After more than a day of modification.

One J-5 completed the transformation.

After the technician inspected it, it was confirmed that it was correct.

Personnel evacuated.

In the command center, Cai Jin and others are here.

"Boss Cai, should we start testing now, or tomorrow?" The director of the command center looked at Cai Jin this time.

It's already night now, and normally it's not suitable for this kind of plane to take off.

"Testing now, anyway, the drone doesn't care whether it is tested during the day or at night." Cai Jin said with a smile: "Test it today, and tomorrow you can test the mounted weapons and other related tests."

For testing, the sooner the better.

He doesn't have that much time here.

"Okay, let's test it at night!" said the director of the command center.

"Ready for the test!"

As the director of the command center issued the order, other technical staff began to take up their positions.

On the large command screen, a detailed video of the aircraft and various internal parameters have appeared.

"Start the plane and get off the tarmac!"

Then as the technicians operated, they saw the modified J-5 drone, its engine started, and then began to leave the apron and headed for the runway.

This is also a basic test. Turn on the power and ignite it, get out of the tarmac, and head to the runway.

All this is done without Air Force soldiers on board the aircraft, and is operated through the command center computer.

Many people insist on holding their breath.

There has always been a big call for unmanned aircraft as the future development trend of aircraft.

Because unmanned technology means that as long as industrial capabilities improve, we can produce as many aircraft as we want without relying on pilots.

Pilot training takes a lot of time, energy and money.

The training cost for a qualified pilot alone is at least several million!

"Glide and take off!" the director of the command center gave the order.

The technician then began to operate the computer.

I saw the J-5 taxiing faster and faster. When it had taxied for almost 600 meters, I saw the J-5 taking off.

Some people couldn't help but applaud and cheer.

At this point, it can be said that we have made a good start.

The most important thing about a drone is that it takes off.

As long as it can take off, even if it cannot land safely, it can still serve as a powerful missile on the battlefield.

On the big screen, there are various indicators of the drone, including speed, flight altitude, elevation angle, external temperature, external air pressure, etc.

Then various tests began. This kind of aircraft does not need to test the maximum flight altitude and maximum flight speed, because it can be directly based on the original data, and there will not be much difference.

In space, Beidou navigation is providing support, and at the same time, base stations everywhere are also providing support.

After flying 800 kilometers, the J-5 began to fly back along the set route.

Finally, we landed safely at the airport.

Then return to the tarmac.

In the command hall, everyone couldn't help but applaud.

It can be said that this test was a complete success.

You know, this is the J-5. Even the best pilots dare not say that they can take off and land at night in the J-5.

Because this aircraft is really too backward!

Compared to this era, it is very, very outdated.

"Great, great! The weapons test will be carried out tomorrow. I think it will be a success!" Everyone said excitedly.

In addition to the original two HP-23mm guns and one H-37mm gun, the J-5 can carry 500 kilograms of ammunition.

Although it was designed in the past, this does not mean that previous aerial bombs could not kill people.

On the battlefield, as long as it can kill and injure the enemy, it is a good weapon!

Military weapons, from the very beginning, have meant killing and destroying enemies!

Military weapons are never kind.

The next day, early in the morning.

Cai Jin and the others had just finished breakfast and arrived at the command center.

On the big screen, ground crews were seen refueling the J-5, loading weapons, and loading shells for the aviation cannon.

After checking that everything is correct, today's test began.

Today's test content is to carry weapons, take off, and then attack the target.

A training ground has been designated.

As the test began, the J-5 was seen driving out of the apron again and gliding along the set route.

Then the taxiing speed became faster and faster. When the speed reached a critical point, the J-5 took off. When it took off to a certain height, the landing gear began to retract automatically.

Not long after, when it was about to reach the target airspace, the J-5 began to descend, and then began to drop bombs.

Compared with human bombs, this kind of automatically set bombs is more accurate.

After throwing the bombs, they began to practice the aerial cannon, and the aerial cannon began to fire towards the set target.

Da da da~~

Each air cannon moves along a parabola.

However, it is obvious that due to various factors, the accuracy of aerial cannon strafing is not as accurate as that of aerial bombs.

After the J-5 returned, the ground staff began to conduct inspections.

At the same time, refueling and replenishing ammunition were carried out. The next test was to be fully automatic, with routes, targets, etc. preset in advance, and the rest was left to the J-5.

This is automation and intelligence!

It is also a focus of this renovation and one of the selling points.

Sometimes the export target is high, the technical skills are not good enough, and the complex operations cannot be performed, so you have to use this fool-proof method.

The fool-proof method is to roughly draw the circuit and set various parameters in advance on the operation panel or computer, and then just start it.

This kind of operation is quite fool-like. Normally, it only requires a few days of training for technicians.

simple, crude,

I think it will be very popular among the tycoons in the Middle East and third world countries.

After all, in these countries, there are not many college students, and technical personnel are often relatively weak.

After the technician set the path and various parameters, he pressed the button.

Then I saw the J-5 began to taxi along the set path. After arriving at the runway, as the thrust continued to increase, the taxiing speed became faster and faster. When the speed reached a critical point, the aircraft took off.

The subsequent tests, such as the bomb-dropping test, were strict and fool-like, but they were the easiest and the effect would not be much different.

On the battlefield, if there are hundreds or thousands of drones, their power will be outrageous.

Cai Jin seemed to be able to see hundreds of drones giving the enemy nightmares.

After all, this kind of drone is many times more powerful than those low-end drones.

In a sense, if they were novices pecking each other, then this kind of drone would be a big killer, and it would be a crushing dimensionality reduction attack on the opponent.

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