Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 271 Fanwai III: (Yanxiu) Sauvignon Blanc (Part 1)

The first time Xia Chengxiu met Yan He, it was at a spring banquet with her cousin.

Said to be a spring banquet outing, in fact, it is just a noble young lady of the right age, looking for an opportunity to see each other. At that time, Xia Chengxiu was only sixteen years old. Although there were some young ladies of this age in Beijing who were married, Mr. Xia was fond of women and did not plan to marry Xia Chengxiu early.

Therefore, Xia Chengxiu just followed her cousin out for fun.

It is spring in April, the grass grows and warblers fly, and the tender grass is fluffy along the Sishui waterfront. Xia Chengxiu got off the carriage with her cousin Xia Qianqian, and the lady she already knew let go of Zhi Yuan.

Seeing this, Xia Qianqian immediately asked the maid to take out the prepared paper kite and walk towards her friend.

Xia Qianqian is eighteen years old this year. Among the young ladies, she has a particularly outstanding appearance. She is very sweet and charming. She also understands the strengths of her appearance. She wears a silk-colored tulle embroidered narrow-neck long skirt, which outlines her slender figure. , you can see her at a glance.

Her family background is also the most superior among this group of young ladies, but after a while, she was surrounded by people, complimenting and praising her.

At that time, Xia Chengxiu was still a 16-year-old girl, at best she could be called delicate, not to mention compared with her cousin Xia Qianqian, Master Xia was usually called a nerd, while Xia Chengxiu was secretly called Xia Chengxiu. Little nerd. She abides by the etiquette, and among her peers or sisters, she seems a little taciturn and unpleasant.

The relationship between Xia Qianqian and Xia Chengxiu is not close, but they are just ordinary cousins. However, with Xia Chengxiu, a dull-headed and boring nerd on the side, Xia Qianqian is charming and light-hearted, and she is smart and eloquent.

Xia Chengxiu didn't feel anything at all. Seeing how lively her cousin and friends were talking, she picked up the book and sat aside to read it. Xia Qianqian didn't bother to care about her. After a while, everyone started to set up a long table next to the Sishui waterfront. On the long table, there were snacks and snacks brought by the ladies from the house. After noon, they could eat here. of.

After an unknown time, Xia Chengxiu heard that the young ladies beside her had talked about which new rouge color was beautiful at the beginning, to "Today the Yan family will come too".

"Young Master Yan" refers to Yan Nanguang, the young master in the commander's mansion of the current left and right forward battalion. He is only 18 years old this year. I heard that Jiao Yong is good at fighting. My father intends to marry the Yan family. Today, he is out on the green, and he also tacitly agrees with the master and wife of the Yan family, just to see that there is a fate between the two juniors.

Xia Chengxiu has also heard about this, but this is her cousin's business. She came out today, that is, as a display to set off her cousin, and read a book in the sun.

Just thinking about it, someone suddenly shouted softly, "They're here!"

Xia Chengxiu looked up and saw a group of young people approaching from far and near by the long willow bank in front of the Sishui River. The young man at the head was wearing a silver robe. The color was too eye-catching, but he was born handsome and tall. , I didn't find it strange, his hair was tied into a ponytail, tied very high, his eyebrows were unruly, and he seemed a little irritable and impatient, but he was very different among the young people.

Everyone says that there are three beauties in the capital of Shuo, the first son of Xiao and Ruo Chunfeng, the second son of Xiao is like autumn water, and the fourth son of Chu is like a secluded orchid, but this young man is like a silver spear. With a frank impulse.

The handsome young man who came out in the spring is always extraordinarily beautiful. Rao is Xia Chengxiu who is not very interested in these things on weekdays. To be the fourth most beautiful.

Just thinking about it, the lady sitting beside Xia Qianqian pushed Xia Qianqian and whispered: "Qianqian, this is Young Master Yan, he looks like you are a perfect match!"

Xia Qianqian blushed inexplicably.

Before she came, although she had heard Yan He's name, she had never seen him in person. She didn't know what he looked like. When she saw him today, she realized that he was born so handsome. For a while, I got a little excited.

