The steed is agile, with four hooves brimming with wind, as fast as lightning, galloping straight to the finish line.

He Yan and Ma Damei are indistinguishable. If things go on like this, it's really hard to tell who will reach the finish line first.

Liang Ping and Du Mao had already given up. They knew that their equestrian skills were not as good as the previous two, and they couldn't keep up with them.

Head coach Shen called them out last night and asked them to compete with He Yan today. At first, Liang Ping and Du Mao Qiqi refused, they were not recruits, and they were different from He Yan. Who would have guessed that the head coach insisted that they do this, and also asked them to make trouble for He Yan as much as possible while riding and shooting, so as not to let He Yan win.

Liang Ping felt very uncomfortable, and he wanted to compete with He Yan, but couldn't let He Yan win. Isn't this unfair? Comparing their coaches with recruits, they were bullying people in the first place, and the three of them joined forces to deal with He Yan, which was simply the best among bullies.

Who knows that people are not as good as heaven, not to mention the three, anyway, now he and Du Mao did not bully He Yan, but were bullied by He Yan. It's a pity that the recruits didn't see it. If they did, where would they put their old faces?

But among the three of them, Ma Damei is the master of equestrianism. I wonder how He Yan compares to him?

In the distance, the red silk cloth on the flagpole at the finish line can be seen.

He Yan pulled the reins and the horse stepped forward, half a step ahead of Ma Damei.

She was intent on crossing the finish line, but at this moment, Ma Damei shouted "little guy", and He Yan looked at him subconsciously. But seeing the little old man standing half upright, with his feet on the horse's back, firmly, she praised her heartily, and then the old man smiled at her, turned over, and swept towards He Yan. .

He Yan was startled and tried to avoid the horse, but the old man was like a winged bat, half of his body was already hanging on He Yan's horse. He also pouted and accused He Yan of avoiding the action of riding his horse, "Young man, how can you be so unkind at such a young age, you want to kill me."

He Yan wanted to push him down, but this man had already occupied the magpie's nest and held the reins firmly in his hand.

This person... is really full of confidence in her, and is not afraid of what will happen if she falls down? He Yan murmured in his heart, and fought against him two more times, but neither of them got any advantage.

Ma Damei was also surprised, each of the dozens of instructors in Liangzhou Wei had their own strengths. Some are good at bows and crossbows, some are good at walking around, and what he is best at is riding and archery. Yesterday Shen Han asked him to compete with He Yan today. At first he thought Shen Han was crazy, but now it seems that this young man named He Yan has greatly exceeded his expectations.

He has superb riding skills, and his mind is dexterous and decisive. Knowing that the three of them will not be able to hit the grass target together, he simply knocks out all the arrows of the others. At this moment, the two moves against him are not chaotic at all, as if he often fights with others in crisis, he is very calm.

He Yan was not as calm as he appeared. The instructor of Liangzhouwei didn't only know how to eat and not do anything. This old man was really difficult to deal with. Seeing that she was too close to the end, her purpose was not to fight the other party, but to cross the finish line first. The horse ran to the end, but she and the old man were both on the horse, who would win?

Really treacherous.

When she raised her head, she also had a smile on her face, but she didn't see any displeasure, "Although I am young, I know how to respect my elders, you are still riding with me at such a young age, if I fall, I will die. Blame it. I'd better change the horse." As she spoke, she leaned out, grabbed the iron ring on the saddle with both hands, leaned sideways against the horse and let go.

This hand is really beautiful, Ma Damei can't help but shine. I saw He Yan grabbing the iron ring in one hand, and the whip in the other hand wrapped around the empty horse of Ma Damei not far away. When the two horses approached, He Yan let go of his hand, jumped halfway onto the other horse, grabbed the reins, and turned over and sat on again.

"Good! Good! Good!" Ma Damei said "good" three times in a row, and looked at He Yan without concealing her appreciation, but he smiled: "But you think you will win this way, you are still too tender."

Before he finished speaking, the horse under He Yan struggled violently and refused to move forward. Instead, it went crazy on the spot.

"This is my own horse. I recognize the master. Young man, your equestrian skills are good, but the horse that recognizes the master can't be ridden."

He laughed loudly, as if He Yan's move was in his arms, just waiting to see He Yan lively.

The young man smiled slightly, his voice did not show any nervousness, and replied calmly, "I'll give it a try, what if I can control it again?"

After she finished speaking, she leaned over and put her lips close to the horse's ear, and didn't know what to say, but the horse under her gradually became quiet under her torment.

Ma Damei was stunned for a moment, unable to believe her eyes. He has seen thousands of horses, and he will have simple communication with them, but he has never seen a few words with a horse, so he will let the horse who recognizes the master be obedient. There are myths and legends in ancient times, some people know the language of the beasts, He Yan... Is that the case?

He has lived for such a long time, but he has never believed in any fairy tales.

As soon as the young man pulled the reins, the horse galloped away, and Ma Damei hurried to keep up, but just when he was stunned, he had already missed the best opportunity. The young man's words were still in his ears, with a bit of lust, "Teacher, your chance to beat me is over!"


At the end of the horse trail, in the pavilion in the jungle, Shen Han and Xiao Jue were sitting.

Shen Han didn't move the tea in the cup at all, but Xiao Jue drank half of it. He Yan's fight with Ma Damei just now has a panoramic view.

Shen Han closed his eyes, a chill rose in his heart.

Xiao Jue was right, it is impossible for such a genius to appear in Liangzhou Wei. Every item is the first, and all my teachers are compared to the past. This is not a good thing, it's a little too strange, as if... it seems to be specially prepared for Liangzhou Wei.

The red silk fluttered in the wind, and the young man took the horse like a wind, passing the long line of the finish line. He pulled his horse and shouted to stop, the smoke billowed up, and behind him was Ma Damei, with a grim expression, not relaxed.

The two stopped in tandem.

He Yan dismounted first, and after she dismounted, Ma Damei also dismounted. She walked towards Ma Damei and stopped in front of Ma Damei.

"I didn't mean to play tricks on the teacher just now. I was forced by the situation. The teacher shouldn't care about me, right?" The young man looked worried.

Ma Damei was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Whatever the young man said, naturally we have to do our best in the competition."

A big smile broke out on the young man's face. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, thought for a while, and said, "Then this time, I will also accept it."

She also conceded, that is to say, she won again.

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