He Yan didn't sit up immediately, but just held his head and groaned, thinking about other things.

Yuan Baozhen really came to test her. First, to test why she discovered the problem with the glass of wine, and second, to see if she was really blind. This person was so thoughtful that he even asked Ding Yilai to put him on the bench to see her reaction. If He Yan's response is half wrong, I'm afraid that this pair of master and servant will have other ideas.

She had excellent ears, and she heard Ding Yi's movements early, and she knew that Yuan Baozhen didn't leave immediately, so she deliberately cooperated with them in acting here and performed what Yuan Baozhen wanted to see. But Yuan Baozhen was testing her, so why wasn't she testing Yuan Baozhen?

It is obvious that the relationship is very close, but it has to be said that it is just an acquaintance. Just know, He Rufei's little servant Ding Yi will never follow him here. There really was a problem in that glass of wine, but what puzzled He Yan the most was what role He Rufei played in this matter. Was he conspiring with Yuan Baozhen to murder Xiao Jue, or was He Rufei the master at all, or were they both doing things for others?

Next, she had to follow Ding Yi and figure out what the two were going to do.

There was no movement outside, and He Yan's "Oh, oh, yo" voice became louder. There was movement behind him. It was Fei Nu's voice. He asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"I broke my head just now." He Yan stretched out his hand to grab him in a daze, "Brother Feinu, come and help me, I've got a sprained foot."

Fei Nu stepped forward and helped her to the collapse. The cloth strips covered He Yan's eyes, so Fei Nu couldn't see her emotions from her eyes, and naturally he didn't know what He Yan was thinking at the moment.

In fact, the acting just now was not only for Yuan Baozhen, but also for Fei Nu.

Yuan Baozhen and Ding Yi wanted to test He Yan, but they didn't realize that Fei Nu had been standing at the door, listening to the movement inside. They didn't find out, but He Yan found out that Fei Nu was just asking people to remove the dishes. Why did they leave for so long, it was nothing more than the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind.

For some reason, He Yan always felt that Xiao Jue and Fei Nu didn't trust her. This was nothing, of course, a person who had little interaction in the past would not trust her from the beginning. But she was sensitively aware that Xiao Jue not only did not trust her, but also had a little bit of caution and suspicion.

He Yan couldn't figure it out either, she pondered that she didn't do anything suspicious. Now that she is here, she and Yuan Baozhen have not even met in the past, and for some reason they are also suspected.

That's all, doubt is doubt, and a play deceives two people. He Yan said, "Brother Fei Nu, where have you been just now? You haven't seen that Yushi Yuan for a while."

Fei Nu avoided her question and only asked, "How is your head?"

He Yan touched his head and said, "The eldest is swollen, and I don't know when it will go away." She sighed again, "This is really a feast for the family. I think my little brother is quite smart. That's right. It's more dangerous than being forced into marriage."

If this changed Cheng Lisu here, I don't know what the situation is now.

"You sit down and rest for a while." Fei Nu's voice showed no emotion, "I'm right at the door, call me for anything."

He left again.

He Yan was lying on the collapse, she was covered with cloth, Fei Nu couldn't see her expression, she also couldn't see Fei Nu's reaction, she was expressionless when she thought about it.

I don't know when Xiao Jue will come back.


When Xiao Jue came back, it was already late at night.

On this day, He Yan and Fei Nu stayed in the Sun Mansion and did nothing. The food and wine brought by Sun Xiangfu were all poisoned with silver needles. Because He Yan couldn't see, he simply slept in the house for a day, and Fei Nu also guarded the door for a day.

After Xiao Jue came back, Fei Nu, who was sleeping on the collapsed, woke up immediately, got up and walked to Xiao Jue's side, and said, "Master."

Xiao Jue motioned for him to follow him into the back room. Fei Nu glanced at the collapsed He Yan. Under the dim light, she was sleeping soundly.

