Rebirth Of A Noble Daughter: The Marquis Manor’s Abandoned Wife

Chapter 987: It turns out that women are the scariest

Can he not be afraid, can he not be scared?

"Mrs. Brand, she is..."

Qian Zichen really didn't know who Li was, could it be that Shen Qingci picked up a woman from outside and came back.

Why, she is addicted to picking up people?

After picking up two foxes, I didn't say anything, and I picked him up again. Now I picked up a woman again?

"She is my guard," Shen Qingci continued to look after her broth.


Female guard.

Qian Zichen looked at Mo Li secretly again, as if he couldn't protect him anywhere.

"What are you looking at?"

Mo Li turned his head, those pair of non-warm cold eyes directly caused Qian Zichen to fight a cold war.

Well, he took back what he had just said, it looked like a guard everywhere.

"You go out."

Li Li said in a low voice, as incapable of holding her beak as her sword.

Qian Zichen pointed to his face, he went out?

Why is he going out?

"Men and women are unclear about giving and receiving."

Li Qiye once again gave a cold eye, "Have you heard?"


Qian Zichen looked at Shen Qingci as if asking for help.

"Qian Zichen, you can stay outside from now on," Shen Qingci is also for his own good. "When my family was still unmarried, Li Mo Li was still unmarried by Yunying.

Qian Zichen sucked his face.

Mother, who would dare to marry such a tigress?

If you marry, you will be scared to death without being bitten to death.

And he quickly retreated, just like a little daughter-in-law, shrank outside, and his stomach was grunting with hunger. He worked very hard, okay, he just picked up a lot of firewood.

By the way, he seems to have just seen something, but he just didn't pay attention.

He hurriedly went out again, but as soon as he opened the curtain, he saw a colorful tiger and screamed directly.

And his legs are also weak, not that he is timid. Anyone who sees such a beast is also like this. Even the reaction is forgotten, not to mention his kind of respectful and worrying rich man. His concentration is pretty good, if he were replaced by someone else, he would already be stunned.

"Huh," Shen Qingci was thinking of something, "I forgot the one outside."

"Mo Li, look at it a little bit. I will go out and peel the tiger skin. Otherwise, it will become a stone tomorrow, and that piece of skin will be scrapped."

"I go."

Li Li stood up and wanted to go out. Before, she was absent, and everything was done by the master, but now it is different. She will do everything for the master.

"Okay," Shen Qingci took out the short knife from himself, "this is for you."

"Mrs. Xie," Mo Li took the short knife and opened the curtain and walked out. Only then did Shen Qingci concentrate on cooking his own broth.

Outside, Qian Zichen was still frightened and did not respond, and he had also heard people say that as long as they did not move, these beasts thought he was dead, so they would not hurt him.

It's just that he imagined the world where the weak and the strong are eating too simple. In this ice and snow, let alone dead, even if it is smelly, as long as you can eat and fill your stomach, how can these wild caps care?

The curtain was picked up again, and Li Qi walked out.

"Hey, you... don't go..."

Qian Zichen quickly grabbed Li's sleeve, lowered his voice, and said anxiously.

"Tigers, there are tigers, be lighter, don't let the tigers hear it."

Li Qiye lowered his head, like an idiot, looking at Qian Zichen sitting on the ground. Is he blind or his head is broken, didn't he see that it was dead?

She pulled out the corner of her clothes and walked forward, but Qian Zichen's face turned pale in fright. Finally, he gritted his teeth and grabbed a handful of snow from the ground, and people followed suit.

No matter what, he is a man, it is impossible to hide behind a woman and let a woman die for him. If that is the case, then he would rather die.

Qian Zichen didn't do such a shameful thing. When he was about to step forward at any time, he was dumbfounded to see that Li Qi was holding a short knife and cutting the skin of the tiger.

Dead, dead?

Qian Zichen's hand loosened, and the snow in his hands fell directly to the ground, and he looked at Li Li in a daze like this, and cut off the tiger skin bit by bit.

Li Qiye was quite satisfied with this tiger. Shen Qingci had already said that this will be her quilt from now on. Although I don't know how long they will stay here, she should have a quilt.

She likes Shen Qingci's tiger skin quilt. Even Qian Zichen has one. How could she not?

"Huh, are you still?"

When Shen Qingci came out, he found that Li Qi was still dealing with tiger skins.

She walked over and squatted on the ground. Then she took a short knife from Li Li's hand and began to peel it. While peeling it, she was still saying, "You see, you have to do this here, so the skin of the tiger is complete. Yes, I have stripped two of them."

"Here you are," she finished speaking, and then threw the short knife to Mo Li.

"That, Mrs. Brand..."

Qian Zichen felt that his voice was shaking.

"En, you said," Shen Qingci stopped as he was about to enter.

"You peeled those two tiger skins?" Qian Zichen turned around slowly, and looked at the obviously thin and weak woman in front of her. She was fourteen or five years old, without a trace of lethality. At that time, she just looked at you like this, her **** and white eyes could not find a trace of malice, how could they look like a little white rabbit.

Suddenly, this little white rabbit turned into a female Luo killer and killed a tiger with one punch.

He swallowed, his voice stuttering.

"Have you seen it?"

Shen Qingci was thinking about Tang, but didn't have time to study these things with him here.

"What have I seen?"

Qian Zichen wanted to say that he hadn't seen it before, really hadn't seen it, but he couldn't help feeling that his back was chilly, and he was actually thinking of Shen Qingci's cruel heart when he peeled those wolf skins.

Her wolf skin is all down, so the tiger skin is not like that.


Qian Zichen couldn't help but fought a cold war. I really wanted to light a row of candles for Biao Heng. When I met such a princess, could it be that Lord Shuo, is he really not afraid?

She even dared to peel the skins of tigers, so what would she dare not to do?

He glanced at the expressionless Li Li again, and then he ran into the cave.

Seeing silence is silent, and he didn't want to admit it when he was killed. In fact, he was ashamed, because he didn't know how to skin tigers, but both women dared, only he didn't dare.

Outside, there were still snow fluttering, and Li Qi continued to peel the tiger's skin.

Two foxes, one large and one small, ran in the distance, and they all got into the cave annoyingly.


The little fox jumped into Shen Qingci's arms and rubbed her face with his small sharp mouth.

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