The scenery of Pioneer Beach is really picturesque, the water is clear and blue, colorful and unpredictable under the sunlight, like a fairyland.

The most important thing is that the seawater here is free of any pollution. The visibility of the seawater is as deep as 40 meters. It is so beautiful that even Cai Jin and Nie Xiaoyu were amazed.

This is just the scenery on the water.

Under the sea, there are steep coral reefs stretching for tens of kilometers.

When I was in elementary school, there was an article in the Chinese textbook called "The Rich Paracel Islands". There was a passage in it that said, "The Paracel Islands are a group of islands in the South China Sea and are my country's coastal defense outposts. It has beautiful scenery and rich products. It is a lovely place." "

When Cai Jin read this text before, he yearned for Xisha very much. Now that he has stepped on the Xisha Islands, he is even more fascinated.

On this charming island, Cai Jin and Nie Xiaoyu stepped on the soft white sand with their bare feet, feeling the dense softness of the beach and listening to the waves telling her story of thousands of years.

"I didn't expect the environment here to be so beautiful, but for soldiers, the environment here is difficult!" Nie Xiaoyu said with emotion.

On such a small island, there is a squad stationed, equipped with five combat mechanical dogs and a mechanical bull.

This island has complete fortifications.

The soldiers here are all defending the country and guarding the border.

Cai Jin moved all the Coke, Sprite, and fruit oranges from the yacht to the soldiers.

The sergeant named 'Chen Lin' wanted to pay life and death, but Cai Jin refused.

"Yes, the environment here is too miserable. If we come to visit for a few days, we will feel that the environment here is beautiful, with sunny skies, blue sea, and sea breeze. It is very comfortable. But for them, they have long been tired of seeing it every day for several years. Cai Jin pointed to this beach: "Look at how clean this beach is. It must have been cleaned by these young soldiers picking up shells."

There are no entertainment facilities here.

"How about we dive here?" Nie Xiaoyu asked.

This time, they all carried diving equipment.

As we all know, the Xisha Islands not only have beautiful scenery on the shore, but also people who return from the Xisha Islands do not look at the sea. From then on, it is said that Madai is just a passerby. It also has a very wonderful underwater world and fantastic color-changing sea water.

"Okay, let's dive here and see the world under the sea!" Cai Jin said.

Then the diving equipment was fetched, and after the two of them put it on, they entered the water.

As soon as they entered the water, the bottom of the sea appeared in their sight.

For this dive, they had hired a diving instructor to practice for several days before learning how to dive.

Furthermore, with the intelligent mechanical dog, if something happens, the intelligent mechanical dog can also come to the rescue immediately.

Under the sea, you can see many underwater creatures.

Xisha has the potential to be a first-class fishing ground. It is rich in marine life, and fish, shrimps and crabs abound.

After a while, the light became very weak.

They also had to go to sea.

"It's so beautiful. The underwater world is so beautiful. Maybe we can choose Sansha City as a travel option next time." Nie Xiaoyu took off her diving equipment and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yeah, this is a very suitable reason!" Cai Jin said.

In fact, currently, there are only three islands in Pioneer Beach that have opened tourism services, namely Quanfu Island, Yagong Island and Yinyu Island.

Among them, Quanfu Island is the smallest and is also an important transit and supply station for fishermen. The entire island is only 0.02 square kilometers in size. It is a coral reef island where no one except fishermen will land. The island is inaccessible and the entire island is inaccessible. There is almost no damage to the island's ecology. Various coral reef groups are rich in species. In the shallow waters near the beach, various colorful underwater creatures can be seen directly with the naked eye.

The size of this island is similar to Quanfu Island, but it is not open to tourists.

Otherwise, if nothing else, just this beach covered with fine white sea sand can attract countless tourists.

Yagong Island is the largest of the three open islands, and it is said that some locals live on it.

Compared with this island, there are more coral reefs on Yagong Island. If you don't wear shoes, your feet will easily be cut by corals or shellfish.

In addition, the only tourist development zone in Xisha is located on Yagong Island.

Of course, Yagong Island is actually more like a transit station for tourists. After arriving at Yagong Island, many tourists will take a boat directly to Quanfu Island or Yinyu Island.

Cai Jin feels that it is very suitable to travel here for seven or eight days.

I looked at the time and it was almost time.

Cai Jin and Nie Xiaoyu went to the resort.

Had a great seafood dinner!

At night, the two of them watched the stars on the beach.

In the dead of night, the sea breeze blows.

There is no hustle and bustle of other scenic spots, and there are always only a few people traveling here.

After all, it only took ten years for the city to be established here.

‘Benben’ in the sky is monitored in real time.

Suddenly, Cai Jin heard a roar in the air.

Cai Jin frowned, and just listening to the roar, Cai Jin thought it should be a fighter jet.

"Benben, identify friend or foe!" Cai Jin gave instructions to Benben.

"18 F-15C" Very quickly, several fighter jets were locked.

"Fall into the sea!"

Later, the avionics system of the fighter jet that was flying in the sky had a problem and malfunctioned. The fighter jet actually fell into the sea.

"Damn, what's going on? Why is there a problem with the avionics system!" A pilot panicked: "Call the command center, call the command center, there is a problem with the avionics system of this batch of fighter jets, and the plane is out of control!"

Not only this pilot, but also pilots on other planes were also reporting the situation to the command center.

They didn't understand that such a mature fighter could have such a serious situation.

You know, the F-15C is a single-seat fighter jet improved from the F-15A. The first one flew for the first time in February 1979. It has been more than 40 years ago and it is a very stable, mature and reliable aircraft.

In the past, even if there were some minor problems, it was not like this time.

The plane fell very quickly.

Calculate with wisdom.

Dong dong dong~~

The vast sea seemed like a stone thrown into the lake, creating waves.

Without these flies, the place suddenly became much cleaner.

Cai Jin and Nie Xiaoyu looked at the stars in the sky, blew the sea breeze, and listened to the sound of the waves.

The two of them chatted quietly. In this kind of environment, it is most suitable for a world of two people. They will not be disturbed and there will not be so much shyness.

Then they embraced and kissed passionately!

As for whether the pilot who jumped to escape could survive in the vast sea, Cai Jin was not willing to accept it at all.

You can still live if you do evil by God, but you can't live if you do evil on your own.

Since he was trespassing, it’s no wonder he died.

If you dare to disturb his love affair, you must be prepared to die.

Cai Jin thought that several dogs had drowned!

How many dogs drowned and how many people cared?

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