Fei Nu and He Yan went into the back room, but they didn't see the sleeping boy lying on the slump lightly knocking on the mattress under him. Of course He Yan didn't fall asleep. She slept all day during the day, how could she continue to sleep at night, she was not a pig raised in the village. Second Young Master Xiao obviously has something to say to his confidant, and it is estimated that Fei Nu will also tell the Governor of what happened here today.

The master and the servant were whispering, but He Yan didn't have the guts to listen. Xiao Jue is not Yuan Baozhen, but has real skills. Once he exposes himself, there will be too many troubles, and the gains will outweigh the losses. But thinking about what Fei Nu could say to him, He Yan felt that he was still able to deceive Fei Nu when he was acting today.

As for whether she could deceive Xiao Jue, she didn't know.

In the back room, the lamp was lit.

Xiao Jue put the sword on the table and sat down on the chair in front of the table.

"Master, Yuan Baozhen has been here today." Fei Nu said.

Xiao Jue raised his eyes and said, "What's the matter?"

"My subordinates, I came to find He Yan on purpose. Yuan Baozhen said a few words to He Yan." He told Xiao Jue the conversation between Yuan Baozhen and He Yan, and finally said: "Yuan Baozhen Zhen seems to be testing He Yan."

Xiao Jue pondered for a moment and said, "What do you think?"

"Looking at the meaning of He Yan's answer, it seems that he does not know Yuan Baozhen. There is no flaw, but it is also possible that the two of them are acting together. But in general, the doubts about He Yan can be cleared for the time being. ."

"Cleaning?" Xiao Jue smiled and said, "Fei Nu, the liar in our house, even you have been fooled."

Fei Nu was startled, not knowing why.

"Don't forget, when He Yan and Wang Ba were comparing bows and crossbows, he shot a bird in the sky blindfolded. Do you think someone with such a good ear couldn't hear Yuan Baozhen's guards putting a stool in front of her?"

"Young master means..."

"He can completely avoid the stool, but he is going to fall. It is one of them to lie to Yuan Baozhen, and the other is to lie to you." Xiao Jue said casually, "This person is very good at lying."

What does a blind person look like? He stumbles, panics, and can't do anything when there is no one around. He is very pitiful. This is the impression of ordinary people on the blind. Yuan Baozhen and Fei Nu are both ordinary people, so they naturally think so, seeing He Yan fall and helpless is exactly what a blind man looks like. But He Yan is not an ordinary blind person. Even if she is covered with cloth, she can practice bow and crossbow better than others.

Yuan Baozhen had never seen He Yan shoot arrows blindfolded, but Fei Nu had seen it. Even so, even he ignored it.

"It's second to lie to you. What he wants to perfunctory most is Yuan Baozhen, otherwise he wouldn't have said the nonsense that there are flying insects in the wine."

Are there flies in the wine? How is this possible? It's not summer now, and Sun's mansion pays special attention to this point. There are insect-proof wormwood sachets hanging everywhere, and it is difficult for He Yan to think of flying insects flying into the wine cup.

"Master, is he from Yuan Baozhen?" Fei Nu was also a little confused. If it was Yuan Baozhen's people, why would he be so suspicious.

"It doesn't look like it, but I can't say it's not." There was a pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table, which was supposed to be arranged by Sun Xiangfu. He doesn't like these himself, but prefers arty style.

Xiao Jue found a pen and paper and wrote a few words with the pen. His handwriting is elegant and vigorous, very beautiful, and falls on the paper, as bright as a human being.

"I want you to bring a letter to Lin Shuanghe."

"Young Master Lin?" Fei Nu's calm face finally showed a surprised expression, "Master, didn't you let Young Master Lin come to Liangzhou?" He suddenly remembered something and couldn't believe it: "Could it be... He Yan? "

The writing quickly dried in the wind, he put the letter in the envelope, lowered his eyes and said, "For him, but not all for him."

Fei Nu didn't ask any more questions, he packed the letter and was about to go out on tiptoe. Seeing this, Xiao Jue sneered.

