Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 202 The second manned moon landing

"It's still a bit unsatisfactory." Cai Jin finished the first day of testing and looked at the relevant data of today's test, and he couldn't help but muttered.

The difference from simulation is not the slightest bit different.

Based on the test data, Cai Jin began to make adjustments.

Material adjustments, structural adjustments

Finally, the adjusted bionic flying fish robot basically satisfied Cai Jin’s design.

Without stopping, Cai Jin started designing the bionic swordfish robot, the bionic swordfish robot, and the bionic barracuda robot. These three bionic marine robots are similar to the bionic flying fish robot and belong to the patrol, cruising and attack type.

The slow-moving bionic jellyfish robots are bionic robots used for fixed-point reconnaissance.

In his vision, there are two types of marine bionic robots, one is fast and is used for patrolling and attacking; the other is slow and is used for fixed-point reconnaissance to build an underwater reconnaissance system.

In this way, for example, a layer-by-layer underwater detection system can be built. Once other ships appear, they will be detected immediately, so that the ships can be tracked in real time and have more reaction time.

Cai Jin was thinking that building hundreds of thousands of marine bionic robots would make the territorial waters impregnable.

And just when Cai Jin was focusing on developing marine bionic robots, CNSA officially launched its second manned lunar landing journey.

It was only when it was officially announced that the whole world knew that China not only had one space shuttle, but a second space shuttle!

It was also at this time that CNSA officially announced the shocking news of the expansion of the astronaut fleet.

The original one astronaut brigade was expanded to five astronaut brigade, and each astronaut brigade was equipped with a space shuttle.

This means that China will equip three more space shuttles in the future.

Finally, the whole world understood why the Astronaut Center was conducting astronaut selection some time ago. It turned out to be preparations for this.

The captains of the five astronaut brigades appeared together in brand new military uniforms.

Two female astronauts and three male astronauts serve as captains.

And this time it was the second team that carried out the second manned lunar landing mission!

Wang Yaping, captain of the second team, is also an astronaut that everyone is familiar with. She is the first Chinese astronaut to give lectures in space. She has given three space lectures so far. She is also the first Chinese female astronaut to station on the space station and the first to conduct extravehicular activities!

She is also a heroine who is not inferior to women, and she is full of glory so far.

Compared with Liu Yang who quietly disappeared from people's sight for a few years after his space mission, Wang Yaping has been active in people's sight these years!

The whole world was in an uproar and turned their attention to the east.

No one thought that after China had just carried out its first manned moon landing, it would conduct its second manned moon landing so soon.

Everyone knows that the space shuttle is the brightest pearl in the industrial crown. It is already quite difficult to build a space shuttle. But now, China has built another space shuttle. This is simply incredible.

China is now the only country in the world that has an active space shuttle!

The other one is Da Mao!

As for the United States, it has not had a space shuttle for a full decade.

Even now, CNSA is restarting the space shuttle program and developing a new generation of space shuttle. However, even optimistic Americans believe that the development of a new generation of space shuttle will have to wait until 2025 for delivery.

And the most important thing is that no one in the world has got the news about the manufacturing of this second space shuttle before, as if this space shuttle just appeared all of a sudden.

Yes, it came out all at once!

You know, it’s hard to hide something as big as the space shuttle. After all, tens of thousands of development engineers are involved.

And the intelligence agents are pervasive, so it is difficult to completely conceal it.

The results are now good, and the outside world only knows about it after the CNSA announced it.

A grand and solemn expedition ceremony was held.

There are still five astronauts carrying out this manned moon landing mission.

However, compared with the first manned moon landing, although this time it also attracted much attention, the sensation was obviously not that big and inferior.

This time, CCTV will still broadcast the entire event live.

Other satellite TV stations are simply not qualified to broadcast this kind of thing live.

Even if some Internet media or self-media start live broadcasts, their combined influence is far lower than that of CCTV.

"Dear viewers in front of the TV, what we are bringing to you now is China's second manned moon landing. This time it is also a space shuttle, but China's second space shuttle - the "Chang'e 2" space shuttle. Commander Wang Yaping, Wang Yaping is a veteran among our astronauts."

"Professor Wang, Professor Dong, and Professor Li, please explain to us the highlights of this manned moon landing." The host smiled.

There are three guests in this live broadcast, respectively from Beihang University, Harbin Institute of Technology and NPU!

Professor Wang said: "This manned lunar landing is different from the first manned lunar landing. There are several highlights of this manned lunar landing that have never been seen before. The first is that the Chang'e 2 space shuttle will It will rendezvous and dock with the Tiangong Space Station twice, once when setting off and once when returning from the moon to the earth. Another highlight is that this time the Chang'e-2 space shuttle will conduct aerial photography of the entire moon, which is unprecedented in the world. This is the first global aerial photography of the moon, which is of great significance for the future development and utilization of the moon by humans on earth."

"One more point I would like to add is that the Chang'e-2 space shuttle will stay at the Guanghan Palace Scientific Research Station for half a month. During this period, the area of ​​the Guanghan Palace Scientific Research Station will be further expanded and the life system will be initially built, so that The life system of the scientific research station can sustain ten scientific researchers for one year," Professor Dong added.

No water resources have been found on the moon so far, which is undoubtedly very unfriendly to life on earth. After all, water is the source of life.

Under such circumstances, there is no doubt that the living system is particularly important, as it allows scientific researchers to stay on the moon for a long time.

Otherwise, even if there is a space shuttle, scientific researchers will not be able to stay on the moon for a long time. This will at most be more symbolic than practical. No matter how big the company is, they will not be able to land on the moon frequently.

Therefore, the first step is to balance the balance of payments so that the moon landing can develop sustainably, rather than just throwing money at it.

Only by achieving a balance between income and expenditure can we pursue the pursuit of generating profits!

Therefore, in aerospace engineering, life systems are particularly important, as they can greatly reduce the cost of aerospace engineering.

One of the missions of the Chang'e-2 space shuttle this time is to initially build a life system.

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