Before you know it, it’s National Day!

On National Day, people all over the country are immersed in the happy holiday time and enjoying this rare seven-day holiday.

This is the only time in four years that everyone can enjoy the National Day holiday and go wherever they want.

Since yesterday, news about traffic jams, full hotels, etc. in major tourist cities are no longer new.

If it doesn’t open for three years, it will last for three years if it opens. This is clearly reflected in this year.

A private plane specially built by Cai Jin quietly took off from Ludao Airport and flew towards the north.

After all, it was public, so naturally I was embarrassed to engage in an incredible big battle.

This private jet is completely different from other private jets in that it does not use fuel but electric propulsion.

Therefore, although it may look similar to the surrounding aircraft, the internal space is completely different, and the space is utilized to the extreme.

Cai Jin was very excited while sitting on the plane.

The purpose of his trip was to go to Hecheng to bring his wife Nie Xiaoyu home.

The empty seat next to him was piled with various items that his mother had prepared for his wedding.

According to their customs, if the bride who marries from outside the country is close enough to pick her up on the same day, she will return to the church to get married on the same day.

If it is far away and cannot pick up the bride and worship the gods in time, then the bride will stay in a hotel one day in advance, and then the groom will go to the hotel to pick up the bride.

However, Cai Jin is not an ordinary person. The wedding ceremony fully took into account the feelings of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and he went directly to pick up the bride on the same day.

At the same time, relatives and friends of the father-in-law and mother-in-law can come to his place to attend the wedding.

For this purpose, Cai Jin chartered a passenger plane.

After receiving the bride, they will set off and arrive first. Others will leave later and arrive at the wedding banquet in the evening.

According to the time calculated by the master, 15:25 pm is an auspicious time to pick up the bride and enter the house, so the time arrangement today is a bit generous.

On the private plane, in addition to Cai Jin, there were also his best men.

Because Nie Xiaoyu had a bridesmaid group consisting of eight bridesmaids, he also formed a groomsmen group of eight.

The group of bridesmaids and groomsmen are powerful.

When the private plane arrived at Hecheng Airport, the convoy that had been arranged to pick up the bride was ready.

A total of 88 vehicles for picking up relatives!

Although there are no world-class luxury cars, they are all top-of-the-line BYD luxury cars.

This lineup has attracted eyebrows along the way.

In a small city like Hecheng, such a large lineup of wedding cars is simply unheard of and unseen!

People inquired one after another, and only then did they find out that the daughter of the Nie family was getting married today.

Everyone knows that Hecheng has a golden phoenix, which has brought huge development opportunities to Hecheng.

Nie Xiaoyu's home.

Nie Xiaoyu is sitting in front of the makeup mirror getting dressed. As one of today's protagonists, her face is always filled with a happy smile.

"Just put on light makeup, please. He doesn't like too much makeup."

Nie Xiaoyu looked in the mirror and gave instructions to the makeup artist.

These teams of makeup artists are among the best in the country.

In the process of dating Cai Jin, although the other party never said it explicitly, Nie Xiaoyu was very sensitive and noticed his preferences.

Because Cai Jin always said in front of Nie Xiaoyu that Nie Xiaoyu is more beautiful without makeup than with makeup.

Every time Cai Jin said this, Nie Xiaoyu would always give Cai Jin a look.

This simply calls into question her makeup skills.

"Oh, I haven't even gotten married yet, but I'm already thinking about my husband in a hurry. It turns out that when you marry a chicken, you marry a dog, you will follow a dog." Donna teased at the side.

The few of them, plus Nie Xiaoyu's best friend since childhood, formed a large group of bridesmaids.

Everyone had their makeup done and put on their bridesmaid dresses.

"That's right, if we don't let Cai Jin show his sincerity later, we will never agree to marry the beauty of Jinling University to him." Kelly Chen said.

Nie Xiaoyu's best friend since childhood, Du Lina, said: "Aren't you afraid that your boss will wear small shoes for you when you do this?"

Donna and Kelly Chen couldn't help but shrink their heads.

Although Cai Jin is ordinary, he is approachable and will not put on airs in front of them.

But as the founder and head of Future Technology Group and a world-class super-rich person, they can't help but feel restrained in front of Cai Jin.

Finally, before the convoy arriving to pick up the bride, Nie Xiaoyu finished painting her outfit.

Several bridesmaids put tiaras on Nie Xiaoyu's head, and her style of painting immediately changed. The girl who had just been pure and refined instantly became a graceful and luxurious bride.

"Xiaoyu, you are so beautiful now!" Chen Yu couldn't help but sigh when he saw Nie Xiaoyu who was so stunningly beautiful at this moment.

"Coming, coming, the sound of firecrackers and fireworks are going off." Donna suddenly shouted.

At this moment, the Jieqing motorcade with red and double happiness stickers was driving toward Nie Xiaoyu's community.

It attracted countless people's attention.

The cousin who was in the same car with Cai Jin was very nervous at this time and was watching the etiquette.

"Don't be nervous. Just be responsible for handing the red envelope to me later, and put away the things I gave you. Others will handle other things!" Cai Jin reassured.

According to custom, he asked his cousin to be his brother-in-law, and Nie Xiaoyu also called one of her cousins ​​to be his brother-in-law.

"Yes, brother!" said the cousin, "my mother and others told me before we came out."

"I'm coming--"

As soon as the motorcade with big red happy characters on it entered the gate of the community, the person in charge of the lookout quickly shouted at the top of his lungs.

At the gate of the community, they were dressed very festively.

The motorcade drove directly into the community.

Even so, not all of the 88 pick-up cars could enter the community.

Because this community is not that big.

There was already a groomsman, and when he got off the car, he took a package of red envelopes and gave them to the people watching the wedding. Everyone who saw the wedding got a share.

And every red envelope contains ten red Mao Zedong cards!

As for Nie Xiaoyu's home, the atmosphere in the whole house immediately became tense. Many relatives and friends who came to Nie Xiaoyu's home to congratulate her were waiting to see Cai Jin, the groom.

Cai Jin, holding flowers in his hands and wearing a specially customized Tang suit, stepped out of the car and immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

Compared with the onlookers outside, the red envelopes given by these relatives, friends and groomsmen of Nie Xiaoyu's family were much larger.

Each pack contains one hundred red Mao Zedong sheets!

Along the way, money opened the way, and each of these people said happy words.

One by one, the bodyguards were holding gift boxes and carrying burdens.

When I arrived at Nie Xiaoyu's home, I saw Nie Xiaoyu's parents.

"Uncle~~" As soon as Cai Jin said it, he quickly changed his words and shouted: "Dad, Mom~~"

"A load of peanuts~"

"Four pieces of rice cake~~"

"Three hundred pounds of sugar~~"


The bodyguard walked in front carrying a load, and the host shouted with a microphone.

The bodyguard holding the gift box came in behind, and the host announced in an excited voice: "88888 small yellow croakers, 8888 large yellow croakers!"

The bodyguards opened the gift boxes one by one. Inside the gift boxes were small and large yellow croakers.

The yellow and orange small and large yellow croakers are so eye-catching that everyone is stunned.

Even Nie Xiaoyu's parents were shocked.

So much gold is so shocking and shocking to the soul.

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