Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 261 Retirement of the International Space Station

The International Space Station is retiring!

This is a big thing that happened recently.

Since Damao withdrew from the International Space Station project, the decommissioning of the International Space Station has become a certainty.

Even before, many people were speculating whether Da Mao would help bring the astronauts from the International Space Station back to Earth.

Fortunately, Da Mao was quite generous. He yelled and cursed, but he still brought all the astronauts from the space station back to Earth.

Now, it’s finally time for the International Space Station to come to an end.

The world's live broadcast of the International Space Station's decommissioning ceremony has started!

Cai Jin and Nie Xiaoyu watched this live broadcast at home.

"Oh, I think back then, the International Space Station was hailed as the miracle of the century and a model of international cooperation, but now it is going to be retired." Nie Xiaoyu said in a complicated tone while watching the picture of the International Space Station on TV.

The International Space Station is an international cooperation plan jointly promoted by six major international space agencies. The six space agencies are NASA, Roscosmos, the European Space Agency, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the Canadian Space Agency and the Brazilian Space Agency.

A total of 16 countries or regional organizations participate in the plan, led by the United States and Russia. The other four important members are ESA, Japan, Canada and Brazil. Among the ESA member states participating in the International Space Station program are: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom participated after the project began.

There are several typical large-scale international cooperation projects in the world, and the International Space Station and the European Organization for Nuclear Research are examples of them.

When it comes to the International Space Station, the Chinese people definitely have very complicated feelings.

Just like the European Galileo global navigation system!

Once upon a time, China actively applied to join the International Space Station project, thinking of developing its own aerospace technology with the help of advanced technologies from Western European and American countries. Unfortunately, the United States refused.

Therefore, China can only develop aerospace technology independently.

It’s not that I don’t want to rely on external forces, it’s that there are no external forces to rely on, and people don’t want to!

Therefore, with the Shenzhou series of manned spacecraft, the Tiangong space station, the Chang'e space shuttle, and manned moon landings, we also have the world's most advanced navigation system - the Beidou navigation system!

"If you do the math, it has been 30 years since the design was completed in 1993 and implemented!" Cai Jin said with emotion: "The construction cost alone has reached 100 billion U.S. dollars! This is still not complete!"

In 2018, a slight air leak occurred on the International Space Station. Preliminary searches found that it may have been caused by micrometeorites hitting the Russian spacecraft docked on the space station and causing tiny cracks. Therefore, six astronauts on the International Space Station carried out repair work.

It was also this time that the International Space Station, which might have been in service until 2028, had no choice but to retire early.

Of course, the most important reason is that Lao Mao quits!

Although Lao Mao has no money, I have to say that his aerospace technology is still quite impressive. Even if he complains that he has been standing still for thirty years and resting on his laurels, he can only rummage through the data pile, but even so, he is still the world's leader. Only three countries have manned space technology. Even the European Space Agency cannot do this.

In fact, Lao Mao has a lot of aerospace technology, which is even more powerful than the aerospace technology of Lao America.

"Now that the Tiangong Space Station is located above the International Space Station, the global live broadcast of the International Space Station's decommissioning ceremony is really like a lifetime ago!" Nie Xiaoyu said with emotion.

This time, the Tiangong Space Station and six satellites cooperated to conduct a full 360-degree live broadcast to the International Space Station.

This will cause people to have a very complicated mentality.

The current International Space Station, after the latest docking construction, is no less quality than the International Space Station.

The International Space Station does not belong to a certain country, but each has its own module.

But the ‘Tiangong Space Station’ belongs exclusively to China!

"Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty. Emperor Yan's words are indeed true!" Cai Jin said: "Look, the International Space Station has begun to change course!"

Everyone started, watching TV with rapt attention.

This time, not only did the two of them watch the live broadcast of the International Space Station, Cai Jin's parents and Nie Xiaoyu's parents also gathered together to witness history.

This scene is definitely witnessing history!

This means that the project that has been promoted as a model of international cooperation has completely come to an end.

According to previous reports, the International Space Station changed orbit under the control of the ground control center, entered the atmosphere, and then finally fell into the Pacific Ocean.

Although the ground control center vowed that the technology was absolutely advanced and the crash location was absolutely accurate.

But no one is really worried.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected!

Those who are capable should start monitoring early, conduct full monitoring, grasp the traces, and even activate anti-aircraft missiles early. If something goes wrong, they will launch anti-aircraft missiles.

Those who have no ability can only pray silently and be in fear.

Even if a lot of them will be burned, the power generated by the remaining unburned components is probably equivalent to the explosion of an atomic bomb of several million tons or tens of millions of tons, which can easily destroy a very large city.

Cai Jin knew that none of the aerospace force, ground survey stations, ocean survey stations, command centers and other departments were on holiday today.

Even Cai Jin asked Benben to track the International Space Station throughout the suborbital orbit.

Once something goes wrong, they will be attacked.

According to predictions, the fall area of ​​the International Space Station is roughly between the Tropic of Capricorn in the Pacific Ocean and the equator.

