military base.

This is the headquarters.

There are special soldiers standing guard at the door with guns and ammunition.

It is forbidden to approach here without permission.

Once he is found close, the solitary room is where he will stay.

After the review, it's fine if there are no problems, but if there are problems, it will be extremely difficult to recruit people.

Cai Jin arrived at the door in a military vehicle. After a series of verifications, the door was opened and he entered.

This military base is very large, with military vehicles and even military helicopters.

Even Cai Jin saw it - the cannon!

This is not a small-caliber cannon mounted on a mechanical dog, but a large-caliber cannon.

One shot can directly destroy a reinforced concrete building.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, with this security capability, I'm afraid even if a group comes to attack, they won't be able to defeat them in a day!" Cai Jin secretly marveled.

But this is just a thought.

As a headquarters, the defense here is so strong. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the safest in the entire Southwest or the entire Midwest.

Even Cai Jin suspected that there were nuclear defense fortifications built underground. Even if the buildings above were destroyed, it would not affect the leaders here's command of the entire area's troops.

The car stopped in front of a building.

The building is not high, just a few floors.

An old man full of majesty, dressed in military uniform, smiled when he saw Cai Jin: "Boss Cai, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

"The leader is so polite. It is an honor for me to contribute to national defense." Cai Jin said modestly.

Such an old man is full of military dignity.

It must be full of honor to reach this position.

The old man looked satisfied.

If every business owner had Cai Jin's awareness, it would be easy for the military and civilians to become one family.

"Please come this way!" the old man said with a smile.

Not long after, they arrived at a conference room.

There are already many people here in the conference room.

Seeing the old man, they all stood up and stood up straight.

"Everyone, please sit down." The old man waved his hand and sat down at the front seat.

The old man looked at Cai Jin: "Boss Cai, our defense area is different from other places. There are many mountains and plateaus here, and transportation remains unchanged. Charging can't be done anywhere."

"Transporting batteries is still somewhat troublesome." The old man explained: "In order to improve the efficiency of the bionic robot and enhance its combat effectiveness, some experts have made a suggestion to see if the problem of short battery life can be solved."

Everyone else looked at Cai Jin.

"The problem of short battery life can naturally be solved." Cai Jin already knew last night why the military was looking for him, so he also had countermeasures.

"There are several solutions. One is to use more efficient batteries, such as lithium-sulfur batteries or lithium-air batteries, or nuclear batteries."

"The second is to use new materials that can absorb sunlight and convert solar energy into electrical energy for constant charging." Cai Jin said.

"Oh? There are so many solutions," the old man said in surprise: "Boss Cai, you are a technical person, which method do you think is appropriate?"

"Lithium-sulfur batteries or lithium-air batteries can be used. Currently, both technologies are relatively mature. Lithium-sulfur batteries can theoretically increase battery life by nearly four times, while lithium-air batteries can increase battery life by five times." Cai Jin said.

Currently, this type of battery uses all-solid-state batteries.

"Of course, you can also increase the size of the all-solid-state battery pack. As the number of battery packs increases, the natural endurance will also increase." Cai Jin said: "As for nuclear batteries, they are still in the laboratory research stage and have not yet reached the commercial application stage."

All right.

In fact, Cai Jin also fully controls nuclear battery technology.

But, the road must be walked step by step, and you must see some hope in others, so as not to despair!

Since Future Technology Group mastered all-solid-state battery technology, overseas giants have increased their research on all-solid-state battery technology. They want to master all-solid-state battery technology as soon as possible, or even catch up. After all, they have now mastered semi-solid-state batteries and have achieved mass production. Production, from semi-solid-state batteries to all-solid-state batteries, is not too far away.

But if they directly launch nuclear batteries, it will make them despair, and even let these giants choose to destroy them directly, which would be bad.

Only if you invest, your investment will be in vain, and this is the biggest loss.

"In view of the thin air in the mountainous plateaus of the current application areas, even lithium-air batteries will inevitably affect battery performance, so lithium-sulfur batteries or solar charging are still chosen." Cai Jin said: "However, lithium-sulfur batteries are not without disadvantages. That is, the safety will not be as good as that of all-solid-state batteries, and the battlefield environment is harsh after all. I am worried that lithium-sulfur batteries will not be able to adapt to the battlefield environment."

On the battlefield, the most important thing is safety and stability!

This is why many weapons and equipment from World War I are still in use today.

"Boss Cai, what about using new materials for solar charging?" an old man with an expert temperament asked in a deep voice.

"The use of new materials also has some shortcomings. There are two main ones. One is that there are weaknesses, and the bionic robot's resistance to fighting will be reduced. The second is that even if this method is used, it is estimated that the battery life can only be improved by one point. Double it." Cai Jin didn't hide it either.

Others started discussing this.

The current military combat robot dog is equipped with six all-solid-state battery packs with a maximum endurance of 15 hours, while the mechanical bull is equipped with 16 all-solid-state battery packs with a endurance of 24 hours.

If the battery life can be increased by 1 to 2 times, then it is basically enough.

After all, a battle cannot last forever.

In the end, they opted for all-solid-state batteries, which are then recharged from time to time via solar energy.

This means that even if it is not plugged in, it can still be charged by sunlight.

As long as there is sunlight on the battlefield, it can be charged.

"Boss Cai, there is another question, that is, is there any way to enhance the stability of the bionic robot? In winter here, it often snows and freezes. When the bionic robot patrols, instability often occurs, causing the loss of the bionic robot." A the expert asked.

At the same time, a video appeared on the big screen. In the video, in the ice and snow, the bionic robot slipped and fell into the cliff, smashing to pieces.

Cai Jin rubbed his temples. China is a huge country, and its geographical and climatic conditions are very different.

I didn’t think well before.

"This problem is not difficult to solve. You can increase the roughness of the bottom, or make it like a dog's paws." Cai Jin's mind started thinking.

Today's mechanical dogs mainly have two functions. One is the normal mode, just like a dog walking.

One is to convert into gears and slide through the gears. This is mainly to increase the speed on the road.

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