Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 163 Frozen Three Feet

The impact of the tank battle is still continuing.

As the largest tank battle in the past twenty years, this battle had a profound impact on both the military and other fields.

This kind of war is not the one-sided massacre before!

But they were evenly matched from the beginning!

It is not only the confrontation between tanks and armored vehicles on the ground, but also the confrontation in the air. The intensity is unprecedented in history.

The tactics of both sides have high research value.

No one expected that the mercenaries who had the advantage in military equipment would not win but suffer a disastrous defeat.

The bionic bird robot plays an unexpected role.

Swapping one for one is simply the most damaging way to play!

And the impact of this battle was also far-reaching.

The mercenaries kept asking for patients and weapons.

The fighting was so fierce that hundreds or even thousands of people were lost every day!

Sometimes the losses are even greater, thousands of people can be lost in a day.

Moreover, the rate of loss of weapons and equipment was greatly unexpected.

Many weapons and equipment elixirs were blown up by precision-guided missiles before they could reach the battlefield.

The fighting between the two sides ranged from fighter planes and helicopters in the air to fighting on the ground. Only the navy did not dare to really see the red with its bayonet.

After all, you have to put on a disguise no matter what!

Weapons and equipment from both sides are continuously entering the battlefield.

On the Damao side, T90, T72, and T80 main battle tanks are constantly being transported by rail and arriving at the battlefield. There are also a large number of T55 and T62 main battle tanks that have been repaired and upgraded. In addition, there are also a large number of artillery and rockets. , howitzers, etc., many of which were sealed in weapons and ammunition depots, are now being opened directly.

Military factories such as tanks and bullet manufacturing plants are gradually increasing production capacity as the situation changes.

The fighting nation is not just talk, it really dares to fight if they disagree!

Various anti-aircraft artillery units are constantly being mobilized.

At the same time, in border areas, mercenary weapons and ammunition are being transported to the battlefield by trucks, military trains, etc. New videos are posted online almost every day. From the video, you can see that fully loaded M777 howitzers, ammunition and Other types of vehicles basically no longer carry any camouflage, and large quantities of artillery, radar, bullets and artillery shells are transported to the battlefield in a very high-profile manner on the road.

Of course, there are also videos released by Mao, which use precision-guided missiles to strike and destroy in a ground-to-ground or air-to-ground manner. Almost every day, ammunition depots are hit or stations are destroyed.

The entire battlefield has become a display stage for weapons and equipment, including previous weapons and equipment, as well as some new weapons and equipment.

I am full of energy and want to have a bloody fight!

Cai Jin saw a batch of M30A1 satellite-guided rockets destroyed.

Cai Jindu had to let Benben stay above the battlefield to provide signals and positioning. Otherwise, the capabilities of these bionic mechanical dogs would have to be greatly reduced.

Seeing that May Day is approaching, the overall year is quiet and peaceful, and the May Day three-day holiday is as usual.

"This is this year's team building plan, take a look~" Nie Xiaoyu entered Cai Jin's office wearing a short-sleeved white shirt.

Group travel is considered a company benefit and covers everyone in the entire group!

Of course, once this kind of document is issued, each company will implement it.

The headquarters is also responsible for the team building plan of the headquarters!

Compared with various companies, the employees at the headquarters building are much simpler. Except for a few aunts in charge of hygiene and canteen staff, everyone started with a bachelor's degree, and many have postgraduate degrees and even doctorate degrees.

Although the entire headquarters currently has only 1,500 employees, which is still far away from the target of 3,000 employees, it is not possible to go out for team building all at once, but in batches.

Cai Jin looked at it and signed his name.

"Where do you want to travel this year?" Cai Jin asked: "Zhangjiajie? XZ?"

"How about we come and travel to XZ?" Nie Xiaoyu said: "I heard that in the city of XZLS, the wind blowing is culture, and the ground we step on is history."

There are still many popular attractions in XZ, such as the Brada Palace, Jokhang Temple, Nyingchi, Basongcuo, Brahmaputra Grand Canyon, Yamdrok Yumco, Namtso, Tashilhunpo Monastery, Everest Base Camp and so on!

"Okay!" Cai Jin nodded. He didn't pursue this, as long as he wasn't traveling in Fujian Province.

He has played almost everything he can play in the entire Fujian Province.

For example, he doesn't want to go to the national tourist cities like Ludao and Gulangyu, they are boring!

On the other hand, Cai Jin has always been interested in traveling outside the province and always wanted to see the customs, customs and natural scenery of different places.

XZ has become a popular tourist area in recent years.

But Cai Jin has never been there.

"Those who are engaged in foreign trade have been making crazy money recently, and now everyone is making money in full swing!" Nie Xiaoyu said suddenly.

Cai Jin's expression changed.

Although the mainland market has been quite sluggish in recent years, foreign trade has become more and more popular year by year, with export volume reaching a new high and growing at a substantial rate.

As for why foreign trade is more profitable now, it is naturally because China has long been the world's factory. It owns all the current industrial categories in the world, has the advantage of industrial scale, and has the most competitive products.

Not to mention the original market, the neighbor to the north and the large market in the west are enough to boost exports!

On the Middle East side, money is being spent on a large scale, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is also providing a large amount of loans. At the negotiation meeting, it won orders of US$400 billion in one fell swoop.

As for other orders won, in the final analysis, some of the purchases will still fall into factories in China, and we can still make some profits.

"Speaking of which, we also have a lot of income from exports, and we are also making money in full swing." Cai Jin said with a smile.

Nie Xiaoyu sighed: "The economy along the eastern coast is active, and everyone has a strong sense of business. Our Northeast is far behind, and we don't know when it will develop."

Cai Jin didn't know what to say at this time.

The old industrial base in Northeast China was the most important industrial base in China at the time, and the average education level was also the highest in the country. Twenty years ago, the strategy to revitalize the old industrial base in Northeast China was highly valued, as was the Western Development Strategy, but it was the same among the people. There is also a saying that investment cannot be made beyond Shanhaiguan!

Although it is a bit exaggerated and biased, such a sentence is not without purpose.

One of his netizens spent 200,000 yuan to enter a company after graduating from college, and his monthly salary was 3,000 yuan. Cai Jin would find it incredible when he thinks about it.

And many problems are accumulated over time. Three feet of ice cannot be frozen in a day, but it is not easy to break these things.

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