There is always a way to think of, there is no way for humans, and if God lets them live here, it is impossible to give up their lives easily.

Therefore, Shen Qingci is waiting, and also waiting for an opportunity.

That night, Shen Qingci was exhausted, she fell asleep not long after she lay down.


Suddenly, I got out of the bed every year. Even Xiao Hu was the same. The two little foxes huddled their bodies together, their hairs were all standing up, and their mouths kept yelling. .

Shen Qingci is no longer familiar with this kind of voice, because Miao Miao would be like this when she was in danger since she was young. Although Xiao Hutong is not a cat every year, her instinct as an animal has always been It has been connected since.

Something happened outside?

Shen Qingci quickly put on her clothes and then took the short knife in his hand. I have to say that this is really a good thing, and it helped her a lot.

She came out with Ye Mingzhu, and also sat up in shock with Qian Zichen.

What happened? Qian Zichen also felt inexplicably a cold wind blowing through. This is an instinct for danger, and he has been like this since he was a child. This kind of sense of foresight can be called for the time being. I don’t know how many times he has been saved, and only this Once, it didn't remind him on time, so it made him follow Qian Zihao's way, and he is now trapped here, becoming a trapped beast in this big snow-capped mountain.

And now this feeling is coming, then the danger is coming.

The two foxes shrank their small bodies inside, and they were about to shake off their hair.

Shen Qingci carefully watched from the entrance of the cave, only to find that the outside was all black, as if it was still glowing green.

This is a wolf, no, it's a pack of wolves!

Her heart jumped a few times, her hands and feet were soft at first, and she had seen countless big scenes, but at this time, she was still frightened.

She put her hand on her waist, and then touched the purse that she had been hanging around her waist, which was a sigh of relief.

She closed her eyes and constantly adjusted her breathing, and at this moment, the cold sweat from her hand was squeezed out of her palm.

"You bring in Xiao Hu Niannian!"

She gave Qian Zichen an order.

But Qian Zichen did not move for a long time.

"Go in!" Shen Qingci said again. At this moment, all the desires on her body were too terrible and cold, which made Qian Zichen involuntarily fight a cold war, and she hugged her and shivered. Little Hu and Nian Nian of the regiment.

However, Nian Nian broke free from him at this time, and jumped to the ground, and then ran to Shen Qingci's legs, saying nothing.

"You take Xiao Hu in."

Shen Qingci can’t take care of them now. So far, she still doesn’t know how many wolves are out there. It’s so dark that the whole wolves are coming, and she has also read about wolves in those idle books. It is said that these wolves are carried by wolves, and when they are dispatched, they usually travel in groups.

Shen Qingci breathed out again, and then poured out a scented bead from his purse. No, it didn't seem to be enough. He took out one more, and two of them were foolproof.

She held Nian Nian with one hand, and then covered his little nose, and Nian Nian is not afraid at all. It may be because he has seen Shen Qingci use a medicine, which is to make a big one. The tiger fell.

And it is much braver than its own fox girl, its fox girl is about to shake to death, and it is good enough, it is opening a pair of round eyes, obviously this is watching the excitement, and it is at the root. I don't know what it is outside. Don't say one thing, even if it is a hundred of it, the wolf family can step on it into fox cake if it reaches out its paw.

Shen Qingci carefully extended his hand out of the hole, and then crushed the fragrant bead in his hand, and at this time a wolf had already walked over. These wolves are indeed very cunning. Could it be possible that they would send spies over humanely to investigate the reality?

At this moment, Shen Qingci crushed the material again, and the wind from the outside also made the powder of the scented bead float everywhere, and then she heard a banging sound from outside, a little sound So she still doesn't know how many wolves have been stunned.

These drugs are enough to make them faint for about three hours.

The wolf is too cunning, so Shen Qingci doesn't know if there are other wolves waiting for her to go out and throw herself into the trap.

And now it’s less than an hour before dawn, she just hugged Nian Nian and waited here, during which she did not dare to close her eyes. When it was Nian Nian, this little, really new-born calf was not afraid of tigers, so she would eat if she should. , Sleep as long as you need it.

When it was dawn outside, Shen Qingci was able to cheer up. She took out another scented bead and stretched out her hand to crush it.

Give them supplements and tonics, and she waited about half an hour before the sky outside was bright.

Shen Qingci carefully opened the curtain, and saw that there were a bunch of wolves falling on the ground, all of them lying down there still straight and secretly, really not moving.

By the way, she frowned, how did she forget about this? This is no other place, this is Daxue Mountain, and as far as Daxue Mountain is concerned, the temperature here is very low. If they stayed there Outside, if you don't move, you will quickly freeze to death.

But these wolves have been frozen outside for more than an hour, not to mention freezing to death, 80% are frozen hard.

Just when she was still wondering if she was going out, every year, the courageous one, gave it a stab and rushed out, and it was too late for Shen Qingci to bring it back.

Seeing the courageous little fox, this one bouncing on the body and the belly jumping, Shen Qingci can see that all the wolves are lying there, even the belly is not moving.


The little fox shouted into the cave, and he had a great time playing.

Shen Qingci walked over. The outside wind blew on her. It was very cold. She quickly wrapped the cloak tightly around her body to block the strong wind outside, but even so, the cold wind was pervasive. Yes, the roots and thorns are all blowing, her skin hurts.

Not to mention that these wolves have become ice wolves.

He ran over year after year, and also bit the corner of Shen Qingci's clothes with his mouth, and kept humming in his mouth.

Shen Qingci picked it up with one hand and walked carefully to a wolf's side. She still held the short knife in her hand, just for emergency.

She reached out and kicked.

This fruit is really frozen.

She kicked another one, and this one was the same.

They are all frozen like this, even if they want to live, they are all dead.

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