The next day, the focus of all the news was on that plane.

Some even conduct live broadcasts of aircraft routes.

Several F16A and F16B aircraft accompanied the flight.

The plane landed and suddenly there was an accident.

The plane suddenly lost control, causing it to veer off the runway and airport fence and hit another plane.

The collision of two planes shocked everyone watching the live broadcast.

C-40C special plane, this is a modified Boeing 737-700 business jet. This aircraft has a fuselage length of 33.6 meters, a cabin width of 3.53 meters, an empty weight of 38.1 tons, a maximum take-off weight of 70.1 tons, and a maximum range of 6,280 kilometers. It can carry 126-149 passengers, so it is definitely a large aircraft!

The other one is a commercial airliner, a Boeing 767-300, a larger aircraft with a total length of 54.94 meters, a wingspan of 47.57 meters, and a range of 9,700 kilometers!

The collision of two large planes was like Mars hitting the earth.

And this scene, broadcast live through the media, spread all over the world in an instant.

No one thought that such a big thing would happen!

The entire airport was in chaos, and many people rushed to the rescue, hoping to save everyone and reduce deaths as much as possible.

After all, such a big accident is simply a disaster!

What was originally a good show turned out to be a mess.

This is simply embarrassing for both parties.

It would be even more embarrassing if an important person died there!

Soon, one person after another was rescued.

An old lady was so frightened that she went insane.

Cai Jin was watching the live broadcast and shook his head in disappointment when he saw this scene.

Unexpectedly, my calculations were so good that there was no fire or explosion in the plane.

This is really disappointing.

Not long after, an explosion finally occurred.

There were explosions one after another and thick smoke billowing.

But looking at the time, it seems that the few people rescued have already been transferred out.

The people who should have been killed by the explosion were not killed, so the people affected by the explosion were probably just small shrimps.

"What a fucking miscalculation!" Cai Jin cursed secretly.

This is really true, man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation!

"Hehehe, Ajin, look, it's so refreshing! It's so refreshing! Everyone is having a party!" Nie Xiaoyu said happily.

Tonight, she also watched the live broadcast on Douyin.

When he saw the plane taking off before and really following that trajectory, Nie Xiaoyu was so angry that she slapped her thighs and felt angry in her heart.

Not to mention Nie Xiaoyu, many people across the country are holding their breath.

They can't imagine that so many years have passed.

There are still people who dare to be so provocative and dare to ride on someone's face directly.

The other party is really too arrogant. If resentment could kill a person, he would have killed the other party hundreds of thousands of times.

Now, this tone has finally come out.

And it makes people feel extremely relaxed.

For a time, the entire Internet was filled with joy, as if it was celebrating the New Year.

However, Cai Jin had a hunch that this matter would not just end like this.

Sure enough, not long after, just a few minutes later, red-headed documents were released one after another.

Everyone realized that things were serious.

The next day, Cai Jin took a plane and arrived at Rongcheng Airport.

A military vehicle came specifically to pick him up.

Not long after, they arrived at a secret air force base.

The black box has been sent here, and relevant data and videos have also arrived.

Even the wreckage was sent here.

Cai Jin checked them one by one and spent a lot of effort.

Soon Cai Jin understood what was going on.

The material quality and workmanship did not meet the requirements, which caused the aerospace fighter aircraft to be unable to bear it and collapsed after reaching Mach 3.

Cai Jin shook his head.

It seems that the relevant units still did not fully understand the technology and failed to control the quality, which led to such an accident.

Later, Cai Jin wrote a report and submitted it.

This kind of thing, how should I put it, is unexpected, but also expected.

How could it be possible to master so many high-tech technologies in less than a year?

It can be said that this accident, in the final analysis, was about eagerness for quick success.

None of the propellers, fuselage materials, etc. are up to standard.

Cai Jin couldn't understand how someone dared to commit suicide for such a big thing.

Do you think the knife above is not sharp enough?

I still think my head is tough enough! ?

After Cai Jin submitted the technical report, he no longer participated in the matter.

This kind of thing is an internal matter within the system, and how to punish it is naturally the person's own business.

Speaking of it, he was an outsider and was not suitable to get involved in it, lest he be hated by others.

The accident expert technical team began to study and discuss Cai Jin's technical report, and more and more evidence proved that Cai Jin's analysis was correct.

Lin Xiaolong was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

He didn't expect that this was the reason.

He didn't expect that someone would be so bold and dare to play a trick on this matter. He was simply desperate.

A vigorous investigation began.

The ‘White Emperor’ air and space fighter aircraft is about China’s sixth-generation fighter aircraft and the improvement of the entire Chinese aviation industry.

It was the leaders above who talked to Cai Jin and persuaded Cai Jin to hand over the entire set of technologies to AVIC.

But even if they pay, the technology buyout fee is as high as 300 billion, which is an astronomical figure.

The 'White Emperor' air and space fighter plane has also been classified as the highest level of confidentiality. How important it is. Now that something has happened, it is natural to get to the bottom of it.

Return to the company from Chengdu.

Cai Jin thought for a moment.

Then through Benben, he turned his attention to the battlefield.

In the final analysis, you still have to vent your anger and let the opponent save more blood.

Soon, Cai Jin set his sights on the northern front-Rivni.

Rivni, this is a front-line battlefield and a key point on the northern front.

There is a mercenary here, which is the original 1SBCT Stryker Brigade Combat Team of a certain infantry division. It is famous all over the world. It can be said that its origin can be traced back to the FCS Future Combat System, which was conceived in the 21st century. In the beginning, and therefore, it has always been regarded as a powerful force in information warfare.

The battle here is very hard.

Neither side is willing to take a step back, and they are fighting here.

At this time, Cai Jin quickly and clearly controlled the entire battlefield through the bionic robot.

"I only know how to fight in public security, but I can't even fight in large groups!" Cai Jin looked at this battlefield and found it incredible that the mercenaries with the advantages of information technology and military equipment were fighting so hard.

Even though the number of people was comparable, they did not dare to conduct field army operations. Instead, they huddled in the city and engaged in urban assault battles with the opponent.

This is simply incredible.

In my impression, these armies should be extremely domineering and majestic.

The result is now good. With the overall advantage, they don't even dare to fight outside the city.

No wonder these mercenaries are called ‘Young Master Soldiers’ by CNN!

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