The group of teenagers didn't get close. In the distance, a few teenagers giggled and started to take out the prepared paper kites, and began to play while taking advantage of the east wind.

In the sky of Sishui disease, many paper kites, sand swallows, magpies, and two dragons playing with beads were flying for a while... The silver-robed boy was surrounded and shoved by people, and finally followed people with an impatient face. A "Black King Kong" in his hand.

"Black King Kong" flies very fast. This young man is very good at flying paper kites. The girls watched from a distance and couldn't help cheering, but they couldn't tell which one was the highest flying paper kite. , or the boy who put the paper kite.

Xia Qianqian looked at it, suddenly stood up, and said with a smile, "Let's go too."

In fact, before this, the young ladies had been released for a while, but these wealthy young ladies were physically weak, so they would sit down and rest after a while, and the rest would be handed over to the servants. Xia Qianqian stood up, walked to the maid who was holding her "Butterfly Picture", and said, "I'll come."

The young ladies sitting at the long banquet immediately laughed, and someone whispered, "It seems that Qianqian likes it."

Xia Chengxiu was a little puzzled when she heard the words, but she didn't speak. She was not a talkative person. I just saw Xia Qianqian pulling the paper kite's string, walking towards the river, and then watching the two paper kites in the sky getting closer and closer, he hesitated whether to speak to remind, the next moment, I heard my cousin say "Oops" Exclaimed, the lines of the "Hundred Butterflies" and "Black King Kong" were entwined together, tangled into a ball, and fell into the woods.

The ladies beside her laughed louder, and whispered, "Qianqian is a good way."

Xia Qianqian was still holding the paper kite thread ball in her hand, her expression was overwhelmed and flustered, but there was a smug smile in her eyes.

She has full confidence in her appearance. If she wants to capture the heart of a young man, it should not be a difficult task. Her rouge today is very beautiful, and her skirt is also very beautiful. She looked back at the silver-robed boy who was frowning at the entangled paper kites, then turned and ran into the woods where the paper kites fell.

At the same time, Xia Chengxiu, who was sitting on the side, also put down the book in his hand and stood up.

The lady beside her asked, "Miss Chengxiu, what are you doing?"

"My sister's paper kite fell off, I'll go help." Xia Chengxiu replied.

"What are you doing to help?" The lady who spoke covered her mouth and smiled, looking at her as if she was looking at an idiot, with a bit of complicated sourness in her eyes, "Qianqian doesn't need your help now."

Xia Chengxiu pursed her lips. She was worried that Xia Qianqian was alone, so she ran over with her skirt.

The ladies called her a few times and saw that she ignored them, that's all.

The wood where the paper kite fell into is not far from the river, but there are bushes growing in it, and the girl walks in it, be careful that the thorny branches and leaves cut through the corner of the skirt. Xia Chengxiu struggled to push aside the grass and trees, and saw the corner of her cousin Qian's dress not far away, she felt relieved, and was about to walk over, when she suddenly heard Xia Qianqian say, "Young Master Yan."

Xia Chengxiu's movements paused, and then she saw that there was still a person standing in front of Xia Qianqian's eyes, the protagonist who was looking at each other today, Young Master Yan.

Xia Qianqian's voice was gentle and sweet, with a bit of panic and apology, "Young Master Yan, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Yan He just frowned at her.

His eyes were bright and sharp, and Xia Qianqian felt a little guilty for no reason. Xia Qianqian grabbed the corner of her clothes uneasily: "Young Master Yan, now the paper kites are all entangled, what should I do?"

Xia Qianqian had shy brows and eyes, and her voice was sweet. Xia Chengxiu finally realized that her cousin was probably "seducing" this Young Master Yan, but it was too late for her to leave now, for fear of disturbing the two in front of her, so she was forced to watch what happened next. In the picture, I thought to myself, this young master Yan will probably say something like "it's okay", "it's none of your business" and so on, and then comfort him, send Xia Qianqian home, and then the marriage will be settled... ...that's how it should be, right?

