"Lin Yunniang, if something happens to my son, I will definitely let your life be paid!"

"Paying for life?" Mo Fei seemed to have heard a joke from the sky, "What is your ability to let the lady of the Prince Weiguo pay for this pig, even if this pig dies ten times or eight times. It can’t hold up one hair."

He stood up, and then threw the medicine bottle in his hand aside, and didn't want to move even when he moved. Also, he seemed to have touched the fat pig's hand just now. How much oil would he need to get out? How disgusting should it be?

And he was really disgusted.

He took out a veil from his body and wiped his fingers very vigorously. The disgust on his face has never been hidden.

"Don't see the water in January, or just chop your hands."

He gave a faint warning. He wiped his hands while walking outside. This was disgusting, and he had to wash his hands a few more times when he returned.

It's just that when he reached the door, he stopped.

"Madam, what I said just now, I hope Madam will think about it. Also, that cat is something they can think of?"

Miao Miao is not a cat that others can think of. Don’t say Xiao thinks, it still can’t move. The sage today loves it quite a lot. When he was killed, it was this cat who saved him. He Seeing cats as life-savers, can you endure others wanting to kill them?

Lin Yunniang's complexion was already red, and when she saw the two in front of her, she was so angry that she couldn't even speak. When Aunt Lin still wanted to say something, Lin Yunniang turned around and left. Otherwise, she was afraid of herself. Really couldn't help but slapped Aunt Da Lin's face.

And she went to Lin Shangshu directly, and also told him about it.

Lin Shangshu's expression turned pale when he heard it.

"Zhuzi, dare!"

The wiseness of his life was corrupted by Chen Jun. He had to throw the mother and son back on the spot. After that, he was not allowed to enter the capital for half a step. And Mrs. Shang Shu was scared enough, she still I've never seen Lin Shangshu so angry. Even if she wanted to beg Aunt Lin, she didn't dare. She had no choice but to find Lin Yunniang again.

What's more, they are all my own sisters and nephews. The eldest sister has had a very good relationship with her since she was a child and saved her life. If it weren't for the eldest sister, how could she still be?

In the carriage, Mrs. Shang Shu simply hated iron for not making steel.

Aunt Lin knew she was in trouble, but she was just a cat, so she wanted to target their mother and son so mercilessly? Although she was unwilling in her heart, she was not a person who didn't know the importance.

If she wants to stay in the capital and want to have this wealth, then she can only come and find Lin Yunniang. Although Lin Yunniang is a junior, she is the eldest daughter-in-law of the Weiguo Palace, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

Mrs. Shangshu didn't want to say a word. She had never spoken to Lin Shangshu for a few days for the sake of their mother and son, and their husband and wife had never blushed for decades, but it was because of them.

Speaking of which, she is not angry, how can it be possible?

The carriage passed a few roads, and this was the door to the Palace of Weiguo. Everything was prosperous. At the feet of the emperor, it was indeed different from elsewhere. How could Aunt Lin leave in such a good way? She had to rely on Lin Shangshu. With the help of a foreign family, their mother and son can definitely have a foothold in Jingzhong, and then they can take the family back. At that time, whether it is the mother-in-law or those few A little vixen, she always makes them look good.

"Have you heard what I said?" Mrs. Shang Shu asked Chen Jun.

"Auntie, Jun'er knows."

Chen Jun was holding his hand wrapped like a pig's hoof. At this time, he was obedient, and his own children, no matter how ugly, belonged to them.

Mrs. Shangshu shook her head. If this is not managed properly, what will happen?

When they arrived, they found that there was still a carriage parked outside. It was a plain carriage, which was much larger than other carriages. It was obvious at a glance how unique it was. , That is, the wheels are all specially made, and there is a mark on the top of the carriage.

"She is coming……"

The muttering voice of Mrs. Shang Shu was also heard by Aunt Lin.

"Sister, who did you say is here?"

"Princess Shuo."

As soon as Mrs. Shang Shu saw this carriage, she knew that Shen Qingci had come. This was a carriage unique to Shuo Palace, and she would only ride this carriage when Shen Qingci was traveling.

"Princess Shuo?"

Aunt Lin's eyes lit up. This is Wang Haoji's character, she must meet her.

"Why don't we come back tomorrow?"

Mrs. Shang Shu really felt that they were not here at a good time. This Shen Qingci had a very weird temperament, and she also raised the cat.

"It's better to hit the sun if you choose another day," Aunt Lin's eyes rolled, "Don't you say that the cat belongs to this one, but we also happened to apologize in the past. I believe she will take it for the sake of Mother Yun. Forget the blame, right?"

Mrs. Shang Shu thought the same. In the end, she got out of the carriage and walked into the Palace of Weiguo. Shen Qingci is not that easy to see on weekdays. Apart from her busyness, this person never participates in Beijing. The gatherings in various provinces in China are very difficult to invite.

Now, coupled with the dignity of the abnormal status, it is even more so that no one dares to ask for it.

"Let's go to Yunniang's courtyard first and let her be introduced."

Mrs. Shang Shu also didn't dare to go to see Shen Qingci, always had to pass the Qi with Lin Yunniang first.

Aunt Lin did not dare to say two, so she just followed.

All the scenery of Weiguo Gongfu is simple and crude with military commanders. It is exaggerated that the palace has not been repaired. Everything is simple enough. The most are the largest trees in a century, but the flowers and plants are gone. Already.

Aunt Lin thought of Lin Yunniang's identity, and her heart was really jealous.

Everyone is a woman, so why can Lin Yunniang get through to this point? When she enters the door, she becomes the master of the house. There is no mother-in-law, no wife, and the two sisters are also first-class. How long has this door been? , There are already two males standing next to each other, and they also have a firm foothold in the Palace of the Weiguo, and the husband has no idea about makeup.

Therefore, in this mansion, there is not even an extra woman, only Lin Yunniang.

And the days that women want to live the most are in Lin Yunniang's body. Every time I see Lin Yunniang, what she wears and uses is not a priceless thing, and she holds the gift of this mansion. How can you be poor?

"Auntie, I think about going out."

Chen Jun’s forehead was a little sweaty, but it was actually a panic. As soon as he got on the carriage, he felt a little urinary, but he was embarrassed to say it, thinking that it should be there for a while, but he didn’t think. The carriage was walking so slowly that he held it back at this time, and it was really tight, and if it was worse, he couldn't hold it anymore.

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