"What are you doing so carefully, people outside have already woken up." He said.

"Master?" Fei Nu was stunned.

"Forget it, in terms of lying, you are not his opponent either." Xiao Jue shook his head and said lazily, "Anyway, he didn't have the guts to come in."

Fei Nu stood there and thought for a while before leaving the house. After he left, Xiao Jue moved the wick, and in the light, his pupils were bright and compelling.

"Xu Jingfu..."

The night engulfed his whispers.


When He Yan woke up, Xiao Jue was no longer there.

He seemed to be very busy for the past two days. When He Yan was awake, he had already left, and when he came back, He Yan had fallen asleep again, and he didn't even have a face-to-face contact. She guessed that what Xiao Jue did was probably related to what happened at the banquet in Sun Mansion, but she couldn't follow along, so she could only sit here and wait.

But sitting and waiting wasn't something she liked. Fortunately, after noon, and it was almost evening, Fei Nu also went out. Before leaving, he told her to stay in the house and not go out, so as to avoid trouble.

He Yan nodded and said yes.

In fact, from He Yan's point of view, Sun's mansion is not as murderous as Fei Nu said. It can be seen from the events of the night banquet that the target of those assassins was Xiao Jue alone. Xiao Jue was not there, so the house was 70% safe. The remaining 30% may not be able to beat her.

Early this morning, He Yan removed the cloth strip on his eyes, because the cloth strip had been used for two days and should be replaced with a new one. However, the doctor in the house was scared away by Xiao Jue last time, and no one made cloth strips for He Yan.

Although the cloth strips were removed, after two days, all the people in the house decided that He Yan was blind and would not treat her as an ordinary person, only He Yan herself.

When I took off the cloth strip suddenly, I felt that the sky was too bright, and it was still a little uncomfortable. Yesterday morning, in front of Fei Nu, she untied the cloth and maintained the same expression. God knows how much she wanted to cry at that time - it was really dazzling.

In fact, He Yan has never "seen".

At the banquet that day, the little servant who finally received Ding Yi's orders to rush over did indeed throw a handful of medicine powder. She blocked it, and she did feel a little pain in her eyes at the time.

After all, she was blind once, and her eyes were more nervous and sensitive than ordinary people, and she subconsciously felt blurred in front of her and suspected that she was going to be blind. But after calming down, she realized that she actually avoided it. At night, when no one was there, He Yan secretly untied the cloth, and she could see the light of the lantern outside.

But she made an oolong because she was too nervous. She wanted to explain it the next day, but after the second day, she changed her mind.

A blind man is probably no threat. It is much easier to be a non-threatening person and approach Yuan Baozhen than to be a "clever Cheng Gongzi who can detect poison in wine".

So in front of Fei Nu's face, He Yan didn't show any difference. She has been blind for a long time, and she can imitate all the reactions that a blind man should have, and she can't find the slightest mistake.

But he didn't expect Yuan Baozhen to be so cautious, and even came to confirm whether she was really blind. As a result, He Yan was even more difficult to ride a tiger. But at the same time, he was more certain that there was definitely a problem between He Rufei, Ding Yi, and Yuan Baozhen. He Rufei was definitely involved in the murder of Xiao Jue. Although she didn't understand what was going on between He Rufei and Xiao Jue, the enemy of the enemy was a friend. Now she and Xiao Jue should be in a group.

She had to figure out what Yuan Baozhen and Ding Yi wanted to do.

He Yan tied up his hair and quietly went out the door.

Everyone else knows that Cheng Gongzi can't see now, except to go to the toilet, he stays in the room every day. Moreover, in the past few days, everyone in the house is in danger, Sun Xiangfu is busy cleaning himself up, and there is really no one to take care of He Yan. Fortunately, she has a good memory for knowing the way. When she came to Sun's residence on the first day, she could feel the way of Sun's residence.

However, He Yan didn't know where Yuan Baozhen lived. When he was in trouble, he saw someone walking quickly across the garden in front of him. It wasn't someone else, it was Ding Yi.

