Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 148 Large 3D Printer

The two sessions are over.

Return to the headquarters building.

Cai Jin is even busier than before, with company bosses visiting him one after another.

Every business CEO represents a large-scale company.

Probably the largest screw company in Fujian Province, specializing in making screws.

It may also be the largest new materials company in Fujian Province and has been engaged in the research and development of new materials.

Ever since the news broke out at the Fujian Business Conference and after the Spring Festival holiday, there has been an endless stream of visits of this type of cooperation.

In addition to those in the mainland, there are also overseas Chinese from Fujian in Baodao, Xiangjiang and overseas. They all want to catch a ride and continue to sail forward in the new era.

Technology patents are authorized one after another.

Cai Jin holds a large number of technology patents in his hands, and most of these technology patents are useless.

At the same time, Cai Jin completed a loan with aliens.

With this loan of up to 50 billion U.S. dollars, Alien has become active after keeping a low profile for a long time. It wants to complete Ali's delisting and then list it on the Hong Kong stock market.

At this time, Fujian businessmen no longer deposited their money in banks. Before, everyone had no confidence in the future situation and did not dare to invest.

Now that I have obtained the technology authorization from Future Technology Group, I feel confident and have begun to invest money in the company to upgrade the production lines and increase employee training.

In order to support the development of supporting enterprises, Future Technology Group gradually closed down its 3D printers and purchased products from supporting factories.

Although this will reduce the company's profits, for Future Technology Group, these profits are no longer valued.

What Cai Jin attaches more importance to is the upgrading and transformation of the manufacturing industry.

Small factory.

Strictly kept secret as always.

No one can enter this small factory, not even Gong Chaoming, a military representative, has ever entered this small factory.

Cai Jin came to a giant 3D printer.

Suddenly, the virtual frame panel appeared in front of us:

[Item: Giant 3D Printer (Class C)]

[Experience value: 10000000/10000000 (can be upgraded)]

[Optimization point: 1560.96]

This giant 3D printer is a 3D printer that Cai Jin assembled himself and built into a giant 3D printer step by step. It can be said to be the most advanced 3D printer in the world.

But even at this point, this giant 3D printer still has many parts that cannot be printed.

This giant 3D printer is what Cai Jin will use to manufacture drones.

Today's situation is a bit unsatisfactory. Several countries test-fire intercontinental missiles from time to time, and several nuclear-armed countries are gradually relaxing their nuclear restrictions.

Just in case, you still need something sharp!

In the nuclear balance, either everyone must be cautious, or one party must be strong enough to deter all parties.

Intercontinental missiles and hypersonic missiles are difficult to intercept with current air defense missile systems.

But if it is located in suborbital or space, it would be much simpler to intercept it with laser weapons.

Not to mention interception at the end of the missile, interception at the middle of the missile and interception at the beginning of the missile are not a problem.

The speed of lasers is much faster than the speed of missiles.

"Upgrade!" Cai Jin thought silently in his heart.

In order to further reduce costs and reduce the use of optimization points, Cai Jinda continues to optimize the giant 3D printer.


A glimmer of light flashed.

Suddenly, the giant 3D printer in front of me underwent changes that were visible to the naked eye.

The most obvious change is that it is taller, wider and longer!

Looking more closely, this giant 3D printer looks much better.

New data changes have appeared in the virtual box panel:

[Item: Giant 3D Printer (Class B)]

[Experience value: 0/20000000]

[Optimization point: 1560.96]

Cai Jin called up the previous data and started pre-printing.

Print out the parts one by one.

"The printing speed has doubled!" Cai Jin looked at the printing speed of the parts and slightly estimated.

The robot took the parts and assembled them, and soon it was a fighting mechanical dog.

Such a giant 3D printer, combined with robots, can produce 200 combat robot dogs a day.

One can imagine how amazing the production speed of a giant 3D printer of this level is.

Of course, the production speed is astonishing, and the power consumption is equally astonishing. The power consumption of such a giant 3D printer is equivalent to that of a town.

A giant 3D printer of this level does not require Cai Jin to optimize it. It is a very qualified fighting mechanical dog.

During this period, in order to speed up supply, Cai Jin optimized all the giant 3D printers in small factories into giant 3D printers (D-level), basically providing a batch of goods overseas in a few days.

The Y-20 transport aircraft travels to the Middle East every now and then to transport goods. Now, the news about the Y-20 transport aircraft transporting goods is no longer on the news hot search list, and everyone has become numb.

Cai Jin let the giant 3D printer continue printing.

Up to now, military orders are basically produced by small factories, while other factories are producing for civilian applications.

Otherwise, I would have to be told by Nie Xiaoyu every day.

With outstanding performance in two battlefields, the bionic robots of Future Technology Group have become very popular, and a large number of orders have been received during this period.

If we don't increase production capacity, orders can be scheduled to five years later.

There are orders from rich countries and also orders from poor countries.

For poor countries that cannot pay for orders, they export various ores, agricultural products, oil and natural gas to China first, or sign orders with Chinese companies first, and then obtain loans from Chinese banks to pay deposits.

The training courses of several military academies are even more full. Thousands of technicians go to the training courses to receive training, so that they can display their combat effectiveness as soon as they get the bionic robots.

"Master, Big-haired Sukhovecki requested a video call." At this moment, the mechanical dog next to Cai Jin spoke.

This is just an intermediate mechanical dog, the trumpet of ‘Stupid’.

Benben is currently in space, conducting global surveillance.

Cai Jin was also afraid of death. Seeing that the situation was not right, he asked Benben to patrol the space all the time.

Every time a rocket or missile is launched, Benben will monitor it immediately, analyze the flight trajectory, and determine the target landing point.

Fortunately, so far, no one has attempted suicide.

"Sukhovecki!?" A bearded face appeared in Cai Jin's mind involuntarily.

Walking to the side, Cai Jincai said when he reached the corner, "Connect the video connection!"

Ever since, the video connection between the two parties was established.

Bionic robots, even in the Arctic and Antarctic, can already be connected to the Internet because they can be connected directly through satellites.

It is also because of this characteristic and unique safety that bionic robots perform to the satisfaction of all parties on the battlefield.

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