Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 144 Continued Attack

Facing the crisis of the situation.

Kazarev had to order the remaining troops to move into underground fortifications.

The conflict broke out too suddenly. Even if the big brother behind the scenes provided intelligence support before, as long as it didn't happen, there would always be some luck.

The result was good, as the outbreak caught him completely off guard.

It was too late to organize a militia and issue guns to the militia.

Now, the only hope is the underground fortifications.

Defend the opponent's attack through underground fortifications.

These underground fortifications were built decades ago to prevent nuclear strikes. A single gate weighs 25 tons.

Even if the opponent uses ground-penetrating missiles, they will not be able to break through the underground defenses.

However, moving to underground fortifications is also a double-edged sword.

It is difficult for the opponent to attack the underground defenses, but it is also difficult for them to break out.

Now we can only hope that the other party does not have the construction drawings for the original construction of these fortifications.

Otherwise, as long as the entrance and exit are guarded, it will be difficult to come out. Eventually, when the food and water are exhausted, they will surrender obediently.

Da da da~~

Fully charged combat robot dogs are attacking on the street.

Even though it is night now, it still does not affect the attack of these bionic robots.

The heavily armed airborne troops cooperated with each other, and each one wore night vision goggles.

After taking control of the airport and highway and destroying the enemy's radar system, command system, and air defense force, transport aircraft continuously landed airborne troops on the airport and highway.

On the periphery, there are also armored units working with infantry to divide and surround them.

The attack speed is quite fast.

It is expected that at dawn tomorrow, the inner and outer sides will be able to join forces.

The tactics adopted this time were like a central flower, using airborne troops to disrupt the opponent's military deployment and cause chaos to the opponent.

After all, military operations first serve politics, and war is a continuation of politics. It never means that military deployment is reasonable.

The troops originally deployed for defense received orders to rush to the city, but their weaknesses were directly exposed and they were caught and beaten.

Nowadays, airborne troop groups are performing surgical cuts on enemy troops and quickly occupying strategic locations.

They wanted to use night fighting to capture the entire city.

Boom boom boom~~

A high-rise building occupied by the other party.

The mechanical dog cooperated with the bionic eagle robot in the air and the surrounding bionic sparrow robots and bionic bat robots to launch an attack on the high-rise building.

If there is no army occupying such high-rise buildings, such high-rise buildings will naturally belong to civilian facilities. Civilian facilities will not be attacked if possible. After all, in modern society, we always have to pay attention to image.

But if the military occupies a high-rise building, then it is no longer a civilian facility, but a military target.

The entire city's power station has fallen into their hands. Except for the areas that have been completely occupied, the power supply has been cut off in the unoccupied areas. If the other party wants electricity, they can only use generators to provide power.

At this time, the goal will be obvious.

"Shekov, these bionic robots are really easy to use. They can make up for our lack of troops. They can also attack the most difficult targets and greatly reduce the target." A commander held a Volga and took a sip of wine. .

Without drinking, your fighting power cannot be exerted.

For the fighting nation, wine is chicken blood, which can allow people to exert 120% of their fighting power.

After drinking, air force pilots can perform even the most difficult maneuvers.

Many of the much-talked-about maneuvers of fighter planes are caused by Air Force pilots drinking.

"Yes, fortunately we have perfected the plan and equipped with so many bionic robots. Otherwise, our actions would not have been so smooth. No one expected that so many troops were deployed here." Shekov also took a sip. Volga, "Damn it, those intelligence officers don't know what they do for food. They can get such important information wrong."

Thinking about it, Shekov was a little scared.

Intelligence shows that there are only some police and weak defense forces in the city, but in fact, there are two quick reaction forces stationed here.

"When all the airborne troops arrive tomorrow, the overall situation will be decided." Igor seemed very optimistic.

This time the task was assigned to the 76th Airborne Division, which was the first professional elite force with a total of 7,000 people. It has 3 parachute regiments, each regiment has 3 battalions, and each battalion has 3 companies. Each company has 3 platoons, an artillery regiment and a transport aircraft group.

The 76th Airborne Division is fully armored and mechanized, with 250 tracked armored combat vehicles, 9 armored reconnaissance vehicles, mortars, anti-aircraft missile launchers, anti-tank missile launchers and multiple rocket launchers.

At the end of the day, two parachute regiments had arrived.

When the entire 76th Airborne Division arrives tomorrow, not only will there be enough troops to defend this city, but they can also attack the enemy from any direction.

This is the horror of the central blooming tactic.

Disrupt the opponent's deployment, and then continuously use this point to attack in all directions, cooperating inside and outside.

You must know that this city is a large city with a permanent population of almost 3 million. It is enough to support an army of 100,000 to land here and launch an attack on the opponent.

"I heard that the bionic robots purchased from Camel are more advanced. It would be great if we also have more advanced bionic robots. The combat power will definitely be stronger." Igor said.

Shekov shrugged and said with a smile: "Camels are wealthy people. They are too rich. A bionic robot costs one million US dollars. We don't have that kind of money. Maybe we will in the future."

"But we have to eliminate these traitors first. These guys who betrayed our ancestors should go to hell." Shekov said through gritted teeth.

"Then let us work together to send them to hell!" Igor also had a cold light in his eyes.

They have been holding this breath for eight years.

And now it's finally time for resolution.

The battle lasted for several hours, and the combat mechanical dogs and mechanical bulls were about to run out of power. The technicians began to control the charging and replenish bullets and shells at the same time.

In one day's battle, two brigades were defeated and a large amount of weapons and ammunition were seized. Even if it takes another month, there will be no problem at all.

It is precisely because there is no shortage of weapons and ammunition that we can continue to launch attacks.

The fighting soldiers, building fortifications, also began to rest.

They will have three hours of rest, and after three hours they will launch a new wave of attacks to continuously expand the occupied area.

Many soldiers were enjoying themselves eating sausages and drinking vodka.

As long as there is wine, they are not afraid of fighting, fighting will only make their blood boil.

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