The white cat walked over and jumped onto Brando's leg, lying down.

"This is the cat raised by the prince?"

Qian Zichen smiled, and his fingers couldn't help but want to touch the white hair on the cat.

"It's called Miaomiao, raised by my princess." Beng Hengsi lightly stroked Miao Miao's head, and Miao Miao rubbed her master's finger with her little head, showing a small, pleasing appearance.

"Miaomiao, good name!"

Qian Zichen's eyes also stared at Miaomiao from time to time, and Miaomiao glanced at him, as if she could feel the kindness in his eyes, so she also gave him a few more glances.

Qian Zichen sat here for a while, and after drinking a few more teas, he got up to say goodbye. At this time, the New Year’s Pass was approaching. It was the busiest time of the year, especially for business people. There will be a few months of business volume.

He didn't dare to be bothered here, so he just brought up some spices and left with them. When the carriage arrived in Baichu territory, he also let out a sigh of relief.

It was a worthwhile trip, and it took a million taels of silver to get into the pocket, and now he is the only one who can make a million taels of silver for thousands of families in just half a month, or maybe even ten million taels. .

The position of the Patriarch of the Thousand Clan was originally obtained by the capable, not passed on, not passed on, only passed on to the capable person. He leaned on the carriage and gently shook his fan, which was pleasant It's been a long time.

After winning nearly five million taels of silver, Shen Qingci really feels bulging. When they go back, they are afraid that they can earn a gold and silver mountains. Of course, she is not a stingy master, everyone in the house. They all distributed red envelopes, of which Li Li was the most, with 800 taels of silver.

Li Li took out the banknote and looked at it again, showing no expression, and then generously placed the banknote back on his chest.

"She's too much," Changqing said with some jealousy. The two of them took five hundred taels in total, but one of them took eight hundred taels. They are the same person. Is it different?

"Who makes you ugly."

Bai Mei snorted, "A big man is so slow, not as fast as a woman."

"Is that a woman?"

Changqing really wanted to ask, it's not a woman is good or not, that woman is simply a man than a man.

Chang Geng gave all his money to Qiuniang.

He also got a lot. In addition to his wages, he also had four hundred taels of dividends. In addition, Qiu Niang also took two hundred taels. They also got 600 taels, and they both made spices here. They have wages. When they return to the capital, they will have tens of thousands of taels. They also have a dowry. They can also buy a house outside and have their own home.

As for the long-term intention, I also looked at and looked at the money I had earned, and turned it over and over again, but my heart was tight.

However, Shen Qingci, who earned more than half of Jinshan, didn't feel much. Maybe the money passed in her hands was too much.

There was a burst of chirps from outside.

Miao Miao jumped out of the nest on one side, and even Miao Miao could hear that it was a sound of wind.


A golden eagle came from the wind and snow and swooped down.

Biao Hengsi stood up, opened the curtain, and walked out. Not long afterward, on his shoulder, there was already a golden eagle covered with blood.


Miao Miao ran over, also standing in front of Po Hengsi, with round eyes staring at the golden eagle from time to time.

The golden eagle also chirped a few times, and then jumped off from the shoulders of the brand, sculpted a cat, and played very well. In fact, the golden eagle has always taken great care of Miaomiao. Yes, when Miaomiao was a small kitten, the golden eagle was playing with it, and if she had any good things, she would be close to Miaomiao.

Branding Hengsi also put the two together to play, he took the letter sent by Zhanfeng, and indeed only Zhanfeng was the fastest, but after half a month, he had already sent this letter.

He unfolded the letter, but the letter was addressed to Shen Qing.

"Your," Pao Hengsi placed the letter in front of Shen Qingci.

Shen Qingci opened the letter, and his face went black after a while.

"What's the matter?" Bao Hengsi took the letter and glanced roughly.

And when he saw who wrote it, he felt a sense of helplessness.

"Donor, the monks in Xiangjue Temple can no longer afford to eat, I wonder if they can donate some food?"

This is a letter from Master Jingkong, not to ask his nephew, but to come over to ask for money, and Zhefeng will fly again in person.

"Don't give it to him."

Branding folded the paper and threw it aside.

Shen Qingci really wanted to cover his face with his own hands. Not all the eminent monks who speak the truth are all empty, and they also regard money as dung, but why does Master Jingkong love money so much?

At this time, the Master Jingkong seemed to have a feeling. He also opened his eyes. He stood up, took the Buddhist beads and put them on his wrists. This is the way to the Buddha, and his future is three. Zhuxiang.

"What about the eminent monks, we also want to eat."

"This one hundred thousand taels of silver, don't ask you for it, but whoever wants it. Anyway, your hands are nothing but gold. Don't be so stingy. Give it more this time."

"It's getting colder this day, and all the monks in the monastery have to add food and clothing."

"Hey, the poor monk is too difficult..."

Regardless of whether Shen Qingci was still worried, he said that he would not give or not, but in the end he still took one hundred thousand taels of cash, which was also put in an oil paper bag, and then hung on the neck of Zhe Feng.

"Thanks for one more time. When you return to the house, they will feed you delicious food."

"Hamm..." The fan snapped her wings. Just when she was about to fly away, Miao Miao ran over while biting on something, and it was not something else but her food bowl. At this time, Miaomiao’s food bowl is filled with dried fish that it loves to eat. It is also prepared by people in the kitchen. It is also the most important thing. On weekdays, it is not allowed. Someone ran into it, but now he came over with a bowl in his mouth.

Miao Miao put down the food bowl she was biting in her mouth, and then pushed it in front of Zhe Feng with her paw pusher.




Thank you.


have eaten.



Zhefeng lowered his head and ate all the dried fish in the bowl, one for each cat, one for you, one for you, I don’t know if you really understand it?

This language barrier is a major issue, and it is possible that bird language and cat language are also different.

The golden eagle flew away with one wing. It only stayed here for three days. It had eaten and slept enough, and it should have sent the letter.

After the golden eagle left, Miao Miao was unable to lift up energy for several days, lying lazily in her nest and didn't want to move. Even the dried fish that she loved to eat before, now she doesn't like it very much.

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