the next day.

Cai Jin saw the news released by the police and sighed in his heart.

There is a kind of perseverance called not forgetting the original intention.

There is a promise called Safe China.

There is a group of heroes called the Chinese People's Police.

The People's Police Force is a force with glorious traditions and fine styles. It is also the force that sacrifices the most and contributes the most in peacetime. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, more than 14,000 police officers have died heroically, more than 100,000 police officers have been injured, and more than 3,700 police officers have been named martyrs in the public security organs and people's police forces across the country.

The people's police serve the people.

This is not just talk.

Instead, he used his life and blood to fulfill this solemn oath.

The inheritance of the siren is the most unforgettable. The siren of every police officer who dies will be sealed. When it is activated, it means that his immediate family members will follow in his footsteps and become police officers.

The alarms were restarted twice, three times, four times, and some were even permanently sealed.

Among the police teams in various provinces, the border provinces are undoubtedly the hardest and most stressful.

Among these border provinces, the Yunnan police force faces the worst environment and the greatest challenges.

Because this place is close to the Golden Triangle area, the boundary line is very long, and air defense is very difficult.

When a police officer here, the photo is not sideways or mosaic, it means he sacrificed his life!

Cai Jin previously donated a batch of patrol robot dogs and combat robot dogs to the police, and a large part of them were donated to the Yunnan police force.

After watching this news release video, Cai Jin scrolled down to browse the news. The next news was also released by the Yunnan police.

That is a list of police officers who have died heroically. Some of them have no immediate family members.

Cai Jin's heart seemed to be hit.

Seems very heavy.

Many of them are in their twenties, young and young, and their beautiful lives have just begun, but they sacrificed their lives for the country.

There is no such thing as quiet time, but there are people carrying the burden for you!

There is no such thing as a peaceful era. You and I are just living in peaceful China.

"Benben, please contact the ministry and the military. I plan to set up a relief fund. The families of the martyrs of the police and the army can receive additional funds to help their families raise their children." Cai Jin's voice sounded clear. Very heavy: "In addition, the group will give priority to the families of martyrs for job positions. Contact the cooperative companies and hope that they will keep pace with the group!"

Cai Jin was not in a good mood.

The people's soldiers and the people's police are called "people". It is an honor, but it is also a heavy responsibility and mission.

They participated in disaster relief every time there were natural disasters such as typhoons and floods.

Their presence always brings a sense of security to people.

They are always present in the most dangerous places, doing their best to rescue people.

Those who work for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the snow!

Cai Jin has the ability, please contribute!

He is also willing to contribute!

At the same time, Cai Jin asked Benben to form a website, which is a website exclusively for the families of martyrs. This website can easily access the lists of martyrs from the Ministry of Public Security and the military, so that as long as they are family members of martyrs, they can easily complete the certification. And receive a sum of money, as well as monthly education and living expenses for your children.

As for the amount of the fund, Cai Jin did not set a limit.

In just two hours, both parties finalized this matter.

Later, Cai Jin didn't take care of it anymore, but left it to 'Benben' to deal with it.

In this regard, ‘Benben’ can just deal with it directly.

After get off work, Cai Jin and Nie Xiaoyu went home.

Now their two homes are in a villa in the staff dormitory community, instead of living with their parents.

Of course, I will go back and stay for a day or two every week.

Originally, Cai Jin wanted to continue living in his hometown, but his parents kicked him out.

According to them, Cai Jin is now married and has a family.

What’s the point of still living at home?

Therefore, after getting married, Cai Jin could only move out in despair.

They said they were moving out, but actually they didn't take anything with them.

The house that he and Nie Xiaoyu usually stayed at in the dormitory area also had clothes and the like.

Life is completely problem-free.

Everything that should be there is there.

"Sister, brother-in-law~~" Nie Xiaoqian was playing in the mud in the yard. When she saw Nie Xiaoyu and Cai Jin's car, she shouted excitedly.

Now Nie Xiaoqian has successfully enrolled in school.

The grille between the two villas has been removed.

Direct communication!

The car stopped and Cai Jin and Nie Xiaoyu got out of the car.

"Xiaoqian, school is over?" Cai Jin picked up Nie Xiaoqian and lifted her up.

"Giggle~~" Nie Xiaoqian laughed happily.

What she likes most is when Cai Jin lifts her up.

"Brother-in-law is the best, Xiaoqian likes brother-in-law the most~~" Nie Xiaoqian kissed Cai Jin on the cheek.

"How was school today?" Cai Jin pinched Nie Xiaoqian's little face, not caring that his clothes were stained by mud.

Children, that's not it.

When Cai Jin was a child, at this age, he was just playing in the mud.

"Xiaoqian is in school and has made many friends~~" Xiaoqian showed off.

"Xiaoqian is awesome!" Cai Jin praised.

The surrounding schools, whether they are the original village primary schools, the later reopened primary schools, kindergartens, or the middle schools currently under large-scale construction, can actually be said to be employee schools of the Future Technology Group.

Although on the surface, Future Technology Group did not contribute money to the construction of these schools, it did make large donations. In addition to the salary provided by the government, the Future Technology Group also sponsors an equal amount of salary and bonus for the school teachers.

Even for outstanding teachers, the rewards are even more generous.

Naturally, children of employees of Future Technology Group are given the green light to enter school.

Education should be fair.

But in fact, education is unfair, and the degree of unfairness is extremely high.

At this point, you can know by looking at the prices of semester rooms and non-semester rooms in the city.

On one side of the road, there are semester rooms and on the other side there are non-semester rooms. The price difference between the two is doubled.

I don’t know how many people are gritting their teeth and buying a house in order for their children to go to school and have a good school to study.

There is also a difference of more than ten times in educational resources between cities and counties.

In Ludao, students with more than 600 points cannot even go to high school and can only be diverted to vocational schools or spend hundreds of thousands to go to private high schools. On the spot, a student with a score of over 600 is often enough to get into the County No. 1 Middle School.

They all talk about education, but actually the reason behind this is the essence.

Otherwise, no matter how hard you try to double reduce, it will still be difficult to change the overall situation.

You cannot study in education and training institutions openly. Wealthier families can hire private individuals for one-on-one tutoring.

And what can ordinary people do? How many ordinary people have not even graduated from junior high school? How can they teach children to study and help them with their homework?

What's more, many schools assign a lot of homework to children, shifting a large part of the work to parents.


I don’t really want to write it anymore. I was quite passionate at first, but I have to revise it every now and then, which makes me vomit blood!

Coupled with the birth of a child, the pressure of double reading is not as great as usual. The performance of this book is only about one-third of that of the small size, so I want to keep the small size book.

Alas, the baby received the second shot of hepatitis B vaccine, and he kept crying and worried, wishing it would hurt him.

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