The orders from both parties were quickly settled.

Ivan placed a large order, and this order was definitely a large order, setting a record for the largest amount in the history of both parties.

It is also settled in RMB.

The contract value of hundreds of billions, coupled with the wealthy people in the Middle East, will directly occupy the output of Future Technology Group in the next two to three years.

Even if orders come from Europe and the United States, they have to go to the back of the queue.

Ivan and others achieved the purpose of their trip and left happily.

Cai Jin was very satisfied and happy to sign the big order.

The order is large enough that Future Technology Group will not have to worry about shortages in the future.

Workers have to work in three shifts.

A large number of entry-level and junior bionic robots are enough to form an army of hundreds of thousands of bionic robots.

Compared with the tycoons in the Middle East who pursue quality, Damao pursues quantity more.

A torrent of steel composed of an army of bionic robots!

Anyway, on the battlefield, it doesn't matter if the accuracy of shooting guns and artillery is somewhat poor.

Cai Jin was in a good mood, operating the computer and browsing the news.

During this period, although it was covered up by news related to China’s manned moon landing.

But that doesn’t mean there isn’t much news in other places. On the contrary, there are still a lot of big news.

First, on the battlefield, both sides increased their investment in troops. The number of mercenaries and volunteers was said to be 300,000. Then there are videos of large quantities of weapons and equipment being transported to the battlefield every day. There is no shortage of such reports.

The other side did not show any weakness at all. A large ammunition depot was activated, and boxes of bullets, sealed firearms, and boxes of artillery shells were continuously taken away by transport vehicles and transported to the battlefield.

Each tank and armored vehicle arsenal is constantly increasing its production capacity, either producing brand new tanks and armored vehicles, or repairing and upgrading mothballed tanks and armored vehicles.

Of course, weapons and ammunition captured on the battlefield were also used.

In addition to these, retired fighter jets, bombers, and helicopters are also being used.

Although many of them are no longer usable, there are still many that can be used with some repairs.

The number of combatants on both sides was large and the amount of advanced equipment was the largest in history.

At least in terms of this level of fighting, the amount of troops and weapons and equipment invested by both sides, it is indeed the highest since World War II.

Then there are the forms of war, which are also diverse.

Cai Jin opened his laptop and entered the background.

Then, enter the perspective of a bionic eagle robot.

"Made, it has only been so long, and half of the bionic bird robot has been lost!" Cai Jin looked at the background data and couldn't help cursing secretly.

Soon, Cai Jin learned that the mercenaries were so crazy that they would kill a thousand birds by mistake, even if they were real birds.

This has resulted in huge losses for Da Mao's bionic bird robots. Half of the bionic bird robots have been lost so far.

Soon, Cai Jin saw mercenaries driving tanks, armored vehicles, or holding giant steel shields on the battlefield, fighting against bionic robots.

"These soldiers are so bloodless!" Cai Jin couldn't help complaining.

No matter how powerful the machine gun equipped by the combat robot dog is, it cannot penetrate the defensive armor of armored vehicles and tanks.

And what the hell is that giant steel shield? A town uses it in this way?

The machine gun hit the giant steel shield but could not penetrate it.

Not to mention the machine gun, it is estimated that even the howitzer can't break it.

Obviously in the past few months, these mercenaries have explored some ways to deal with bionic robots through actual battlefield combat.

Look at some of the advancing bionic robots. They stepped on a landmine and the mine exploded, directly dismembering the body of the combat robot dog.

Cai Jin muttered to himself, he really couldn't stand it.

If this continues, I'm afraid hundreds of combat mechanical dogs will have to be scrapped here in this town.

Cai Jin controlled twenty combat mechanical dogs with sufficient power and entered through the pipe.

Underground pipes with a diameter of half a meter are enough for the fighting mechanical dog to move forward.

Follow the pipe into town and out through the manhole cover.

"Da da da~~"

Fighting mechanical dog aims and shoots.

"Ah~~" The mercenary who was caught off guard screamed when he was hit.


The mechanical bull outside fired cannonballs.

Cooperation between the inside and the outside begins to work wonders.

At the same time, artillery is also cooperating.

Cannons roared and fired shells one after another.

At this time, he didn't even care whether he would hit the bionic robot.

Cai Jin watched the cannons roaring, and finally understood why the losses of the bionic robots were so great.

Both sides do this. The bionic robot can withstand submachine guns and machine guns, but it cannot withstand artillery shells.

So far, 20,000 combat mechanical dogs have been lost, and thousands of mechanical bulls have been lost.

As for the soldiers on both sides, the losses were unknown.

Anyway, the number of casualties reported by both sides is several times different, and no one knows whether it is true or false.

"I never thought of the threat of landmines before!" Cai Jin thought thoughtfully as he exited the computer background.

I had thought before that the combat mechanical dog mode could be said to have replaced the role of soldiers, and was even more powerful than soldiers. Now that the combat mechanical dog was dismembered by landmines, Cai Jin realized this problem.

"It seems that we have to consider landmine identification!" Cai Jin muttered to himself.

If combat mechanical dogs and mechanical bulls have the ability to identify landmines, their survivability on the battlefield will undoubtedly be greatly increased.

Once a mine is discovered on the ground, it can be detonated from a distance with a machine gun.

If you want to identify landmines, you must first import the landmine database to form big data. After all, there are many types of landmines.

And at this point, entry-level mechanical dogs are definitely not supported by the system.

"Also, these mercenaries are too extravagant. They are fully armed to the teeth. In comparison, Da Mao's soldiers and equipment are not inferior at all." Cai Jin couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this. The luxury of a mercenary.

As you can imagine, every mercenary wears body armor and night vision goggles, and can call for air support or artillery support anytime and anywhere.

As you can imagine, the tanks and armored vehicles driven by these mercenaries are much more advanced than Da Mao's tanks and armored vehicles.

Cai Jin looked at it and felt envious.

Only these ancestors who were robbers, who accumulated huge wealth through robbery, harvested it all over the world, and accumulated it for hundreds of years, could use such a deep family background.

Mercenaries, if these were really mercenaries, they would have been truly invincible.

In this kind of battlefield, even the famous Blackwater Company can only attack.

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