Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 236 Shipwreck and Gold

Mecha, Cai Jin will carry it with him from now on.

This thing can save your life at critical moments.

As long as it is not a particularly powerful penetrating artillery shell or missile, it will not be able to penetrate the mecha's defense.

The sniper rifle bullets hitting the mecha will only leave faint bullet marks.

Machine gun bullets were fired, no matter how many bullets were fired, it was useless.

It can be used on land and in the sea. It also has propellers that can lift people into the air and fly five to six hundred meters in the air.

This mecha is awesome, but of course it’s also ridiculously expensive.

A set of mecha costs as much as 100 million.

With such a high cost, it is destined to be impossible to sell in the civilian field, and it is not suitable for sale in the military market.

Because no one can afford it.

As for those who can afford it, I will definitely pay for it with joy, because this thing is definitely a life-saving weapon.

The chips used by the mecha are all the most advanced carbon-based chips. The level of integration is frighteningly high, and the integrated systems are also frighteningly advanced.

The so-called XOS exoskeleton armor is vulnerable to this mecha.

The two of them were wearing mechas and swimming under the sea.

Had a great time.

Although at this depth, most of the light cannot reach it.

But the mecha can emit light, so even at night, there is no hindrance at all.

For example, their current depth is just 100 meters under the sea water. The red light and orange light in the sun cannot reach it. Only green light and blue light can reach this depth of the sea water.

"A Jin, a sunken ship, such a big sunken ship, so developed!" Suddenly, Nie Xiaoyu shouted in surprise.

Since Cai Jin discovered the sunken ship, the sunken ship was salvaged, and the Crystal Palace Museum was established, it has become a famous tourist attraction far and wide. The exquisitely made porcelain and well-preserved calligraphy and paintings are all amazing.

With tens of thousands of cultural relics, the Crystal Palace attracts many tourists every year.

Nie Xiaoyu was very excited when she thought that she had also discovered a sunken ship.

Seeing Nie Xiaoyu's excitement, Cai Jin couldn't help but pour a basin of cold water on him first, get vaccinated, and warned: "There are many sunken ships in the sea, and the number of sunken ships with treasures is less than 1% of the total. Even if there is no treasure in the ship, don't do it." So disappointed.”

"Oh oh oh, I know, I am very happy in the process of treasure hunting with you. It doesn't matter if there is no treasure, hehe." Nie Xiaoyu said with a smile.

It doesn't matter whether there is treasure in the sunken ship or not.

The important thing is the joy in the process of discovering shipwrecks and hunting for treasure.

Cai Jin smiled.

In fact, Cai Jin thought that the treasure could not be found. There were many ships in the vast sea, but there were only a handful of ships transporting the treasure.

The most sunk are ordinary ships.

Of course, even an ordinary boat is still a good place to take Nie Xiaoyu on an adventure, not to mention what if some property is harvested?

Cai Jin and Nie Xiaoyu went to the sunken ship. They saw a colorful and beautiful scene, with some luminous bacteria and microorganisms living among the corals.

It seems like there are countless small colored lights hanging on each coral, in various colors.

There are also many luminous and charming little fish swimming around in the corals, light and comfortable. When they are hungry, they will take a few mouthfuls of algae on the seabed. Seeing how satisfied they are, it must be very sweet.

The entire sunken ship has appeared in their sight. They can see that the sunken ship is covered with seaweed, and there are crabs, fish and shrimps here.

In fact, you can even see sea snakes that are almost two meters long, shuttling in the sunken ship.

"A Jin, look, this is a Japanese sunken ship!" Nie Xiaoyu pointed, the vaguely visible Japanese mark on the hull showed that this sunken ship was a modern Japanese sunken ship.

"Let's go look for it, maybe there's something precious there!" Cai Jin said.

Cai Jin looked forward to it. Looking at the direction of the ship's bow, it should be heading towards Japan. This kind of sunken ship has a higher probability of containing treasures.

The two entered through a hole in the deck. The interior of the ship was in dilapidated condition, leaving only an empty shell.

At the bottom of the cabin, they saw a lot of tied things. Unfortunately, these have been corroded by the sea water for so long.

"A Jin, look, there are five big boxes!" Nie Xiaoyu suddenly shouted excitedly.

Cai Jin looked over and saw dust and plankton on the five large boxes.

"Let's go out with the box and take it to the boat to open the box!" Cai Jin said.

Immediately, the two of them moved the five boxes out together, then dragged the boxes out to sea and took them directly to the yacht.

The surface of the box was cleaned with sea water. The two of them carefully dried all the sea water on the surface. Then Cai Jin raised his hand and pointed it at the lock. The laser flashed and the lock was penetrated.

When I opened the box, I saw a dazzling orange color, but there were gold bricks.

Cai Jin picked up a gold brick and knew immediately that the weight of each gold brick was 500g. This box contained a thousand gold bricks, which was 1,000 kilograms of gold!

Then, open the other boxes. There is no doubt that they are all gold bricks.

There are five boxes with a total of 5,000 kilograms of gold. According to the current price, it is worth 1.375 billion yuan!

"Ah Jin, there's so much gold!" Nie Xiaoyu looked like a money-crazed person, her eyes shining.

Cai Jin smiled and said: "This harvest, according to the current price of gold, is worth 1.375 billion yuan!"

"Hiss, hiss~~" Nie Xiaoyu's eyes widened and she took a deep breath.

Although Cai Jin also found it incredible, it was okay. After all, he had much more gold than this.

To be honest, money is really just a number to him now.

How much money does he spend in a year?

Whether it’s one hundred million, one billion, ten billion, or one hundred billion, it’s just a number.

But Nie Xiaoyu was different. This was the first time she saw so much gold.

With her current annual income, she would never be able to earn so much money if she worked hard all her life.

"If I can find a sunken ship every day, I can earn 1.375 billion a day. In a year, I can earn more than 500 billion. The richest man in the world should not be richer than me." Nie Xiaoyu calculated and giggled.

Cai Jin was amused.

Even if Nie Xiaoyu is allowed to earn like this for a year, Nie Xiaoyu will definitely not be as rich as him!

But at this time, Cai Jin would not attack Nie Xiaoyu.

Nie Xiaoyu was very excited and went to the sea again to look for sunken ships the next day. As expected, she found another sunken ship. Unfortunately, it was just an ordinary sunken ship with nothing of value.

On the contrary, when he saw the corpses during the treasure hunt, Nie Xiaoyu vomited profusely. When he returned to the yacht, he had no appetite for food.

That night, I even had a nightmare and then fell seriously ill. I never thought about looking for the sunken ship again.

As for the gold, Cai Jin put it in the safe in Nie Xiaoyu's office.

According to Cai Jin, even if you open the safe and take a look at the gold from time to time, you will feel better.

In addition, Nie Xiaoyu's office is located on the top floor of another building in the headquarters building. Although that floor is not as tight as Cai Jin's office, the security force is also very strong, and the gold is safe enough.

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