"It doesn't matter." Just thinking of this, the voice of the young man came from the front. Xia Chengxiu thought so, and when she looked up, she saw Yan He suddenly smiled nonchalantly. The tangled silk thread was cut with a knife.

Xia Chengxiu was stunned.

She was not the only one shocked, Xia Qianqian was stunned for a moment before asking, "What are you doing?"

"So we're separated." Yan He put the knife away: "Don't worry, I'm a big-hearted man. I won't care about you deliberately breaking my paper kite."

Xia Qianqian grew up so big and was always held by others. How could anyone ever talk to her like this? Suddenly, a sense of shame flooded her heart, and she cried out, "Who deliberately broke your paper kite!" Yan He slapped, lifted her skirt and ran away crying.

Xia Chengxiu was so frightened that she didn't dare to come out, thinking that this Young Master Yan was really unexpected...

"Hey," someone said in an angry voice, "Have you seen enough of the peeping over there?"

Xia Chengxiu was startled, was found?

The next moment, that person had already walked in front of her.

Xia Chengxiu took a step back subconsciously.

Taking a closer look, this young man named Yan He is indeed very handsome, but he always looks condescending when he looks at people. Yan He was startled when he saw Xia Chengxiu, and frowned, "It's you."

In the group of noble ladies over the long banquet, he had seen Xia Chengxiu long ago. She neither chatted or laughed with those noble ladies, nor did she go to put the paper kite, but just sat beside Xia Qianqian and read a book, just like a decoration.

"That one just now," he asked, "who are you?"

Xia Chengxiu said, "Cousin."

Yan He snorted and said in disgust, "Pretentious." He pushed Xia Chengxiu away and walked forward.

Xia Chengxiu didn't think that Yan He would suddenly push her. She is a young lady who can't lift her hands and shoulders. Yan He is a martial artist. After being pushed like this, she stepped back a few steps, not paying attention to the thorny branches. , In an instant, there was a red mark on the back of the hand.

There was such a red mark on the fair skin, which looked very dazzling, and Yan He was also stunned. He didn't expect these delicate young ladies to be so fragile and could be injured no matter how they touched them. He was a little irritable and couldn't just ignore it. , took a step forward to check her injury, but Xia Chengxiu took a step back immediately.

"You are injured." Yan He said.

"I know," Xia Chengxiu's expression was calm, as if she didn't take the wound on the back of her hand to heart, her tone was flat, "but men and women can't give and receive."

Yan He was a little puzzled. The girl in front of her was far less bright than Xia Qianqian. The skirt she was wearing was light yellow with no makeup applied.

He said: "Little girl is not very old, she is quite old-fashioned."

Xia Chengxiu just turned sideways to avoid him: "I have a big heart, Young Master Yan deliberately pushes me, I will not care about Young Master Yan."

Yan He was stunned.

After Xia Chengxiu said this, she turned around and left, Yan He touched her chin, this guy is avenging her cousin. It was the first time that he had been choked by a woman like this.

After Xia Chengxiu left the woods, the ladies on the long banquet had also dispersed in twos and threes, probably because Xia Qianqian was unhappy in Yanhe's place, crying and riding a carriage to go back, Xia Chengxiu had to rush to keep up. So much so that when Yan He came out, the ladies had already boarded the carriage.

There was still a book lying in the grass beside the previous long table. Yan He remembered that only Xia Chengxiu was sitting here reading a book when she came. The book was probably hers, and she forgot it in her hurry. He leaned over to pick it up and opened it to see that it was a travel journal. There is also someone's label on it, the handwriting is very beautiful, elegant and stretch, reminding people of the girl who just quietly choked him in the woods.

Yan He pouted and said in a low voice, "Nerd." But somehow, he carried the travel journal into his arms.


Seeing Xia Qianqian this time, it naturally ended without a hitch. Xia Qianqian's parents even had a cold look at Commander Yan for a while, and Commander Yan turned around and scolded Yan He, but Yan He himself disapproved.

But this "marriage" has no follow-up.

Time passed quickly, another year passed, Xia Chengxiu was seventeen years old, Master Xia thought that he should start seeing suitable young talents in Shuojing for Xia Chengxiu.

