This bionic robot has so many uses!

It can be used as both an industrial robot and a service robot.

In fact, once the corresponding database is built, even if you become a chef, you will be at the chef level!

Think about it, if shopping malls really become unmanned shopping malls and these robots serve as shopping guides and waiters, how many people will be unemployed as a result.

In the next ten years, Cai Jin has never thought about selling this bionic robot.

In the next ten years, Cai Jin's plan is actually to popularize bionic mechanical dogs into society, just like smart phones, then he will be satisfied.

Ten years later, society was completely different.

By then, this bionic robot can gradually appear in society.

Cai Jin took the two of them to visit the production workshop, testing workshop, and experimental workshop.

The bureau chief and political commissar suddenly discovered a phenomenon, that is, in addition to the production workshop, the testing workshop and the experimental workshop were all young people, too young.

They found that so far, the average age of Future Technology Group is probably only twenty-five or six years old!

Later, we came to the office building of the robot factory.

"This is the office building where we originally built the first phase of the robot factory. The building is not high. I thought it would last for a few years, but I didn't expect that it would not be enough in the second year!" Cai Jin said with a smile: "As the company develops, The speed was so fast that we couldn’t even react.”

"This kind of high-tech product is really easy to sell!" the bureau chief and political commissar said with considerable approval.

"Actually, there are the largest number of children's intelligent mechanical dogs on the market, followed by entry-level intelligent mechanical dogs. As for junior intelligent mechanical dogs, the number is relatively limited. There are currently only about 500 intermediate intelligent mechanical dogs in the society." Cai Cai Jin introduced with a smile: "Our group's main source of income is mainly exports in the field of military equipment. The exports of several bionic robots are quite good."

"If this was just a pretty good deal, Lockheed Martin, the world's number one arms dealer, would be crying and fainting in the toilet!" the director laughed.

The political commissar couldn't help but laugh.

Many things are secrets to ordinary people, but to some people, they are not secrets at all.

Last year, the revenue of bionic robots exported by Future Technology Group definitely exceeded that of Lockheed Martin!

However, Future Technology Group is not an arms dealer.

"I have learned that the price of a mid-level intelligent mechanical dog like yours is very high, costing a full 5 million, and there has never been a price reduction until now. With such a high price, only a few can afford it!" the director said with a smile. .

Cai Jin smiled.

The original plan itself was like this. The intelligent mechanical dogs were divided into various grades so that different groups of people could afford them.

Just like smartphones, high-end ones cost tens of thousands of yuan, mid-to-high-end ones cost five to six thousand yuan, mid-range ones cost four to five thousand yuan, mid-to-low-end ones cost two to three thousand yuan, and low-end ones cost several hundred yuan, There are some that cost more than a thousand yuan.

The reason why junior intelligent mechanical dogs are relatively limited in society now is because a large part of the production capacity is occupied by exports.

The profits are really amazing.

The military field, the police system, and finally the civil society!

This is sequentiality!

As for this kind of intermediate intelligent mechanical dogs, there are not as many in China as there are in the Middle East. One important reason is that the local tycoons in the Middle East are inhumane and just throw money at them.

Cai Jin got two intermediate intelligent mechanical dogs: "Bureau chief, political commissar, these two intermediate intelligent mechanical dogs are for you!"

"No, we people's soldiers cannot take advantage of the masses. This is against discipline!" The bureau chief instinctively refused.

It's a pity that Cai Jin couldn't refuse his hospitality and even called Gong Chaoming, the military representative, to come over.

The two of them had to accept it and carry out certification activation under Cai Jin's guidance.

After checking the time, there was still some time, Cai Jin took them to another factory.

This factory specializes in producing photolithography machines.

The factory had been built before, and talents poached from all over the world quickly put the factory into normal operation.

Since reaching a settlement with other photolithography machine giants, the small factory no longer produces photolithography machines.

All photolithography machines are produced in this factory.

Reconciliation, in Cai Jin's view, is nothing more than slow death.

When the factory's production capacity increases, overseas photolithography machine manufacturers will no longer be able to compete.

Even if the employees' wages are the same, the other party has no way to compete because the production cost is still much lower than them!

This factory is also the only one among all factories that all have undergraduate degrees. The first level is the starting line. There are many master's degree students, and there are also many with doctorate degrees.

Many professors in this field of research even came over to participate.

"Think about back then, we suffered too much in terms of photolithography machines. People said that this was the crown jewel of industry. Even if we were given a complete set of drawings, we couldn't make it. Thinking about it, we were really cowardly. Now it's better. Let's see. Do they dare to say that?" The director said with red eyes and some choking.

"I used to go to Europe and wanted to visit ASML, but they were not willing at all and looked down on us." The political commissar sighed with emotion.

You still need to be strong in order to strike iron.

If you are not strong enough, you will always be affected by all kinds of cowardice.

"Haha, people say now that photolithography machines are no longer the crown jewel of industry, and chips are not high-tech products, but office printers are." Cai Jin joked with a smile.



The bureau seat and the political commissar couldn't help laughing.

This kind of thing simply doesn't happen too much.

There is no way, because the term "industrial crown" has flexible and changeable standards. For example, last semester, gas turbines were industrial crowns, and now they are industrial waste.

According to a netizen, if there are many more pearls in the industrial crown, I don’t know, but remote breeding technology must be the biggest and brightest pearl, and China will not be able to pick it up in a hundred years!

For example, a post is very popular right now, saying "Why is China's industry so big but not strong? It can't even build a printer"!

Again, office printers have become the industrial crown.

According to what it says, office printers have stumped 99% of the countries in the world. In more than 200 countries, they can be found in only two countries, namely Pratt \u0026 Whitney of the United States and Canon of Japan!

After visiting the photolithography machine factory, I did not visit the photoresist production factory.

Because it's already dinner time.

Cai Jin personally took the two of them to the Haihai Restaurant.

At first, this restaurant could only be regarded as a fish and steak restaurant. This year, the owner simply opened a sea restaurant 5 kilometers away from the coastline.

In doing so, not only was the business not affected, but it became even more popular.

Cai Jin and the others arrived at the small dock next to the headquarters, where Nie Xiaoyu was waiting.

Then set off on a luxury yacht.

This luxury yacht has been used relatively rarely.

That is Nie Xiaoyu, use it once or twice a week.

As for Cai Jin, even less is used.

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