Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 207 Butterfly instigation

Now, the whole world is watching the Middle East.

Everyone had a premonition that a storm would break out here.

After more than ten hours of war, everyone knew that this was just the beginning, not the end.

Everyone looked at the vulture.

After all, if the father is beaten, will the son come forward?

Does the vulture still have the strength to open up a new battlefield?

At this time, the joint conference room was also noisy.

Since the news reached here, department heads were woken up and rushed to the conference room as soon as possible.

No one expected that such a big trap would be revealed at this time.

Now their energy is not here, but working hard!

The production capacity of the arsenal has been unable to keep up with the consumption schedule three months ago, and pill weapons are constantly being taken out from various reserve arsenals, and even purchased from other countries.

Now it's okay, my father was beaten, and his nose and face were bruised and swollen.

Many people shouted to send troops and reinforcements.

After all, if his father is beaten severely and the son does not take any action, he will always be looked down upon.

"Everyone, I am not against sending reinforcements to support our allies." A middle-aged white man said solemnly: "We must send troops, but what is before us now is, which other troops can we mobilize? "

"One hundred thousand mercenaries are in Eastern Europe, and one hundred thousand troops are stationed in Europe. The only ones that can be mobilized now are the Western Pacific, where tens of thousands more troops can be mobilized!"

He didn't say it was okay, but when he said it, the conference room exploded.

Since 2012, the focus has gradually been on the Pacific. Nearly 70% of naval ships have been deployed in the Pacific direction, which is definitely the top priority.

During this period, countless difficulties were overcome,

Even more, he does not hesitate to cause greater danger.

"No, we can't move here. We are already under a lot of pressure in the Pacific direction. All parties are asking for more reinforcements and more weapons and equipment. If we mobilize the troops here, I'm afraid the people down there will explode." A white man The old man shook his head and said: "My suggestion is to recruit reserve troops. The only ones we can use now are reserve troops."

"Of course, we can also set up special mercenaries and let the mercenaries fight. In this case, we only need to sign the contract and pay according to the contract. If the mercenary dies in battle, we don't have to pay high pensions."

What a joke, the Pacific direction has been going on for ten years, ten years is enough time to form a huge interest group.

"Haha, everyone, I have to remind everyone that our military expenditure has reached an unprecedented 750 billion. In order to restart the F22 production line, we have also increased hundreds of billions through special funds. How can we still have money?" A middle-aged officer had to ask He reminded: "Unless those big gentlemen are kind enough to find out and give us more funds, if they want to send reinforcements, I'm afraid it won't be possible without 300 to 400 billion U.S. dollars, and this is only one year!"

Just kidding, soldiers are all uncles, they have to eat steak and mutton chops and drink coffee and cola.

And the pay is even higher.

If you look at it step by step, the cost will not be enough to cover tens of billions.

There was endless debate in the conference room, and it was still impossible to reach a consensus.

At this time, there was naturally no press conference.

Cai Jin watched the show all night and was very sleepy at this time.

After taking a bath, he fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, he found that the world's news had been grabbed by this major event.

All major pages are reserved for this matter.

Traditional media and self-media have gone all out to report this matter.

In fact, no one expected that such a big melon would explode here.

Military experts and practical experts from various countries have always stated that although the situation here is tense, it is still a long way from war.

Normally, war does not occur without trace. Whether it is a large-scale war or a war in a local area, there will be obvious signs before it occurs.

The first sign is economic problems. The economy is the foundation of a country. If there are problems in the economy, social conflicts will follow. The second is to fully mobilize public opinion and use it skillfully to find a reason for sending troops. The third omen is large-scale military exercises.

The last two omens were there, but this place is like this every year, and everyone doesn't take it seriously.

However, the first sign of economic problems did not appear. Starting from February this year, oil prices soared and oil profits were astonishing. The economy in the Middle East is much better than before. The princes are playing their true colors of tycoons and spending money all over the world. With.

Now that the war broke out, everyone was simply caught off guard.

In just a few days, missile silos were opened.

Obviously, at this critical moment, a big weapon needs to be used.

But just as the killer weapon was launched, a laser beam streaked across the sky, as bright as a meteor.

The missile was destroyed instantly.

This time, a fighter jet with a speed exceeding Mach 6 was caught by many radars.

This fighter jet was much smaller than normal fighter jets, but it was still detected by ground radar.

Moreover, the fighter jets are not afraid of being discovered and fly long distances.

It seems to be telling everyone a truth.

This information reached the desks of various countries in an instant.

Everyone was shocked.

It was immediately clear that this was a sixth-generation machine!

Sixth-generation machines and fifth-generation machines have very different standards.

The current generational standard for fifth-generation aircraft can be summarized as 4S, which is the use of fifth-generation aero engines and the comprehensive application of low-detectability technology, as well as high maneuverability, advanced avionics systems, and highly integrated computer networks. Possess excellent battlefield situation awareness and information fusion capabilities.

That is, the invisibility, supersonic cruise capability, super maneuverability, and super information advantage that everyone often hears about!

As for the standards for sixth-generation fighters, although a unified understanding has not yet been completely reached, it is almost there!

Judging from some of the standards announced by everyone, the sixth-generation fighter needs to have several parameters. It needs to have Mach 3 supersonic cruise, a maximum speed of Mach 6 or above, be equipped with a self-circulating (variable cycle) engine, and have a thrust-to-weight ratio of more than 20. In combat, With a radius of more than 4,000 kilometers, the stealth performance is three to five times that of fifth-generation aircraft!

So far, only three countries in the world have invested in the development of sixth-generation fighter jets, or two and a half countries. The other half of the country has been unable to make substantial breakthroughs in fifth-generation fighter jets. Many countries do not even consider them to be viable. It's a fifth-generation fighter!

There are obvious standards for the generation of fighter jets.

The performance gap between different generations of fighter jets is very obvious.

Just like when the F22 was born, it shot down hundreds of F15s and F16s in confrontation simulations without losing any of them, which shocked the whole world.

The gap between sixth-generation machines and fifth-generation machines will only be wider, not smaller.

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