meeting room.

There was silence.

Everyone's eyes were filled with shock.

Before coming to the meeting, most of them did not know the content of the meeting.

With short notice, they set off and conducted confidential training.

At this moment, when they knew that this was an integrated air and space defense system plan, they were all shocked by this huge plan.

After learning about this huge plan, they couldn't help but think of the "Star Wars Project" in their minds!

In fact, this plan is even bigger than the "Star Wars Project".

"Leader, my plan report ends here." Cai Jin said.

The leader said: "Now let's move on to the discussion. Please let the aviation industry speak first."

A gray-haired old man stood up and said: "Dear leaders, in terms of our current aerospace industry, it is impossible to complete this plan. Our young man proposed the 'Nantianmen Plan' before, which was just a plan. One direction for our efforts in the next ten or twenty years is a bold hypothesis made by young people, and we encourage young people to dare to think."

"However, to implement such a huge plan, given our industrial level and technical strength, not only will it take half a century to implement, but it will also cost hundreds of billions of yuan!"

The old man looked very angry. He felt that this was some overseas war bureau that had come to deceive them and wanted them to be fooled into investing a large amount of money in such a plan, thereby letting them follow Big Brother's old path.

He has come from that era and is very impressed by it and is also very sensitive.

"That is, our aviation industry is currently unable to support this plan. We will not be able to build such an aerial fighter aircraft in another ten years!"

"There are also satellites. When will our aerospace system be able to develop such advanced satellites?"

"The ground command center is a trivial matter, mainly in the space field. This is too difficult."


Regarding aviation, about twenty people came, most of them experts, and none of them were optimistic about this integrated air and space defense system.

Without him, it would be too difficult!

The technology they have now is not enough to support it!

This kind of engine is not a rocket, rocket or missile engine and does not need to be considered so much.

But the engine of an aerospace fighter is different. This kind of engine is used for a long time.

China's aviation industry itself is relatively weak, and its aviation engines have made greater progress in recent years, but there is still a gap between China's aviation industry and the world's most advanced level.

As for aero engines used in air and space fighters, the aero engine technology currently available is simply not satisfactory.

"Next, the troops will express their opinions." The leader who presided over the meeting saw that there were no other opinions from the aviation field and looked at the soldiers in military uniforms.

"This air and space integrated defense system is very good. Once completed, our security problems will be solved once and for all. I dare not say what the future holds. At least the current missiles and aircraft will no longer have a deterrent effect. This is equivalent to us having a solid A shield and a sharp spear!"

"Discover and destroy. This is a goal that our national defense construction has always pursued. There is no doubt that once this plan is successful, our national defense construction will be very beneficial."


From the perspective of national defense construction, the integrated air and space defense system is undoubtedly exciting for them. In this way, many weak points will be easily solved.

Over the years, every time they have to fight for funding, they always need to sell hard.

Take a look, military expenditure accounts for only 1.5% of GDP, while in other countries, military expenditure accounts for 2% to 3.5% of GDP!

As for GDP per capita, it is almost at the bottom.

Each department spoke, and there was no rush.

Very orderly.

Someone is dedicated to recording the problem.

"Next, the financial department, express your opinion." The leader looked at the representative of the financial department.

There is only one representative from the financial department!

This person only asked one question: "Our financial department only cares about how much this plan will cost and whether our finances can support it. Now we are also facing a lot of pressure, so we can't spend money lavishly."

For the financial department, the biggest concern is always how much money is spent.

After looking at the time, the leader presiding over the meeting discussed it with several other leaders.

It's time for dinner.

Everyone didn't go out to eat, but just let people bring the lunch box in.

Cai Jin opened the lunch box, which was a normal lunch box, and looked at the other people. No one disliked the box lunch.

But it's normal to think about it. The hundreds of people in the conference room can be said to be the most elite in the entire industry. What they pursue is no longer personal enjoyment.

After having a meal and taking a short rest, the meeting started again.

There is only one hour to eat and rest in the middle.

"Comrade Cai Jin, what do you think of everyone's problems?" When the meeting started, the leader who presided over the meeting looked at Cai Jin.

"First of all, in terms of technology, there are no technical problems, and I have solved them all." Cai Jin said, and then a real photo of the aerospace fighter appeared: "This is the aerospace fighter we have developed so far, it is 10 meters long. "

Cai Jin introduced this air and space fighter.

"We can also provide satellite communication reconnaissance technology." Cai Jin said: "The price of an aerospace fighter aircraft is 2 billion yuan. The entire aerospace defense integration requires a thousand aerospace fighters."

"The entire plan will cost a total of approximately 3 trillion yuan."

Many people in the entire conference room looked at each other.

None of them expected that Cai Jin had successfully developed this aerial fighter jet.

The biggest technical problems have been solved.

The unit price is 2 billion yuan. Is it expensive?

Not expensive at all!

After all, the original cost of the space shuttle Endeavor was US$3 billion, which was US$3 billion in the 1980s!

Even if the issue of currency devaluation is not taken into account, the gap between the two is almost ten times.

What's more, such an aerospace fighter can cruise in suborbital for 20 years for a long time!

As you can imagine, the price is cheap in comparison.

As for the planned cost of 3 trillion, it seems like a lot, but if it is divided into ten years and gradually promoted, it will only cost 300 billion a year on average!

And it’s still RMB!

For things like RMB, in the end, you can print as much as you want.

Moreover, this is also an industry that can greatly improve the level of China's manufacturing industry. It can be said to have a very large role in improving China's industrial level.

Every year, the state spends hundreds of billions of dollars on industrial support. In the past year, subsidies for new energy sources amounted to hundreds of billions, and support in the chip field also amounted to hundreds of billions. billion scale.

Of course, this also has consequences. Many companies are only interested in receiving subsidies. As for those who actually engage in research and development, only a small number of them do so.

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