When Yan He returned to the house, he heard that his mother was discussing with his aunt to match his cousin to Xia Chengxiu.

"Xia Chengxiu?" Yan He stopped walking into the house, turned his head and asked, "But the lady at the Imperial Court?"

"How do you know?" Yanmu asked suspiciously, "Don't you remember the names of these young ladies the most?"

Yan He didn't answer her mother's question, only frowned and asked, "Cousin is two years older than me, so Miss Xia is still younger? In terms of age, isn't I more suitable?"

Commander Yan scolded him: "Ms. Xia is from a scholarly family and is knowledgeable and reasonable. Didn't you say that you hate people who dance and write? Don't you hate nerds the most? Will you be willing to match you?"

Yan He didn't speak, went back to his room, stared at the pond outside the window for a long time, and pulled out a book from the bottom of the desk drawer.

It was a travelogue.

In the middle of the night, when all the dogs in Yan's house fell asleep, Yan He, wearing his outer clothes, knocked on the door of his parents' bedroom.

"Yan Nanguang, you scared people to death in the middle of the night, what are you doing!" Commander Yan was furious.

Yan He said: "I will."


After that, it was a long day of chasing.

Yan He exhausted all his thoughts to please the beauty. Mr. Xia is fierce and old-fashioned. Every time Yan He sees him, he is a little scared. Even more frightening than Mr. Xia is Xia Chengxiu. He is clearly a little nerd who has no power, but every time she just uses those quiet eyes. Looking at him, Yan He was at a loss.

Commander Yan scolded him at home: "It's like a cockfight on weekdays, why can't you even chase girls seriously! Why don't people look down on you, can't you think about it yourself?"

Yan He couldn't think of it. He thought he was pretty good, with good looks, agile skills, and a good family background. He was one of the best young talents in Shuojing. Why Xia Chengxiu didn't like him must be because that little nerd didn't know him at all. Know how to appreciate a man, with no eyeballs. But he didn't dare to say this in front of Xia Chengxiu.

Seeing her son's worries all day long, Mrs. Yan was both relieved and helpless, so she could only beat him side-by-side: "Since you like others, you should be nice to them. Be more concerned about taking care of the girl's family, and girl Xia will always be able to see your goodness."

Yan He felt that what his mother said was reasonable, but he didn't know how to be nice to a person. All the jewelry and silk he sent were returned, and the love poems he wrote returned to his servant the next day. Sometimes he was also annoyed. When he first saw Xia Chengxiu, he probably shouldn't have been so rude and frivolous.

A proud son of the emperor finally felt the feeling of being uneasy for love and tossing and turning.

And no matter what he did to Xia Chengxiu, this girl treated him lukewarm from beginning to end. Therefore, when Yan He was asked to lead the Shang Xia Mansion to propose a marriage, Yan He went there in the heart of failure at first. But he was about to lead the troops to go out. Life and death on the battlefield were uncertain. If he didn't mention his relatives, he was afraid that he would never have the chance again. After trying it, he would be disappointed. It's better than being disappointed if he didn't try.

He thought so, but he didn't expect that the Yan family's proposal, Master Xia actually agreed.

He couldn't believe it.

This was supposed to be a happy event, but when it came to an end, Yan He himself backed away. If he died and the two of them were engaged, wouldn't Xia Chengxiu have to bear the infamy of Kefu?

He walked out of Xia's house with a heavy heart. When he was about to go out, someone called him from behind: "Young Master Yan."

Yan He looked back, Xia Chengxiu was standing behind him, looking at him quietly.

"I..." Yan He was at a loss for words.

"Young Master Yan." This taciturn and quiet girl smiled at him for the first time, gentle and graceful, like the spring willows by the Sishui River, full of fluffy warmth.

"Come back soon," she said.

He was stunned for a moment, blushing inexplicably, and stared straight at the girl in the sunlight. When the maids beside Xia Chengxiu who were staring all took out their brooms and prepared to shove them, he coughed softly and whispered. :"I will."

After taking two steps, he turned around and added casually, "Wait for me."

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