The emperor is far away from the sky. What their people want is not who is the emperor. Who is the emperor is the same for them. They just want to eat and wear. It's that simple.

"I really can't see it."

The young man rolled his sleeves lightly, "Let's go in first to see if this fragrance is really as good as the rumors?"

"Yes, son."

The little boy was busy responding, and happily followed behind the young son, letting the warm sunshine fall on them, although it was still cold and shivering, but this heart was warm, how could I still feel cold Coming?

They strode forward without realizing that they were infected by the people here.

Yipinxiang opened when it was most conspicuous, and after a few steps forward, it had already arrived.

As soon as it arrived, the three characters of Yipinxiang, the capitals of the capital were like a shining light, and the people's eyes were also dyed with a layer of light gold.

"Master, silver."

The young man rubbed his hands, the silver is silver, a lot of silver.

"It's Yipinxiang."

The young man slapped the head of the young man, "What nonsense, I want money everywhere, I'm a city worker."

"My son, don't you be a fool?"

The young man touched his head, he wanted to laugh a hundred steps after these ten steps. Who is the famous miser, isn't it the one in front of him.

The young boy picked up the fan again, and the young man quickly hugged his head. He knew that he could no longer talk nonsense, otherwise his head would be beaten and swollen.

The young man took back the fan, and then walked towards Yipinxiang.

As soon as he entered, the oncoming heat also made his whole body feel refreshed.

He took off his hat, and the slight heat came on him, which was indeed very pleasing.

And he just stood here for a few breaths, and passed by him. I don’t know how many people were there. On the upper and lower floors, there were spices underneath, and some rouge and gouache on the top. .

And above the wooden shelves, there are signs with prices written on them.

The fragrance of the first product is clearly priced, and it is absolutely childish.

While watching the young man, he remembered that in this world, I was afraid that only this grade of incense dare did this. He looked at it from bottom to top. The spices below are cheaper, but they are not ordinary people. It can be bought, and the more you go up, the more expensive it is. Until the top, there are all a bottle of one thousand twenty thousand taels.

And even so, there are still a few bottles of goods missing, and they were bought away if they wanted to.

Who can say that there is no one in this world who can use ten thousand incense?

As long as they can put it out, someone will buy it, and there will be more.

Things are rare and expensive, and sometimes what they earn is not just a bottle of spices, but a fame.

The young son walked to the shopkeeper and smiled before saying a word. The shopkeeper also put on a smiling face.

"Sir, is something wrong?"

The corner of the young man's lips lifted again, and his heart said that even the shopkeeper was so different. The more he wanted to see him, the real man behind the rumored Yipinxiang.

"I wonder if I can meet your master?"

The young man stood with his hand holding a folding fan, but he didn't know it, he was gripped a bit tightly.

"What's the matter with the son?"

The shopkeeper did not refuse. There are many people who want to see the master of the house. As for whether they are qualified to meet, it is not easy to say.

"In Xiabaichu Qianjia, Qianzichen."

The young son bowed his hands and said, "Thanks to the shopkeeper for introduction."

Thousands of families?

The shopkeeper was shocked, why even thousands of family members have come here. When they came here, they did their homework. Because it is no better than other places, the people here are the people of the Three Kingdoms, so they When I helped the shopkeeper, I also learned the customs of several other countries, and learned some of their main characters. Thousands of families are in Baichu, making them one of the best.

"Master, please wait a moment."

The shopkeeper turned to Qian Zichen and said, "Please sit down first."


Qian Zichen was very polite from start to finish. He went up to the second floor and sat in the private room. The shopkeeper was busy with the guy in the shop and sent a letter to the master.

The outside door squeaked open, and Qian Zichen quickly sat up straight and looked towards the door.

Then came from the outside, a young man in a azure long gown. Although he was in plain clothes, he was expensive and awe-inspiring. Qian Zichen's eyesight was so good that he could tell at a glance that he was definitely not an ordinary businessman. .

"Please forgive Zichen for being around."

The young man stood up quickly and bowed.

Brando Hengsi walked over and sat down.

"The third son of the Qian family, Qian Zichen?"

He had already revealed Qian Zichen's identity at a glance.

"Yes." Qian Zichen said with a smile, "The son has good eyesight."


Luo Hengxu didn't have any good eyesight. He was a stranger, and he had only heard this name, but he had never seen anyone. If he hadn't said his name, he would not recognize it.

"Haha..." Qian Zichen touched his nose with embarrassment, forgetting that he had already declared his family just now.

"My son's name, please?"

Qian Zichen asked respectfully again, he has already declared his family, so does this person want it too?

"Branding and worrying."

Brando Hengsi rolled up his sleeves and started to make tea. His movements are very free and easy. Although ordinary tea making moves, but let him do it, it is like a fine ink painting, and the ink is rich and complex. Lightly dyed again, it was finally dyed on this piece of drawing paper, and he was the only person in the painting, and also the only scene.

Branding took a cup and placed it in front of Qian Zichen.


"Thank you," Qian Zichen picked up the cup with one hand and took a sip between his lips.

I feel that this tea has a slight fragrance, slightly bitter, slightly astringent, and also slightly sweet, which makes it a good tea.

"The prince really made a good hand of tea."

Branding himself also picked up a glass, and both of them reported themselves, which was the first time they did business.

Just looking at this moment, Qian Zichen knew that there was a 30% chance of this deal, and the other few%, except for the conditions he offered, the rest would really be resigned.

"Does the prince have the intention of opening Yipinxiang to my Baichu?"

"There are no plans at this time."

Branding put down the cup, and it is difficult to do business in another country. In addition to a lot of relationships, he has to face a lot of pressure. He hasn't thought about opening another business in Baichu or Beiqi. , Don't have that much energy?

These words were straightforward and made Qian Zichen a little discouraged.

"Such a big business opportunity, I wonder why the prince is not willing?"

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