"Yes," Emperor Wen Yuan tucked his dragon robe and sat on the chair moved by the guard.

"What's wrong, Sanhuangsao, was it surprising to see me?"

The first three princes, He Rumei, stared at Emperor Wen Yuan with a pair of hateful eyes, as if she wanted to bite the flesh of Emperor Wen Yuan.

"Why didn't you die?"

"Dead?" Emperor Wen Yuan sneered, "How could I die, but I am the emperor of the true dragon, and the emperor is half dead, but now he is not the same in the world, and how can I die?"

"You are obviously poisoned."

He Rumei didn't believe it, she absolutely didn't believe it, this was obviously poisoned, but why was she still alive? Those poisons were obviously used to seal the throat with blood. In order to poison Emperor Wen Yuan, she didn't want her clean face, and why was he still alive?

"Yes, I was poisoned," Emperor Wen Yuan shook his hand gently, and only his personal guard was left beside him. "It is also thanks to the emperor's wife who is so profuse, who promised me like this. I am really attracted to the decayed flowers and the willows. There are so many beauties in this world, and I am not blind. You are so beautiful, how can I look at it more, so that I will be blessed to the sky, and I will never die. Good luck."

This derogatory sentence is almost always bloody.

"Let's talk about it," Emperor Wen Yuan didn't come over to talk to her.

"How many secrets are there in Taihuang?" He asked the embarrassed woman in front of him in a low voice. He couldn't think of such an unbelievable and incompetent woman, but she was almost killed.

The emperor really missed a good woman. If he didn't die, he had to go with his wife, and he wouldn't end up like this in the end, and his queen would die for him.

Sure enough, women in this world must not be underestimated. Whoever says that women have no talent is virtue. If this is the case, then women in this world are more wicked.

And the most wicked may be his imperial sister-in-law, who was born with a pair of hands that turned a stone into gold. The woman of his Da Zhou was originally a turban and did not let her eyebrows. It was a pity that the first three princes and concubines.

However, Emperor Wen Yuan felt that he was also a blessing in disguise, and he didn't want to kill her. There were many strange women in the world, but he met only these few people, and he also had a sense of sympathy.

But He Rumei did not say a word.

She knew what Emperor Wen Yuan asked her to say, nothing more than what Taihuang left behind?

And she never let go.

Emperor Wen Yuan wouldn't take her seriously, and he didn't have so much time to put it on such a woman in front of him, he just wanted to give her the last way to go.

"You really want to abandon your whole family's life for him. You have to know that murdering the emperor is a serious crime for the nine people."

"Those old people, young girls with ambitions, talented people with ambitions, and those ignorant children, as well as your old parents. I think that there is a good virtuous life in the heavens. They are all sins that have not been cured, but I did not expect to let them finally It was not someone else who died, but your biological daughter."

"He Rumei, you can be worthy of the parents who gave birth to you, you can be right to protect your thoughtful brother and sister, you can be right, you are still a young nephew and niece, you can be right from hundreds of Life?"

And every time Emperor Wen Yuan said, He Rumei's body would tremble. She knew that she could not escape this death, and she did not want to live anymore, but she never expected that Emperor Wen Yuan actually It was to punish her nine races. She was guilty of death, but her mother, her father and brother, and her relatives were so innocent. They had never done anything before. Why should all of this be imposed on them.

How could she bear the hundreds of lives in the He family, how could she bear it.

She covered her face and started crying suddenly, but she still seemed to have her mouth sewn.

Emperor Wen Yuan didn't have the time to waste time with her. He stood up. In this world, everything can be solved without closing his mouth. Even if you want to, you have to ask if others are willing?

Emperor Wenyuan had to deal with all the things in the court before he came back, otherwise he would not have any strength. When would he let his cousin protect him?

Picking a thousand petals of snow lotus is a matter of nine deaths. This time, his life is good. Then next time, will he still have such a good life?

He did not dare to say, and no one dared to give him any guarantee?

"Come here!" He ordered outside, "Let He Kun enter the palace once."

And He Kun was the former prime minister and the biological father of He Rumei.

He Kun walked in tremblingly. When he saw the man in the bright yellow dragon robe inside, he felt his heart trembled inexplicably. This is the majesty of the emperor. Now the Emperor Wen Yuan already has it, regardless of him. Accepting it or not, not reconciled, now that the general trend is over, Emperor Wen Yuan is already the emperor of this Great Zhou, and all the power of life and death is in his palm.

"For the guilty minister, see the holy."

He Kun hurriedly knelt down, calling himself a criminal minister, and he was already showing his loyalty to Emperor Wen Yuan. Emperor Wen Yuan could keep him alive, which was already considered a great favor.

He felt grateful in his heart.

"He Kun, I have something for you to do."

Emperor Wen Yuan put down the tea cup in his hand. After the surplus poison on his body was cleared, his expression was refreshing every day, and he was also full of energy. In addition, he was going to be the emperor of the father. , I am in good spirits.

Inside the dungeon, there is no sunshine all year round. It is dark and gloomy. There are so many people who come in alive, but there are not many people who have become dead here.

Few people can leave from now on, and enter here, apart from death, there is no second way to go, and for people here, death may be a kind of relief, the most feared is that life is not as good as life. , Living in torment day and night, then it is really restless day and night.

The door of the cell finally opened again,


The sudden sound also made He Rumei's always godless eyes finally shine.

"Father, daddy..."

He Rumei fell directly to the ground, and then she squatted forward and knelt in front of He Kun. The grand maid of the prime minister back then, as the concubine of the three princes, was a little less than the one to dominate the harem. What a glorious one. In this matter, the honor and disgrace of the entire He family are all in her.

Unexpectedly, once lost, it was such a situation.

Icing on the cake is easy, but giving charcoal in the snow is difficult. Everyone loves icing on the cake, but how many people have fallen into trouble?

The current Kejia also inherited the grace of the present son, and has not withered. Although it has no previous power, the new emperor has not moved half of the things in the mansion. He has given the Hejia enough decent.

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