Li Li also unceremoniously picked it up. She put the teacup in front of her, and then drank it. The aftertaste of the tea faintly entered her throat, fearing that even when she hiccups, it would be peach blossom.

Shen Qingci also picked up a cup of peach blossom tea. The rest of the peach blossom tea was really not much, and it was all taken up by the old monk. In the early spring, she was now trying to find a way to make tea. Tree, she has the method, so she has to see how it tastes like it is made?

After all, the peach trees in Tanglin are rare in the world, and the peach blossoms there are unparalleled in the world.

Chen Jun was still lying there and howling, and when Changqing and the others came back, when they saw the fat pig outside, would it be worth it?

"But what happened?" They hurried in, fearing that something would happen to Shen Qingci. If Shen Qingci really lost a hair, they would not be able to redeem their sins even if they die.

Li Qi raised his hand and pointed to the pile of things under the tree.

"I want to do something wrong with my wife."

"What?" Changqing went furry all of a sudden, stepped forward, screaming at the pile of things he was kicking, and didn't even see what he was. He actually dared to beat his wife and didn't want to live anymore.

At this time, Mrs. Shang Shu who was in Lin Yunniang’s courtyard was still Aunt Lin. She was talking to Lin Yunniang. Mrs. Shang Shu held Jing Ge’er in her arms and was reluctant to let go. Even though she had given her son a few concubines in recent years, it was She gave birth to a grandson and a granddaughter, but she was not a grandson, so she was not beautiful in her heart, so she liked her grandson.

Brother Hui sat quietly next to Lin Yunniang. He looked like Shen Dingshan. He had a lot of energy since he was a child. He also ate a lot, and of course he grew faster. Now he has the appearance of a little brother.

"Mother, take your aunt and go home first. There is some inconvenience today, Princess Shuo is here."

She is here, why should we go back?

Mrs. Shang Shu hasn’t said anything yet, but Aunt Lin grabbed Bai, “Ms. Yun, it’s not that I said you. You also want to show your eldest sister-in-law. No matter how high your arrogance, Princess Shuo will respect you as a sister-in-law. ."

"Could it be that she is so ignorant of the law, and even your eldest-in-law doesn't recognize it. Even when she goes back to her natal house, she still wants to be a princess?"

"Auntie, A Ning is not such a person."

When Lin Yunniang heard that Aunt Lin was slandering Shen Qingci so much, she was really upset. How could she not know what kind of temper is Shen Qingci?

When she was in the jail, only Shen Qingci visited her, and Shen Qingci rescued her. At this time, where are the people who talked a lot in front of her, did they ever worry, but did they help each other, she dare to say , The fastest runner and the clearest one is Aunt Lin.

And now she has the right to say Shen Qingci here like this?

"No, what isn't it?" Aunt Lin curled her lips. "No matter how we are, we are all your elders. As a junior, why doesn't she come to visit us or look down on us."

Madam Shang Shu was taken aback for a moment, and when she turned her head, she saw Aunt Lin’s angrily face, and she resisted the sentence for a lifetime, what kind of thing you are, it is a meeting. That is also because they visited someone, and said something awkward. What is her Aunt Lin? She wants her identity, she has no identity, she wants to have no background, and she has to come to visit them. How big is her face, so she can ask her to say hello to her?

Where is her face, is there any face, or shameless?

Aunt Lin's mouth is too talkative, but she talks endlessly, even if others want to get in.

"My aunt is not what you said."

Suddenly, a childish voice was added, and it was Brother Hui with a calm face, staring at Aunt Lin without blinking.

"You are not allowed to say that to my aunt!"

And Aunt Lin was so interrupted by a child, and then she pointed to her face and said no to her. She almost couldn't hang her face.

"Aunt, aunt..."

When Brother Jing heard her aunt's name, she also verbally called her aunt from time to time. It can be seen how the two children like their aunt. Their aunt is the best. Although Brother Hui is young, he does He knew that he wanted to protect his family, especially his aunt. The grandfather said that he was born smoothly because of his aunt. If there is no aunt, there will be no grandfather, no mother, and even less of him.

He didn’t allow others to say no to his aunt, and he was holding his small fist and there was no expression on his face. After closing the door, he slept with a sword in his arms, took a bath, and ate together. At a young age, There was already a killing intent on this body, and even Aunt Lin was shocked inexplicably.

And the **** who stood on the side were full of hatred. What kind of people are these people? In other people’s houses, it’s not like the master, the characters like Princess Shuo, how can they talk about it? What?

"Nanny, you hold your brother and go," Brother Hui stood up, the voice of milky milk, but there was a threat to the one who was partial. The Xiao Miao Miao, who was pulled up by his grandfather and grew up, finally looked like a general. .

Lin Yunniang glanced at Aunt Lin disgustingly.

"Take Brother Jing down, I think he is also tired."

She touched the little face of the younger son distressedly. The big one was annoyed by the listener, and the little one wanted to sleep. It was really annoying what did she do this day.

Since he came to apologize, he still has to say that the other person is not, this is an apology, it is clear that he came to find fault.

The nurse hurriedly picked up Brother Jing from Mrs. Shang Shu's hands. Brother Jing was really tired, and yawned from time to time. When she was in the arms of the nurse, she was already tired. I don't want to eat anymore.

After the two children left, the room suddenly became a little cold, which also made Mrs. Shangshu embarrassed. She winked at Aunt Lin from time to time, but Aunt Lin was also angry now, thinking that Lin Yunniang had not only lost herself. Even the little one doesn’t put his elders in his eyes. It’s the same now, let alone the future?

"Ms. Yun, your aunt she..."

Mrs. Shang Shu still wanted to explain a few words for her sister, but Aunt Lin's expression of dissatisfaction made her vomit and want to curse.

He said he wanted to apologize to others and said he wanted to come over to make compensation, but where did the compensation go?

Lin Yunniang's expression was also very unpleasant, she always resisted not saying what she said to her lips, but at this moment, a little servant almost always ran over and crawled, and when she came in, she squatted on the ground. .

"Madam, madam, go and save our son, he is about to be beaten to death!"

Aunt Lin suddenly felt her head dizzy, and she couldn't take her breath for a long time.

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