"This is a characteristic thing from Baichu."

Pao Hengsi explained to Shen Qingci, "At first, the taste was a bit offensive, but after this taste, you will find that there will be another flavor from it."

Shen Qingci still wrinkled a face, it was actually awful, if it weren't for her usual rules, she really wanted to vomit it.

After waiting for a while, her face finally stretched, and then slowly she could feel the corners of her lips rising.

Then she took another bite, which is exactly what Bing Hengli said. This taste is really delicious after being charged forward, and it will be a very strange taste, or it may be because the previous one is too unpalatable. , So when you eat it later, the taste becomes more obvious.

In a short while, she had already finished eating what she was holding. To be honest, she really had a bit of meaning. When tomorrow, she asked Mo Li to buy her some back and sit at home slowly. Eat slowly.

There are too many people here, and when she left, she was still carrying her worries, and she was prevented from being hit by someone.

Suddenly, Branding stopped and looked behind him.

"What's the matter?" Shen Qingci asked Brandon strangely, "What's wrong?"


Bron Hengsi tidyed up her hair, then took her hand and led them to his house, but the smile on his lips was somehow hidden for some reason.

He always felt that he had a pair of eyes behind him, and he lowered his head and looked at Shen Qingci who was holding a pile of things.

I couldn't help but smiled, until after a long time I hadn't seen her so happy.

There are still a lot of people around, and their simple faces are all with smiles. After the first melting of the ice and snow, even the wind at this time seems to be warmed up a bit.

If there is no war in the future, how good it is, it is so general. Whether it is Beiqi, Baichu, or Dazhou, people can live and work in peace and contentment, and how often is it not a peaceful event.

On the ninth day of November, Kyrgyzstan and Yi opened.

On the bustling street, a series of firecrackers suddenly sounded. People who liked to watch the excitement all surrounded them, wanting to know what happened over there and why it was so lively.

When they arrived, they all smelled a faint and cold fragrance. After smelling it, it was refreshing, but they also felt a shock. Many people closed their eyes and wanted I usually smell these scents, but I am afraid that if I don't smell them more, I may not smell such a delicate fragrance for a while.

"Yipinxiang, is Yipinxiang?" I don't know who shouted, so excited, it is impossible for Chengdu to cry.

The temperature here has been low for many years. Everything is good here. There is only one feature missing. It is not like other places. The local area is not like other places, which can bloom all kinds of flowers. So people here are very concerned about spices. They also have an inexplicable attachment.

And the name of Yipinxiang is almost universally known. According to legend, the spices of Yipinxiang are made by gods, and each fragrance has his unique fragrance. Even a powerful perfumer is impossible to treat it. After cracking the formula, it was blended into the same taste and color, but it is still not the fragrance of Yipinxiang, which is unique.

And the fragrant spices are sometimes hard to find.

At this time, many pairs of eyes were shining, and in the meantime, I do not know that it was the merchants from Bai Chu and Bei Qi, and they also found a way to make a lot of money.

Yipinxiang opened on this day, and it was almost a sensation in the city. The guests who entered the most were similar to merchants. The people may have a yearning for spices, but spices must be something dispensable, so they just What are you doing, what are you still doing?

But for merchants, this is silver, an infinite amount of silver.

In the end, how many people entered the shop, and no one knew it. They just knew that Shen Qing Ciben had prepared spices for nearly three months, and almost all of them were sold out.

Because she said that as long as the merchants from Baichu and Beiqi come over, they will give them as much as they want. They want to earn their own money, or they will earn it mercilessly.

By the time the night fell, two shopkeepers used an abacus to calculate the accounts received today. They were kept there one by one. It is hard to imagine that this is not a monthly account or a half-month account. , But a day’s accounts.

"My son, the account has already been calculated." The shopkeeper gave the account book to the brand. Both of them were carefully cultivated by the brand. They were originally prepared for the future fragrance. Such things are also deep understanding.

It is also thanks to the prestige of Branding, otherwise, the shopkeeper alone may become a trouble.

Yipinxiang accounts for too many accounts in January, it is impossible for them to know all the accounts because they are not trusted people.

"Look at it," Luo Hengsi handed over the book to Shen Qingci.

Shen Qingci took it, and then with a snap, she buckled the account book on the table.

"I want to lose my company." Shen Qingci stood up and walked into her own house. She closed the door, and then suddenly picked up Miaomiao, lying on the bed happily, and rolled. Several times.

"Miao Miao, Miao Miao, do you know how many taels of silver we earned today?"

"I tell you, 1.3 million taels, more than one million taels."

"One million taels on this day. By the end of one month, there are tens of millions taels, right? Excluding the military expenses, excluding the share of the eldest sister and eldest brother, I will probably earn millions of taels in one year. Yes, you said I’m not going to earn a gold and silver mountain?"

It’s no wonder that in such a small place, nearly half of the fortune of the Huang family can be earned. In the past, she felt that it was a little impossible, and thought it was caused by the Huang family’s exaggeration. Not too much.

Sure enough, earning money from other countries is more joyful than earning money from Dazhou people.

The outside door opened, and a faint scent of Sanskrit came in. It was strange. The brand was also in a pile of spices. If it was replaced by someone else, he might get some scent on his body more or less, but he never They have never dyed any incense, which is quite strange.

Brando Hengsi came over and sat down too, and then as if soothing Miaomiao, he gently stroked her hair, "Will it be difficult?"

"No," Shen Qingci turned over and was also resting on his lap, "It's not difficult at all. With the help of them, we can make a lot of spices in one day."

And what she said is not an exaggeration, of course she is not modest.

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