Branding remained untouched.

"I won't go tonight."

"Thank you Cousin Emperor."

The fourth prince finally closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep. The top-grade benzoin was lit all around, which certainly allowed him to sleep well. Since he knew that the emperor was gone, he had not slept well.

And this is that he finally slept, or it may be because this is the closest place to the first emperor.

"Father, you can rest in peace. Those who harm you will never end well, and the country of the Great Zhou will not fall. The children will use the rest of their lives to protect their ancestors. Great Zhou Jiangshan coming down."

The wind that had been blowing for a few days finally stopped. Branding looked out the window, and it turned out that it was a bit sunny today.

Only at night, it is still slightly cool.

On the second day, in a clear sky, many people walked out of their homes.

The sky in the capital has been cloudy for half a month, and finally it is starting to clear up on this day.

The ministers arrived early on the court.

The prime minister shrank his head against the two **** eyes. Needless to say, he knew that he must have not slept well at night.

"I heard he hasn't come to court in the morning."

Lord Jun said in a low voice with Shen Dingshan and Lin Shangshu that the three of them are relatives by marriage. Naturally, they are all very close. The three families are both prosperous and prosperous.

After all this, they can finally get together, they can be presumptuous, of course, they can also take a good look at the ugly state of the old thing of the prime minister. This country leader is also very good, and they are all less than thinking of themselves. The emperor.

It's alright now, the new emperor has had a stroke, and his dream of being an emperor has come to an end.

It’s normal if this doesn’t come. Who wants to come, who knows what will happen and what kind of crime will be condemned to come, and on this day, there are many people who don’t come, even if there are not ten. , There are also eight. But not all of them are here now.

"Why did that come?" Lin Shangshu asked. The voice was not lowered. It should be heard. It was all heard. It shouldn't be heard. It was also heard.

"What else can I do?" Lord Jun was originally a fearless temperament. Besides, the current situation has undergone a major reversal. If you don't make good use of it, their aggrieved days will not Is it white?

"Humph!" He sneered, "Someone pretended to be sick, but was dug out from the quilt by the guards in the palace. I heard that he was still naked. Needless to say, I knew that I did it last night. What's the good thing, it's a lot of age, and I don't know how to be more temperate?"

The prime minister said that his face was blushing, and he was still in the public. In this way, his face has been lost and cannot be lost anymore, especially before the Shang Dynasty, he slept too late. He also drank a little wine. As a result, when the guards in the palace came in, he was not awake. As a result, the guards didn’t say anything, but pulled him out of the quilt. The ugliness at the time, even He himself thought of it, it was disgusting, and no one wanted to expose his body, especially like this, he looked like a dog in his clothes, but after he took it off, he was just like white flesh and old skin. Old-faced, he will definitely be given a shameless name in the future.

"What do you say will happen today?"

Shen Dingshan asked the two in-laws, such a great effort, even if they didn’t come, they were all dug up, even those foreign officials came, even Shen Wenhao and Yu Xuxu never did it. The officials from the DPRK are all here, so I'm afraid it's not a trivial matter?

Lord Jun looked at the dragon seat in front of him, "Does that still need to be said? Naturally, the dust has settled, otherwise, what are they doing here?"


Shen Dingshan stroked his beard, "This team stands well, stands well."

"Yes," Lin Shang's book is a noble appearance, but when he says it, he is mad at it.

‘It’s laugh at the end. Some people laugh too early. They just shake the fat circle on the belly. "

And their words made the minister on one side couldn't help laughing, and among the hundreds of civil and military officials, the fattest was not the prime minister, who could shake the belly with a smile, it was the prime minister.

The prime minister was even more ashamed. If it had been the past, he would have already thrown his sleeves away, and he would never be alive.

But now who made him lose power.

But at this moment, he didn't know that, in the palace, a soft sedan was also walking on the road in the palace. It was not fast, or it was walking quite slowly. It was only a quarter of an hour away, and it was already alive. It's been more than an hour.

The eunuchs and maids in the palace, as well as their masters, even the concubines of Xinhuang Xinna, came to see them.

Seeing that the new emperor was still wearing the dragon robe, closed with a golden dragon roll, he sat on a chair on the ground, even his neck couldn't be lifted, his eyes were tilted, the water was flowing, and he walked all the way. A neutralization is like an idiot.

All the eunuchs and palace ladies also saw the appearance of the new emperor and whispered quietly to the side.

It's all like this. No matter how good the dragon robe is, it is impossible to wear the appearance of the emperor. Such an ugly person, how can he be the emperor, this looks disgusting, not to mention the confrontation every day.

Some people even said that the new emperor had lost his virtue, so God had committed such a crime.

The new emperor was like a dead dog, and could only be carried away.

Once again, he was as if all his clothes had been stripped, so that all his self-esteem disappeared under the eyes of the crowd.

The fourth prince, this time, it was really ruthless.

Not only did he let the new emperor lose his respect, but for the rest of the years, he would let him live well, live to death, and die with these humiliations.

Lifetime will not be able to survive, not to die.

And just like this, the new emperor with crooked mouth and eyes was lifted, in front of everyone, around the entire palace, and finally around the hall, and then he was properly placed in the dragon chair. On the top, even those in-house servants have to clean up the dragon robe of the new emperor, there is not even a trace of crease, but even if it is a clean dragon robe, there is no crooked mouth and eyes. The drooling stroke of the emperor is shocking.

Soon after, there were still people in Xu thinking that this saint was not a stroke, but was imprisoned, but when such a new emperor was placed in front of their eyes, they no longer dared to say this.

The stroke is so severe, and the whole life will be useless.

And the prime minister opened his mouth wide, looking at the new emperor above the dragon chair, he couldn't help but stepped back, his legs softened, and he fell to the ground.

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