Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 223 Outstanding Employee Award

I hold you in my hands and burn incense religiously.

Cut a piece of candlelight to light up the economy.

Don't ask for excitement, just ask for love.

In the end, I was hurt and cried so desperately.

I will spend my whole life supporting you.

I just hope you will stop your wandering eyes.

Please give me the power to love and be loved infinitely.

It allows me to meditate quietly under Bodhi with peace of mind.

A familiar melody and a familiar song sounded.

On the stage, Yang Mi sang the theme song of "Palace" "Love's Offering" with all her heart.

Listening to Yang Mi's unique milky voice, Li Hao hummed unconsciously.

This song is still pretty good, especially magical.

This song was very popular at that time, and it was popular all over the country. It also swept all major music charts and dominated the top three song search rankings for half a year.

With this song, Yang Mi won the Most Popular Female Singer in Mainland China at the 11th CCTV-MTV Music Festival.

Whether a song is popular or not, the most important thing is not the quality, but sometimes it has to have its own characteristics. This song "The Support of Love" would have sounded better than Yang Mi if it was sung by any professional singer, but it would definitely not be so popular.

The demonic sound penetrates your ears, and you will be impressed after listening to it once. There is nothing more terrifying than this.

Of course, Yang Mi was also scolded miserably at that time. There was a lot of scolding on the Internet, and there was even a meme. A netizen said that he had been in a coma for three months due to a tragic car accident. One day, he turned on the radio and "Love's Offering" was playing, so he got up and put it on the Internet. The radio was turned off.

Whenever someone asks what the theme song of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" is, some people say it is the support of love, and then ask about suicide - if you don't understand, don't live.

Although it's not very funny, the eight words "love support" and "suicide" became popular on the Internet.

Cai Jin still remembers that he liked this song very much at the beginning.

Because of this, the only person Cai Jin named in the entire conference was Yang Mi singing "The Offering of Love"!

Looking at Yang Mi, who is over 30 years old, on the stage, Cai Jin can only lament that celebrities know how to take care of themselves. With a little makeup, it seems as if time has left no trace on their bodies.

"Now, let us invite Chairman Cai Jin to come on stage and deliver a speech!" After the song, the host came on stage, and after more than a minute, he said with a smile.

The spotlight began to focus on the channel, and Cai Jin walked out. As Cai Jin walked towards the stage, the spotlight moved slowly.

The applause was so overwhelming that it almost lifted the roof off.

There is no way not to be excited.

Cai Jin will announce the year-end bonus plan and the arrival of the year-end bonus. This is what everyone is most concerned about.

"Dear colleagues, 2022 has passed in the blink of an eye. In the past year, thanks to everyone's efforts, the company has achieved rapid development. The first phase of the Chengdu production base has been completed and production has begun. The Northeast production base project has been finalized and is about to start. ." Cai Jin's voice was not fast, but it reached everyone's ears clearly.

Cai Jin summarized the company's development last year and then looked forward to the new year.

As for the company's financial report, Future Technology Group is an unlisted company and has no obligation to release it to the public.

Cai Jin will not let others know.

"Now, I announce the company's year-end bonus plan." As Cai Jin finished speaking, everyone saw the year-end bonus plan appear on the big screen.

At the same time, text messages on the scene kept ringing, or mobile phones vibrated.

That was the sound of the year-end bonus arriving.

January's salary, as well as year-end bonus, arrive separately in the account.

Everyone looked at their year-end awards and suddenly showed excitement.

Even the Moonlight Clan felt that their waist suddenly straightened up.

"This year, the company will give additional rewards to outstanding new employees and excellent employees. Outstanding new employees will be rewarded with a small yellow croaker, and outstanding employees will be rewarded with a large yellow croaker. Next, 100 outstanding new employees will be invited to the stage!" Cai Jin said.

And as Cai Jin announced additional rewards for outstanding new employees and outstanding employees, the entire venue exploded.

Everyone looked at the yellow-orange gold and felt that their hearts were severely stimulated.

These are small yellow croakers and large yellow croakers, which can only be seen by watching TV series and movies during the Republic of China.

But now, it appeared in their sight.

At the same time, 100 outstanding new employees stood up happily. They did not expect that they would be rated as outstanding employees, nor did they expect that the additional rewards for outstanding employees would be so generous.

Then I walked to the stage happily, and then I just felt like I was lining up.

Cai Jin handed over the red certificates and small yellow croakers to these outstanding employees one by one.

Throughout 2022, more than 10,000 employees will enter Future Technology Group, but only 100 will receive the Outstanding Employee Award, and the probability is less than one percent.

Cai Jin shook hands and took photos with these outstanding new employees one by one.

These outstanding new employees all have bright smiles.

For outstanding new employees, not only will their year-end bonus be much larger than those who entered in the same year, but they will also not only get a small yellow croaker now. In the next new year, their salary will be increased by two levels, and they will also be given preferential opportunities for promotion.

For example, if you want to buy a house, the loan amount obtained from the company will also be larger.

At this moment, countless people are looking at these people with envy!

But even if some people are dissatisfied, it’s useless.

Because everyone knows that this kind of assessment is very strict, and the results will not change in any way just because someone is angry.

Either obey the company or get out.

There are only two ways.

In private enterprises, it is much easier to fire someone than in government units, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises.

After these outstanding new employees left, Cai Jin announced: "Next, we will invite outstanding employees!"

At the same time, the host began to read the people on the list.

Everyone who was rated as an outstanding employee was overjoyed, and some even jumped up for joy.

For a moment, I just felt that all my efforts in the past year were worth it, and the grievances I suffered in the past year were nothing.

Before, they were still wondering why their year-end bonus was so much higher than that of their surrounding colleagues.

And now, the answer is revealed.

Because I am an excellent employee!

Among tens of thousands of employees, only 100 are awarded the title of outstanding employees. You can imagine how low the probability is.

Naturally, their rewards are also very generous.

More year-end bonuses, a higher level of basic salary in the new year, priority for promotions, an extra large yellow croaker this time, and a half-month family trip reimbursed by the company.

It can be said that this year’s outstanding employee reward program is much larger than last year’s.

I don’t know how many people have secretly decided to strive to be outstanding employees next year.

Many employees who have just joined the company less than a year ago have red eyes, wishing they had to take the Spring Festival holiday and work overtime until dawn.

It's not because of how high their consciousness is, but because the company has given them too much!

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