NASA headquarters.

This world-famous space center.

At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds and there was lightning and thunder, as if a violent storm was about to come.

The satellite was destroyed just like that.

This can be called subversive.

Anti-satellite means are not without means.

But destroying satellites easily like this is simply subversive of imagination.

At this time, countless NASA researchers were cast a shadow in their hearts.

The technical gap here is quite obvious.

It's not that NASA doesn't have space shuttle technology. Even though it hasn't had a space shuttle for ten years, it still has a complete set of space shuttle technology.

However, the industrial chain that was able to build the space shuttle in the first place is no longer complete. It is not that simple to reconstruct the industrial chain.

Even if it really costs a lot of money to build a space shuttle, it will be just like the previous space shuttle, and its performance will not even be as good as Da Mao's Buran space shuttle.

Not to mention, compared with CNSA's space shuttle.

If you want to build a space shuttle like CNSA, there are more than one difficulty that needs to be overcome.

If it was the CNSA decades ago, there would still be technical talents to overcome it, but now, even if you want to form a decent team, you can't form one.

Among the outstanding talents in the United States, no one wants to engage in manufacturing and industrial design.

As for ethnic Chinese and other groups, they are now unable to even enter institutions such as CNSA, or even become ordinary staff, let alone become core personnel.

An endless loop!

As for those elderly people who have already entered the retirement stage, there is no need to think about what they are expected to do.

Everyone feels the threat from space.

Missiles can also be used for defense.

The interception success rate of the current missile defense system is still quite high. It is not difficult to break through numerous interceptions.

The only thing that causes a headache is hypersonic missiles.

It is embarrassing to say that as the number one military power, the United States failed to conquer hypersonic missiles. Not long ago, a hypersonic missile test failed.

This kind of hypersonic missile has a speed of over Mach 5, can carry out large-scale maneuvers, and is extremely difficult to intercept.

Especially the Rabbit on the opposite side, not only has it developed hypersonic missiles, but the missiles it has even developed can be useless. It's amazing that they can even develop such things.

We have not mastered hypersonic missiles, let alone intercepting them.

Think about it, even missiles exceeding Mach 5 are difficult to intercept.

What about weapons from space?

That speed is not Mach 5, but Mach 10 or Mach 20!

Everyone knows that the horror of space weapons determines who has the power to control the sky.

Although the resolution "not to be the first to deploy weapons in outer space" was passed by a high vote on December 6, 2021.

But you must know that even if it is deployed, it will be difficult for others to discover it.

Moreover, this kind of decision is actually not binding at all. This is something Yingjiang has the most experience with.

Any agreement is a piece of waste paper meant to be torn up.

Anything said can be dismissed in the blink of an eye.

Of course, there are consequences if you tell too many bad things or lie too much.

The consequence is that no one wants to believe it.

Even when I called, they didn't answer the phone.

"Do you think we can purchase a space shuttle from CNSA?" A person suddenly raised a possibility.

Purchase a space shuttle! ?

The others immediately looked at the man as if he were an idiot.

Let’s see, can a space shuttle, which combines a large amount of advanced technology, be exported?

Sleepy bridge is willing to speak, but others are unwilling to speak out.

Moreover, do you use US dollars to purchase?

When thinking about the funding application that NASA plans to submit, everyone feels a shadow in their hearts.

Based on the current situation, the combined budget for next year is already a record, reaching an astonishing US$9 trillion.

Among them, military spending will exceed one trillion US dollars for the first time.

Space funding will reach US$500 billion for the first time.

Now all parties are building momentum, one side is working hard to pass this budget plan as much as possible, and the other side is sniping.

The high and rising debt is enough to cause headaches, especially now that it is part of the U.S. dollar interest rate hike cycle.

However, there has not been the expected dollar frenzy, nor has there been a situation where developing countries have fallen into a dollar shortage.

At this time, Silicon Valley, a bank.

SVB Bank, also known as the world's most famous Silicon Valley Bank, has total assets of US$209 billion and serves venture and entrepreneurial enterprises through 27 offices in the United States, 3 international branches and extensive business relationships in Asia and Europe. Provide loans.

Silicon Valley Bank serves technology-based companies and has successfully helped star companies such as Facebook and Twitter.

But now, Silicon Valley Bank is in trouble.

During the U.S. dollar interest rate hike cycle, savers have withdrawn their U.S. dollars to buy U.S. debt. After all, the interest on U.S. debt is already much higher than bank interest.

In order to cope, Silicon Valley banks have to face difficult choices.

"Everyone, now we can only survive with a broken arm and sell U.S. debt in exchange for U.S. dollars to cope with the run on savers." the governor said solemnly.

"But President, if we sell U.S. debt now, not only will we not get interest, we will even have to pay a subsidy. I'm afraid the books will look ugly and cause panic."

Everyone else's expressions changed.

In the past, many savers' money was invested, one of which was the purchase of U.S. bonds.

As long as you hold on to U.S. debt and don't sell it, you will make a profit on your books.

But selling now and maturing U.S. debt are two different things. The price difference between the two is quite obvious, and this price difference requires Silicon Valley Bank to pay for it.

"But do we have any other options now?" the president said in a deep voice.

Faced with this dilemma, Silicon Valley Bank is not the only one, but many small and medium-sized banks exist.

As for the big banks, they will not help them. They are like hungry wolves, but they want them to go bankrupt and then come up to bite off a piece of meat.

Now, it's about making a choice.

It would be best if we can get through this crisis safely and smoothly.

"Everyone, you don't want our bonus, right?" the president said meaningfully.

Without money, naturally no bonuses can be issued.

But it's different when you have money. Naturally, bonuses can be paid out as usual.

Once they get the bonus, it has nothing to do with them as to how much they lose.

All of a sudden, this sentence was like the straw that broke the camel's back.

No one has trouble with money.

Silicon Valley Bank collapsed. It can only be said that this was an innocent war, and they cannot be blamed.

Who would have thought that at this time, we were still in the U.S. dollar interest rate hike cycle.

With a consensus reached, Silicon Valley Bank began to take action to sell high-quality assets in its hands, including U.S. debt.

But this time, everyone was caught off guard.

The entire market reacted quickly.

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