships."

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