Well done! He Yan secretly praised in his heart, and quickly followed. She moves very fast, and she is used to finding a house to hide. Of course, because of the luxury of Sun's house, there are rockery and bonsai everywhere, giving her many hiding places. No one found her all the way, and finally Ding Yi stopped in front of a house. Step down, push the door and go in.

For some reason, the house where Yuan Baozhen lived was also far away from the hall. In autumn, in the evening in Liangzhou, it was already dark, He Yan guessed and swept up to the roof.

She is thin and small, the roof is upturned with cornices, and there are carvings and stones everywhere. He Yan is lying on the roof, almost blending with the roof. She searched carefully for a long time, and finally found a gap. She didn't know if it was raining or hail. The fragile crystal tile shattered a little quickly, just leaking a gap. He Yan pressed his face there and listened to the movement inside.

Inside the house, Ding Yi walked in.

"How is it?" Yuan Baozhen asked.

Ding Yi shook his head: "I lost it."

"You didn't find him, did you?"

"That's not true." Ding Yi hesitated for a moment, "I didn't dare to get too close, so I wouldn't be found by him. He went out early today and went to the east of the city. I searched nearby and couldn't find him. ."

Yuan Baozhen's expression was uncertain: "This Xiao Jue, what does he want to do! Even if something happened in Sun's mansion, he has to live in the mansion. He goes out every day, and he doesn't know what to do. I always feel that something is wrong."

He Yan heard this and became suspicious. Did Yuan Baozhen let Ding Yi follow Xiao Jue?

"Can you handle the matter on the other side of the yamen?" Yuan Baozhen asked.

"Yingyue and his party are all dead, there is no evidence, and the inner responder in the house is also dead. Since we greeted Sun Xiangfu in advance, there should be no problem." Ding Yi said here, "I still don't understand, Cheng How did Lisu know the actions of the inner response at that time, and that glass of wine was also discovered by him."

"You think there's something wrong with him? But you saw it yesterday. He can't see. He's just an ordinary teenager."

"Even so... I always feel that something is wrong." Ding Yi couldn't tell, the young man should be blind, otherwise he wouldn't pretend to be so. The servants in the manor also said that he stayed in the house all day long, and Xiao Jue's guards guarded him. Dante Yi still remembered that Cheng Lisu cast a glance at him at the banquet.

That gaze was fleeting, as if he had just caught a glimpse of someone else, but for a moment, Ding Yi seemed to sense the anger in the young man's eyes. He looked again, and the young man had already looked away, as if it was just him. hallucinations.

But is that really an illusion?

He Yan's heart was also shocked by the lively words they were talking about. "Yingyue is dead", "There is no evidence", "I greeted Sun Xiangfu", that is to say, the assassination of Xiao Jue was indeed done by Yuan Baozhen. Perhaps Sun Xiangfu also helped.

So now Xiao Jue still lives here, doesn't he lead others to continue to harm him?

She was thinking about it when she heard Yuan Baozhen ask, "Brother He has a letter for you recently?"

This "Brother He", He Yan thought, in all likelihood, it was He Rufei.

"No, the master told me when I left, this time must be successful." Ding Dao: "If it fails, I can't explain to Xu Xiang."

Xu Xiang?

He Yan's heart moved, the meaning of these words, the reason why He Rufei let Ding Yi assassinate Xiao Jue was to explain to "Xu Xiang". In other words, is He Rufei doing something for Xu Xiang? But who is Xu Xiang? She knew the current Prime Minister Xu Jingfu, but she didn't know if it was "Xu Xiang" in Ding Yi's mouth.

"We have already failed," Yuan Baozhen was half annoyed and half frustrated, "I didn't expect Xiao Jue to be so difficult to deal with, and now he has doubts about me... I wonder if there will be such a chance in the future."

"Xiao Jue is indeed difficult to deal with, but he also has a blind nephew." Ding Dao: "Since this person is already blind, he doesn't know anything. He looks like a fool. I think it can be used."

