Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 243 The plane arrives at the port

Ministry of National Security.

Also in a meeting.

Using artificial intelligence, flies and mice can be almost killed, and a lot of energy is spent outside.

The CIA's Asia headquarters was destroyed and the CIA headquarters was severely damaged. This information was sent back as soon as possible.

Such a big thing could be seen by countless people, and there was no way it could be concealed.

In addition, what happened yesterday in the county seat under Hecheng.

After analyzing together, the target was locked on Cai Jin.

You need a motive and a motive, and you need technology and technology.

Unlike the CIA, they knew that the aerospace fighter was created by the Future Technology Group.

If the Future Technology Group can develop aerospace fighters, then it is not unusual to develop precision-guided missiles.

Precision-guided missiles, no matter how high their technical content, are far inferior to air and space fighters.

All of a sudden, they found it very difficult.

If this matter were to be leaked, it would be very troublesome.

The CIA will never give up. It is estimated that the CIA will use any dirty tricks when the time comes.

Cai Jin, this is a key figure, among the list of one hundred people. It is absolutely impossible for the CIA to succeed with such a figure.

In addition, Cai Jin has this kind of means, which makes them find it very difficult to deal with.

"Leader, what should we do? Should we talk to Comrade Cai Jin directly, or should we take control directly?" A middle-aged man looked at the leader, feeling very embarrassed.

This is an uncontrollable factor, like a time bomb.

Who knows if it will blow up.

"What are you thinking!" The leader glanced at the middle-aged man angrily: "How can a person of his level be easily moved?"

"This matter can only be reported and let the leaders above decide!" The leader actually had a headache, but he knew very well that this matter was not something he could decide and could only be reported.


There are hundreds of thousands of bionic robots produced by Future Technology Group.

There are now more than 70,000 used in armed police forces and field troops across the country.

Who knows if Cai Jin can directly control these bionic robots?

Once careless, no one can bear the consequences.

"This matter is strictly confidential and must not be leaked!" the leader warned.

"Leader, understand!" the middle-aged man said.

Zhanjiang Military Port is one of the largest naval bases of the Navy, with a large number of warships and surface ships parked for a long time.

Type 052D destroyer, Type 054A frigate, Type 71 dock landing ship, Type 0.55 million ton large cruiser and a dozen other integrated combat ships.

At this moment, a large ship sailed into the military port. It was a large ship, very slow, but it looked huge. It was probably a 200,000-ton ship.

Under the guidance, the large ship sailed towards a berth to dock.

There are no warships around here.

"These are all good things, 30 F-15C/D fighter jets and 3 E-3A reconnaissance aircraft! When the modification is completed, they can be added to the Air Force!" An old man looked a little excited.

This big ship came from Saudi Arabia.

For some reason, aircraft in the Middle East are being replaced.

No way, no one wants to own an airplane that they cannot control.

Instead of doing this, it is better to trade in the old for the new.

The trading options for Rabbit's drones and various types of military equipment are extremely diversified. You can use US dollars, Euros or RMB. If you don't have foreign exchange reserves, it doesn't matter. You can trade in these aircraft with safety risks, and A very real price was given. If not, you can also get mine development rights, oil field development rights, etc.

The Arab coalition requires a lot of equipment. Although it benefits from oil and natural gas and can earn a lot of money every year, large-scale construction in the Middle East also requires a lot of money. Under such circumstances, these aircraft with potential safety hazards can undoubtedly Great cost reduction.

Only Saudi Arabia has 72 F-15C/D fighter jets, 155 F-15SA fighter jets, 72 Typhoon multi-purpose fighter jets, 55 Tornado IDS fighter jets, 5 E-3A airborne early warning aircraft, 2 Saab 2000 airborne early warning aircraft, 5 King Air 350 maritime patrol aircraft, 2 RE-3A electronic reconnaissance aircraft, 7 KC-130H aerial tankers, 5 KC-130J aerial tankers, 7 KC-707 aerial tankers, 6 A330-203MRTT Air tanker, this is worth a lot of money!

For example, fighter jets can be replaced with J-10C fighter jets!

It can even be paired with some J-10D fighter jets!

Moreover, each fighter jet also comes with 6 PL-15 long-range air-to-air missiles and 2 PL10E close-range combat bombs!

Of course, if you don’t want so many fighter jets, you can still deduct the drone payment.

Those J-5, J-6, J-7, and J-8 modified drones are simply the favorites of the Arab coalition forces.

Easy to use, practical!

It can exert considerable combat power without a pilot.

The bomb can be thrown on the enemy's head, even if it is used as a missile to attack enemy military facilities or headquarters, it can exert a strong combat power.

"These aircraft will all be incorporated into the Blue Army. When the time comes for the red-blue confrontation military exercise, it will be much more meaningful." Another person said.

The Air Force will be divided into red and blue in the future.

After all, China had no chance to obtain F-series fighter jets and European fighter jets before.

In addition to its own developed fighter jets, the Chinese Air Force can only import Russian-made fighter jets from Damao.

Many people don't understand why China has imported fighters from Mao Mao even though China has advanced fighter jets like the J-20, and even the J-10C and J-10D have the performance of three and a half generations.

In fact, there are many reasons for this. Firstly, it can fill the shortage in the number of Air Force fighter aircraft and provide reference for the development and improvement of subsequent fighter aircraft. Secondly, the specialties of different fighter aircraft are different. The fourth-generation Su-35 aircraft is very weak in close dog fights. , its maneuverability can surpass that of fifth-generation aircraft. The Su-35's fuel capacity, weapon mounting capacity and cruising speed all surpass the American F22 and F35.

Finally, the introduction of the Su-35 can enrich China's fighter types, allowing various types of fighters to complement each other. Since many Chinese fighter planes have Russian origins, the maintenance problems of the Su-35 are not outstanding.

The reason why we are willing to take over this batch of fighter jets now is for the same reason.

As for logistics and weapons, these have never been a problem for China.

It’s nothing more than putting in some effort.

Maybe it can also give designers some inspiration to make some magical modifications to exert stronger combat effectiveness.

After all, the performance of the modified version exceeds that of the original version, which is what Chinese engineers are good at.

For example, Liu Ye, directly made various magic changes, even the 26 subtitles in the alphabet were not enough.

Thinking about it, there will be nearly a thousand of these European and American aircraft in the future, which makes people very excited.

Planes were moved down one by one.

The aircraft will not stay at this military port, but will be sent to the aircraft factory for inspection and modification. Only when it is safe will it be handed over to the Air Force for use.

As for the place where the aircraft was inspected and modified, it was at Guifei

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