Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 122 Space Hunting

Cai Jin asked 'Benben' to hunt reconnaissance satellites and test the power of laser guns and laser cannons.

It's all chaos down there.

A total of sixteen reconnaissance satellites just lost contact.

Lost contact inexplicably, without any warning.

These reconnaissance satellites all undertake very important tasks.

Now we have just lost contact, and no matter how hard the technicians operate, they cannot activate the satellite.

"How is the situation at each monitoring station? Have you monitored the launch of missiles or laser weapons?" Harlan asked in a deep voice.

Aiken said: "We have consulted with all major surveillance sites and no country has launched missiles or laser weapons!"

The movement of missile launches and laser weapons will not be small.

It is simply impossible to hide the US military bases all over the world.

If it is a missile that wants to attack satellites, except for the United States, the only two countries in the world that have this capability are naturally the focus of surveillance.

Laser system anti-satellite technology is currently the most advanced technology and is also considered the most effective anti-satellite technology.

Apart from the US military, only those two countries have this technology.

Anti-satellite technology can be divided into ground systems, air systems and space systems.

Mao Xiong has the A-235Nudol missile defense system, which can shoot down intercontinental ballistic missiles and satellites, and the S-500 air defense missile system is known as the world's most advanced air defense missile system and can hit medium and short-altitude targets. In this regard, It was confirmed by Mao Xiong a few days ago that in an experiment last month, the S-500 air defense missile system hit the disabled Mao Xiong Tselina-D spacecraft that had been in orbit since 1982!

In addition to ground systems, missiles can also be carried by aircraft and used to attack satellites.

As for laser anti-satellite technology, it is already quite advanced. A powerful laser can even destroy satellites 800 kilometers above the ground!

Mao Xiong has conducted this kind of experiment more than five times in the past twenty years.

Of course, the United States has also been developing anti-satellite technology. For example, it has been testing the X-37B spacecraft developed by Boeing, which is designed to inspect and intercept satellites.

As we all know, Eagle has allocated a large amount of funds over the years to develop laser-based weapons, including considering plans to use them in space. For example, mobile ground lasers, electronic jammers, or microwave cannons can be used.

Yingjiang has always been regarded as mastering the world's most advanced laser weapons!

After all, Yingjiang is the world's hegemon. It also controls many high technologies and absorbs top talents from all over the world.

As for rabbits, they are developed in a low-key manner, pretending to be pigs and eating tigers. No one knows to what extent rabbits have developed this technology.

"The satellite reconnaissance, have you found any abnormalities?" Harlan frowned: "And the ground observatory, have you found any abnormalities?"

16 reconnaissance satellites lost contact in a short period of time. It is so strange that no explanation can be made.

The cheapest of these reconnaissance satellites is worth US$1 billion, and the total value of the 16 reconnaissance satellites is US$22.4 billion.

If he hadn't investigated clearly and had a justifiable reason, he would have done it all.

If such a big thing happened, he would definitely be used as a scapegoat!

But if the investigation is clear and there is conclusive evidence, then it will be different.

He is only on the ground, so he can't stop others from taking measures in space!

"No abnormalities were found," Aiken said.

As soon as they discovered that the reconnaissance satellite had lost contact, they mobilized all their forces, but unfortunately nothing was found.

Harlan felt a little weak now.

You can’t blame the sky, the earth, or the air!

And when the situation was officially reported to the superiors, it shocked the entire superiors.

No one expected that a total of 16 satellites would lose contact so inexplicably. There were missile early warning satellites, ocean surveillance satellites, nuclear explosion detection satellites, and electronic reconnaissance satellites!

Reconnaissance satellites, also known as spy satellites, are satellites that steal military intelligence. They can both monitor and eavesdrop. They are a veritable super spy.

Well now, so many reconnaissance satellites have lost contact. This is simply terrible!

Even if satellites can be launched again, you must know that it takes time to build satellites, and it also takes time to launch satellites.

Thinking about what happened during this time, it was simply terrible.

First, two air force bases exploded one after another. The investigation found that it was caused by a lack of military spending and inadequate logistics management of the military bases. However, those officials were not very willing to increase military spending.

As soon as the two sides argued and started a big war of words, it ended. Except for a scapegoat who left and entered a military industrial enterprise, no one was dealt with.

Well now, there is also a problem in space.

Don't look at space. Humanity has entered space for more than half a century. It has been 64 years since mankind's first artificial satellite was launched, and it has been 60 years since the world's first manned spacecraft was successfully launched!

But space is still extremely mysterious and very far away for humans on earth!

It’s not like you can just go into space if you want to.

Sure enough, when the intelligence was reported to Doosuiqiao, Doosuiqiao didn't react for a long time. When he did, he was scolded.

Then, this matter must not be leaked, otherwise, his polls will definitely drop again.

After finally sitting in this position, he didn't want to just leave in despair.

I'm talking about being a teenager, but he still wants to do it again!

If the news were to break out, his hopes would probably be much slimmer.

As for many military missions, they can only stop after losing these 16 reconnaissance satellites.

After all, a modern army relies heavily on satellites.

Cai Jin didn't know what had happened. At this time, 'Benben' returned again after some tests.

Cai Jin is quite satisfied with Benben's current abilities.

Today’s ‘Benben’ is definitely a product of black technology.

It is estimated that only the extremely mysterious District 51 in the Legend of Eagle Sauce has such a black technology product.

After all, Area 51 is so mysterious. It is said to be an 'alien research base'. Some say that Yingjiang has advanced aviation systems, advanced fighters, bombers, space shuttles, etc., just because they obtained alien information. Human help, there are aliens there who help Yingjiang do scientific research.

Of course, some people say that Yingjiang defeated aliens, enslaved aliens, dissected aliens, and obtained alien technology.

Some people also say that there is an alien spacecraft in District 50. Yingjiang has been studying this alien spacecraft. The technological explosion that Yingjiang has seen is all due to the study of this alien spacecraft. result.

In short, except for a few people who know what is going on, most people are just speculating and spreading rumors.

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