"What do you want?" Yuan Baozhen asked.

"Don't forget what I used to do." Ding Dao: "I have my own way..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a "crunch" on his head, and a small piece of green color fell, and Ding Yi's expression changed, "Who?" Leaping out.

Under the moonlight, someone's figure passed by very quickly, as light as a swallow, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.

He Yan complained bitterly in his heart, Sun Xiangfu was arty, and even the roof tiles were made of emerald tiles. It looked good, but it was very fragile. Even a thin person like her would collapse accidentally. What's the point of this? He Yan wondered if Sun Xiangfu was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. The purpose of using this tile was that no one could listen to the corner of the wall on the roof. If he were an ordinary man, he would probably fall off as soon as he lay down.

In the distance, Ding Yi was still chasing after him, but for some unknown reason, he didn't even call out the servants of the Sun residence to catch the assassin, probably because he had a ghost in his heart. Relying on his familiarity with the road here, He Yan hid from left to right, thinking about the conversation he had just overheard.

Yuan Baozhen came to Liangzhou, Ding Yi came to Liangzhou, and He Rufei was in Shuojing, all for one purpose, assassinating Xiao Jue, and the three of them had to explain to "Xu Xiang". Now Xiao Jue is alive and well, the dead are all wiped out, Yuan Baozhen is unwilling, and wants to come again, and Ding Yi is still staring at her "blind waste". To use her blind man to murder Xiao Jue.

After thinking about it, one person's use of another person is nothing more than a rebellion, a hostage, and an ignorant murder weapon. Cheng Lisu and Xiao Jue were uncles and nephews, so Yuan Baozhen probably would not have thought of going against them. Then there are only two kinds left. Taking Heyan as a hostage, firstly, Heyan doesn't think Ding Yi has beaten him, and secondly, she is not really Cheng Lisu, and Xiao Jue probably can't do anything. "Stupid thing.

As for the third type, being a murder weapon without knowing it... They forgot the most important point, that He Yan was not only not blind, but even started to guard against Ding Yi early in the morning.

When thinking about this, He Yan had already seen the house where she lived. The light was on in the room, and Fei Nu had probably returned. He Yan touched her body, she put the cloth strip in the room, thinking that she would have to do a show for Fei Nu later, she didn't feel a headache.

Afraid of being caught up by Ding Yi, she jumped forward, dodged into the room with lightning speed, and just turned around, she almost choked to death on her own saliva.

There is a wooden bucket for bathing in the room, and the white mist is steaming inside, Xiao Jue sits in it, the beauty is bathing, the ice skin and jade bones, the moonlight slips in through the gap of the window, and the blue silk is covered with a layer of cool color, it looks like Extra tempting. His shoulder blades are very beautiful. For a moment, He Yan's mind drifted to other places. She thought, when she was in the Xianchang Pavilion, she had never seen this person take off his outer clothes. Most of them are sturdy and rough, Xu Zhiheng is probably considered gentle, but Xiao Jue is different from them, both British and American, and contains strength.

It turned out that this person not only had a good-looking face, but also had a different body from ordinary people. No wonder he was called "The Jade-faced Governor", which was worthy of the name.

The fog shrouded it, making it difficult to see his expression. Thinking about it, it wouldn't be too happy. Xiao Jue probably didn't expect that someone would suddenly break in at this time.

He Yan: "..."

This is over. He Yan has seen everything that should be seen and shouldn't be seen. At this moment, she scolded herself in her heart. Why did she wear cloth strips when she went out all day, but she didn't wear it today? Woolen cloth? Or if she really can't see, that's great.

Second Young Master Xiao quickly picked up the clothes on the shelf and put them on, looking at her coldly.

It seemed to be quite cold in the house.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw the young man in front of him open his hand and randomly closed the door, his eyes seemed to be widening, but nothing could be reflected, he said, "Who... who is it? "

"Heh." Second Young Master Xiao laughed at this clumsy acting.

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