"Wait!" Shen Qingci suddenly turned his head, his eyes also looked up and down at the man.

"Why, what's the matter?" The man touched his face, some want to cry, could it be that his face was destroyed or something?

"What did you say about your name?"

Shen Qingci put down the mushroom in his hand and asked again.


The man returned again.

"Baichu, Dongmeng Qianjia?"

Shen Qingci asked again tentatively.

And Qian Zichen couldn't help but sat up straight, "Girl, do you know me?"

"Forget it," Shen Qingci washed the mushrooms again, and then dried them on the side of the stone.

"Changlin's first fragrance." Shen Qing said another sentence.

"Are you a Yipinxiang person?" Qian Zichendai had some hot eyes when he heard such familiar words.

Are you really someone you know?

"Yes," Shen Qingci walked over again, picking it up and sitting in front of Qian Zichen, "My name is Shen Qingci."

"Shen Qingci?"

How does Qian Zichen feel that this name is so familiar?

Shen Qingci?

Shen Qingci...

"Are you Princess Shuo?"

Qian Zichen's mouth opened wide, and this was just to remember that Princess Shuo was called by this name.

"Yes," Shen Qingci didn't hide it, "I am the Princess Shuo."

"Then you..."

Qian Zichen carefully looked at everything in front of her. Judging from the layout here, it seemed that she hadn't lived for a day or two. Isn't it strange that Princess Tangtangshuo lives here? And how could King Shuo let his princess run up to Daxue Mountain?

"Encountered an avalanche."

Shen Qing Ciqing downplayed and didn't say much about Snow Lotus.

This one?

"You don't want to stay in your Baichu, what are you doing here?"

If she remembers correctly, this snow-capped mountain is in the territory of Da Zhou. He, a businessman, came to see the snow, the stars, and the moon?

Qian Zichen sighed, and his heart was really bitter.

"The family is unfortunate, making the princess laugh."

And the sentence of family misfortune already made Shen Qingci understand, what is the reason? Although they were not born in the royal family, in these century-old families, brothers turned against each other for the position of the head of the family, so many, not to mention the big family, sometimes even if it is one or two dollars, it may cause the family to ruin and separate.

Thousands of things have nothing to do with her, she just sells her spices, and she doesn't have much curiosity about the secrets of other people's homes. Whether it is dead or alive, it is also a matter of their own family.

As for why Qian Zichen arrived here, it is actually not much different from Shen Qingci’s guess. In fact, it has something to do with her Yipinxiang, not because of other things, that is, because Qian Zichen did the Yipinxiang business. In just six months, Wei Qian’s family has made ten thousand taels of silver. Naturally, and more trusted by the family, the position of the head of the family, not to mention, is also in his pocket. However, in this world, there are always a few figures of He Shengliang, who are all metaphors.

Such as his party brother.

In other words, the two are about the same age, one is the son of the West Longfang, and the other is the son of the West Longfang, and each has a half chance of inheriting the position of Patriarch.

But I didn’t expect that Qian Zichen’s vision would be so good. It was the same Pinxiang that was involved, and the same Pinxiang made the sale. It also brought a large sum of gold and silver to the Qianjia, and it may monopolize it in the future. The status of the entire Baichu spice world, so far, will be even higher.

Therefore, the position of the master of the family has also belonged to Qian Zichen from the previous five to five years to the ten percent in front of him.

However, the other Qianzihao was inferior.

Qian Zihao knew very well in his heart that if he were to sit still and wait for death, then sooner or later the position of the head of the family would fall on Qian Zichen's body. If Qian Zichen really became the head of the family in the future, it would take the two of them. During the festival, I am afraid that his life will be lost.

Therefore, he was cruel, and instead of being killed, he should start off first. Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang, if there is no Qianzichen in this world, then these thousand families are not in his bag.

He looked for someone to knock Qian Zichen stunned, and also threw him on the snow-capped mountains.

He has calculated everything, and everything is according to what he thinks, almost exactly the same.

But who knows that there is another person in this world who is stuck here, that is Shen Qingci, and Shen Qingci, a woman, is like a fish in the snowy mountains.

She also picked up Qian Zichen.

Qianzi Chen, who is also at a loss, has a big life and has not died yet. Otherwise, Shen Qingci will catch two hands of snow on his body at most, even if he is in awe of the dead.

Qian Zichen's stomach gurgled a bit, making Qian Zichen feel embarrassed because he couldn't help but look at his stomach every year.

Shen Qingci put down every year, she herself was hungry.


Jumping up year after year, rolling on one side, this is not a dog, what else is rolling?

"Wait," Shen Qingci knew that she was going to prepare food for the two.

These two eat a lot. Sometimes she can eat one meal a day, but they can't make it every year. They have to eat at least four meals a day and five meals a day. Maybe it's really because it is too cold. If they want to maintain the heat in their body, they can only continue to eat, and these, originally Shen Qingci did not know, was said by Biao Hengsi before, this is the same as Miao Miao, Miao Miao has always liked it. Eat, because it is afraid of cold.

She didn't care about Qian Zichen, so she went outside to get the meat and prepared to cook for the two.

Although she doesn't like to eat tiger meat, maybe this Qianzichen has a unique taste and likes to eat it, and the soup made from tiger meat is very nourishing, so let's make up more.

After all, this person was saved, and he couldn't really starve him to death.

And she thought, not only took some tiger meat, but also some tiger bones. This tiger, she kept the wine for her father to drink. This is a good thing. She even has one. They were all reluctant, but in the end they took out one and used it to boil bone soup.

She put the meat and bones in the pot, and then added some firewood to the fire.

"You look at the ignition, I want to collect firewood."

Shen Qing Cizhi said to Qian Zichen that the two little foxes don't know how to watch fire, but Qian Zichen is such a person, he can't even watch fire.

Qian Zichen put his hand on his mouth and coughed, all the tears he sucked came out, absolutely freezing.

"Wang Hao don't worry, Zichen will take care of this fire naturally."

Shen Qingci heard this sentence that the princess was weird. Few people called her like that, but it was reasonable to call her the five concubines if she was not from the Great Zhou.

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