Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 251 Nantianmen Plan?

Long ago, Africa has gradually become a place for various countries to compete in mining.

Africa holds nearly two-thirds of the world's mineral reserves, more than half of the gold, platinum and palladium, cobalt and diamonds, as well as large reserves of uranium, manganese and chromium, and is rich in mineral resources.

For example, oil, known as the blood of industry, Africa’s oil reserves account for nearly 12% of the world’s oil reserves!

For example, platinum and palladium reserves account for 89% of the world's reserves, and manganese ore and chromium ore reserves account for 83% and 91% of the world's reserves respectively.

For example, diamond reserves account for 60% of the world!

For example, gold, phosphate, and cobalt reserves account for more than 50% of the world's reserves. The Atlas District is one of the world's three largest phosphate producing areas, and South Africa's gold production ranks first in the world.

Uranium, tantalum, cesium, zirconium, graphite, and bauxite reserves all account for more than 30% of the world's reserves. Among them, Equatorial Guinea's bauxite reserves account for 27% of the world's.

The reserves of iron, copper, zinc, and bauxite all account for more than 20% of the world!

If the AU can be truly integrated, there is no doubt that it has strong potential for development.

But the land of Africa has always been full of suffering!

There are always wars in several countries every year!

There are too many forces at work behind the scenes.

This year the Arab League has taken a big step forward, which is a great inspiration and a great stimulus to the African Union.

Therefore, at the African Union meeting, we also learned from the Arab League and wanted to establish a unified coalition.

As a result, not long after the meeting ended, war broke out in another country.

The opposition didn't buy it at all. According to them, they wanted to maintain their independence.

The flames of war just started burning.

Cai Jin briefly checked and quickly understood that the CIA was behind this.

"Oh, what a pity this place is!" Cai Jin sighed secretly.

Sometimes this may be civilization. China has been helping Africa for decades, bringing the power of peace by building factories, railways, roads, hospitals, and schools.

But that's it, always criticized.

In this turbulent world of turmoil and change, it is very unsettling.

Latin America is also not at peace. Before the World Cup in Qatar, the Brazilian football team enjoyed eating steak after victory, which was vividly reflected.

No one would have thought that despite having vast tracts of arable land and mineral resources, its leader would choke and say, “What I want to tell you is that if every Brazilian can enjoy coffee and lunch by the end of his term in 2026, and dinner, I have fulfilled my mission in life.”

At this point, the seventy-year-old man suddenly choked up. He had to stop speaking and wiped the tears from his eyes with his hands. He was very emotional for a time.

"I'm sorry, but the truth is, I never expected hunger to come to this country again. When I left office (in 2010), I thought that in the next 10 years, Brazil would be on the same level as France or the United Kingdom."

Who would have imagined that there are only 200 million people in Brazil, but 33.1 million people are hungry and 125 million people are food insecure!

Cai Jin browsed quickly and gained a clearer understanding of this era of turbulent change.

So far, China has carried out 10 manned lunar landings this year. There are 25 scientific researchers at the Guanghan Palace Lunar Scientific Research Station who have been conducting scientific research at the lunar scientific research station for a long time.

If nothing else happens, the first batch of helium 3, rare earths, etc. will be transported back to the earth from the moon next year.

In the afternoon, Cai Jin went to the small factory.

In the small factory, six air and space fighter planes are already lined up there.

If it weren't for the camouflage to prevent reconnaissance, these six aerospace fighters would have been discovered by reconnaissance satellites in the sky.

Cai Jin first checked the system and started it.

The artificial intelligence of aerospace fighters is not as good as the artificial intelligence of space shuttles, and there is also a big difference in the system.

In the evening, Cai Jin began to test these six aerospace fighters.

Whether it's a space shuttle or an aerospace fighter, it's all important, and it's Cai Jin who conducts the tests himself.

Only after Cai Jin's detailed testing and there are no problems will Cai Jin deliver it.

This test was conducted for three full days, 24 hours a day.

In the end, Cai Jincai was handed over to the Air Force.

Beijing, a certain air force airport.

This airport originally belonged to a certain air force brigade.

With the establishment of the Air and Space Force, this airport was placed under the Air and Space Force, and the Air Force brigade was transferred to other airports.

Han Zhenguo and Xu Sheng came to the airport to inspect.

This airport has a high level of confidentiality. Except for the lack of pilots, there are all other ground staff and technicians.

Even externally, this place is still known as an air force base.

Here, it is very quiet during the day. Only at night, aerospace fighters will take off and land here. For example, when an aerial fighter plane lands, it will enter the hangar immediately.

During the day, no matter how advanced the reconnaissance satellites are, they will not be able to find this place. They will only see an empty airport with no aircraft on the runway.

"Chief, Chief of Staff, these are the six 'White Emperor' air and space fighters delivered to us yesterday." The person in charge of this base led the two people to the hangar and introduced them.

Internally, the official name of the air and space fighter is the 'Baidi' air and space fighter, and the code name outside is J-30!

When you hear the J-30, your inherent thinking is that it is a fighter jet like the J-20.

I would never have thought that the 'Baidi' air and space fighter plane is completely different!

"Come on, let's go take a look!" Han Zhenguo said.

Not long after, they arrived at the hangar. The hangar had been opened. There were six "White Emperor" air and space fighters here.

Han Zhenguo said with emotion: "This air and space fighter is so advanced. It is much more advanced than the sixth-generation fighter proposed by the United States. I don't know how long it will take for the sixth-generation fighter to be produced by the United States. But now we have it." It’s an air and space fighter.”

"Haha, the United States will spend hundreds of billions of dollars to develop sixth-generation fighter jets, and it will spend hundreds of billions of dollars to restart the F22 fighter production line. After a few years, our aerospace fighters will be officially unveiled on a large scale. They will probably be dumbfounded. , hundreds of billions of dollars have just been wasted." Xu Sheng said with a smile.

Han Zhenguo also laughed.

China has more advanced fighter jets, which are known to several major military powers.

Then the Air Force released some specious news, so that now, the outside world is only speculating that China has developed a sixth-generation fighter jet.

Unexpectedly, China did not develop a sixth-generation fighter jet at all, but instead developed an aerospace fighter jet.

If divided according to the classification, it is more appropriate to call the 'Baidi' air and space fighter a seventh-generation fighter or an eighth-generation fighter.

"Experts are now debating whether to build the Luanniao large-scale aerospace strategic aircraft platform. If it is really built, the deterrence force will be truly full." Han Zhenguo smiled: "Now we have nothing missing. , just lack of time, after a few years, everything will be decided."

"A few years ago, when the 'Nantianmen Plan' was proposed, everyone thought it was a fantasy. If we really did it, the deterrent power would be ten times or a hundred times that of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier." Xu Sheng also laughed.

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