Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 103 Module Modification

China National Petroleum Corporation.

Today we welcomed our partner Rosneft.

Rosneft is Russia's largest oil company.

Russian oil and natural gas are important sources of imports to China.

China’s imports of Russian crude oil are divided into land pipelines and sea transportation.

The onshore northeast direction passes through the East Siberia-Pacific Crude Oil Pipeline (ESPO), and runs from Skovorodino to Daqing, China as its Chinese branch (China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline), with an annual supply capacity of 30 million tons. Rosneft and China National Petroleum Corporation signed a 30-year long-term supply contract.

Sea crude oil imports are divided into east-west and west-bound directions. The east-bound import comes from the terminal of the ESPO pipeline in the Pacific Ocean - the Port of Kodimino in Russia. The total oil transportation capacity of the ESPO pipeline is 80 million tons, of which 30 million tons are to the China branch and 50 million tons are to the Port of Cotimino.

Chairman Wang Yilin personally received visitors from Rosneft.

What shocked Wang Yilin was that Rosneft came here to discuss that this year's oil would not be settled in US dollars, but in RMB.

What a good thing!

How could Wang Yilin refuse!

China National Petroleum Corporation has no shortage of RMB!

But it lacks U.S. dollars. Even if it is a large state-owned enterprise, U.S. dollars cannot be exchanged at will.

After signing the supplementary agreement, Wang Yilin began to inquire why Rosneft chose to use RMB for settlement.

After a few glasses of Da Mao Baijiu, they started chatting.

Only then did Wang Yilin find out that it turned out that Russia had ordered a batch of goods from China and they wanted to settle the goods in RMB, but they didn't have much RMB in hand.

Wang Yilin couldn't help but think that in the future, the trade settlement between the two parties could simply be settled in RMB.

Small factory, the sun is scorching hot.

Cai Jin is installing the machine guns and submachine guns sent by the Russians onto the combat mechanical dog.


On a hot day, even without air conditioning, it will be unbearable to stand, let alone need to do hands-on work now.

The welding is fixed and the bullet is ready.

Aim at the target in front and shoot.

Da da da~~

Machine gun fire, inaccurate!

But it is normal. After all, the heights are different, the calibers are also different, and the recoil is also large and small. Misaccuracy is normal.

Benben is doing calculations to model and build program modules.

Cai Jin couldn't help complaining in his heart, even if this version was completed, he would only be able to get 200 rounds of bullets.

But there is nothing I can do. When I meet a poor mosquito, I think that no matter how small the mosquito meat is, it is still meat, so I can only work harder.

It’s not his use anyway.

As long as he can get money, he doesn't care so much.

After adjusting one by one, the combat robot dog built four machine gun and submachine gun modules.

The accuracy of the aiming system, even after adjustment, is only 60% of its original effect.

As for the mechanical bull, the module was built after simulation based on the parameters of various light guns provided by the Russians.

Machine guns and submachine guns can be tested in the factory, but artillery shells cannot.

No matter how powerful the cannonball is, it can shatter a wall with one shot. If it accidentally flies out, it will probably kill someone.

As for whether Da Mao can fire the cannon accurately or not, it is none of his business.

The whole world knows that cheap goods are not good products!

"I guess Da Mao wants to install all the guns produced during World War II." Cai Jin muttered to himself.

He has discovered that the gun models and data provided by the Russians are all gun models from the World War II period, and none of them are currently in service.

Of course, the guns produced during World War II seem to be behind the times, but you must know that on the battlefield, these weapons can also kill people.

Perhaps in Russia's view, this can be used to clear inventory.

In this regard, it is actually a bit like China. They use part of it themselves, export part of it, and constantly clear their inventory.

After all, there is a backlog of inventory, which also requires maintenance costs.

And it takes up space.

Like China, it is said that the bullet reserve is very large, as high as 40 billion. These bullets can be stored under sealed conditions for decades. If they are only used for daily military shooting training, they can still be used for more than ten years.

And this is because China has exported billions of bullets to countries all over the world in the past few years!

As for the bullets produced in China every year, it is also as high as 2 billion rounds.

And this still hasn’t started at full capacity. If it started at full capacity, it might not be a problem to produce 5 billion rounds of ammunition a year.

Therefore, the last order of 2 billion rounds of ammunition and tens of millions of artillery shells purchased from the Middle East was completed without blinking an eye.

And Russia’s weapons storage is even more exaggerated!

Russia has stored more than 6 million tons of ammunition, with a stockpile of 10 million AK series rifles. There are also at least millions of AK47, AKM and AK74 assault rifles in good condition. The existing stored equipment can easily arm millions of troops. .

As for T62, T-80, T72 and other tanks, the number of tanks in storage exceeds 100,000!

It took a lot of effort to modify the data modules of the combat mechanical dogs and mechanical bulls exported to Russia.

Of course, Cai Jin cannot guarantee the accuracy.

But thinking about it, the aiming system shouldn't be too bad.

"The transportation channel is also a problem." After doing this, Cai Jin thought of a question.

When going to the Middle East, you can have the luxury of using the Y-20 transport plane!

After all, a combat mechanical dog or mechanical bull is worth US$1 million, which is not less than the transportation fee.

But now, these combat mechanical dogs and mechanical bulls exported to Russia cost only 110,000 yuan each, and 1,000 of them only cost 110 million yuan. The cost of transporting a 20 transport aircraft is 15 million yuan. This proportion of transportation costs is too high. Taller.

After thinking about it, Cai Jin chose railway transportation.

Anyway, rail transportation is now convenient, and it takes about a month to arrive in Moscow.

But this involves another problem, which is the need to use containers.

Cai Jin checked and found that the largest container could only hold 600 combat mechanical dogs or 300 mechanical bulls.

Naturally, he had to make the delivery just right. If it was less, it would be fine, but if it was too much, it wouldn't fit.

The next day, Cai Jin started making arrangements. After all, the first batch of goods would be delivered at the end of July, so arrangements had to be made in advance now.

And there are all aspects involved, such as transit railway transport!

Of course, the people in the company have never done this, so the most convenient thing is to find an international freight forwarding company to cooperate.

Anyway, mechanical dogs and mechanical cows have unique numbers and corresponding activation codes. If you want to actually use them, you have to go through the backend for authorization.

So Cai Jin won't be too worried.

He uploaded the program and arranged it properly. When the time comes, the inspection personnel will directly connect to the server to import the program, conduct inspection, and if it passes the test, it can be put into the warehouse.

He doesn't need to worry about anything else.

And he also began to prepare for the upcoming Zhuhai Air Show.

He has to produce a few more bionic bat robots and bionic eagle robots, otherwise just one will not be enough.

And there is not just one model, but a range of models from entry-level to mid-level.

In this way, users can also be given more choices.

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