Australian Space Agency.

Inside the aerospace control hall at this time.

"How is the situation?" White, the director of the Australian Space Agency, asked nervously.

"Mr. White, don't worry. We have been closely monitoring the International Space Station. If it is determined to be within our territory, we will take immediate action. The military's missiles are ready and all radars are on!" the professor said solemnly.

"Shit, people like Lao Mei are totally unreliable when they lose control at critical moments!" White cursed in a low voice.

Australia actually has strong objections to the crash site of the International Space Station.

Because according to the predicted landing place in the red box, the closest one to Australia is only 100 kilometers away.

100 kilometers seems like a long distance, but everyone who knows it knows that if it is slightly off, it may fall directly on the Australian continent.

"International Space Station, it's better to crash in North America and kill those bastards!" White was very unhappy.

He hadn't slept well these past few days.

Speaking of which, they and Lao Mei are distant relatives, and they have become very close over the years.

The result was good, because they just chose this area as the fall point, without any regard for the safety of their relatives.

Since the announcement, air tickets from Australia to other places have increased more than ten times, making it difficult to get a ticket.

White looked at the CCTV4 footage.

Although the Australian Space Agency also has its own monitoring station, it cannot conduct live broadcasts. Even the process monitoring is announced in China.

White could only bite the bullet and sit on the sofa, cursing in his heart.

Soon, the International Space Station began to hurtle into the Kármán line.

The Karman Line, which is the boundary between the atmosphere and space defined by the International Federation of Aeronautics and Astronautics, has an altitude of 100 kilometers, and beyond the Karman Line is space!

Of course, many countries do not agree, because in fact there is no clear boundary between space and the earth's atmosphere.

Once entering the Karman line, the friction between the atmosphere and the high-speed movement of the International Space Station directly caused the International Space Station to burst into flames.

In the dark night, it looks particularly bright.

At this moment, countless aerospace enthusiasts were watching this scene in person with prepared space telescopes.

As long as the telescope is not too bad, you can clearly see the fire ball in space.

"Oh, mygod! According to the trajectory, there was a mistake. It did not fall in this area, but went to North America!" A technician looked at the arc line on the big screen and shouted in horror.

White jumped up immediately, and his heart couldn't help but speed up a bit.

Damn it!

No way!

I just organized Laomei hundreds of times, and it worked! ?

My own mouth is a crow’s mouth! ?

"Damn it, this is too outrageous, it's just a tiny bit off!" White was dumbfounded.

You said the deviation is two to three hundred kilometers, which is understandable.

This deviation is thousands of kilometers, which is simply outrageous!

NASA, command center!

As a self-proclaimed "global space leader," NASA has naturally monitored the International Space Station from the beginning.

The result was good. The trajectory of the entire simulation was deviated by hundreds of millions of points.

"Quickly, contact Sleepy Bridge!" NASA trusted the director and screamed in fear.

Contacted the above immediately.

At this time, it is naturally impossible to adjust the International Space Station, which is completely different from the core module of the space shuttle and spacecraft!

There is no way to release the parachute!

Soon, not long.

NASA's satellite network detected the launch of its own missiles.

Not one or two, but ten missiles were launched at once.

The launch of these ten missiles suddenly hid global attention.

Cai Jin also discovered the trajectory immediately, and then immediately realized the simulation, which was a series of arcs.

According to this simulation, this big arc has no intersection with the ten small arcs!

A perfect miss.

"Standard-3 missile?" Cai Jin muttered secretly.

The SM-3 missile is an anti-aircraft missile launched from a guided missile cruiser, but this missile is most famous for its ability to hit satellites.

It is said that the unit price of the Standard-3 missile is US$45 million, and these ten missiles are US$450 million.

Obviously, this time Lao Mei also spent a lot of money!

It's a pity that the calculation is just a little off!

Sure enough, just as Cai Jin thought, it was a perfect miss!

The big group of sparks quickly flew towards North America in an arc.

This speed is extremely terrifying. It is a proper hypersonic speed, exceeding Mach 20!

Hypersonic missiles, once they reach Mach 10, are extremely difficult to defend against.

As for Mach 20, the so-called Patriot missile defense system, which is said to be the world's most advanced, has to suffer.

Sure enough, several rounds of interceptions ended in failure.

No time!

Countless people around the world witnessed this moment.

North America, the port city of Norfolk, Virginia.

This is the largest naval base in the world.

There are 14 docks and 11 hangars in the base. At this time, 5 aircraft carriers, 6 cruisers, 22 destroyers, 5 frigates, 9 amphibious ships, 7 nuclear submarines, and 20 supply ships are docked!

At this time, the entire base sounded a piercing alarm!

There was chaos, and something bad suddenly arose in everyone's heart.

"Oh God, someone come and save me!"

"I don't want to die yet!"

"Why did you end up here!"


According to live broadcast predictions, the crash point will be in this area.

Regardless of how we usually practice, when this happens, any plan will be useless!

Boom boom boom~~~

Everyone saw a huge fireball falling down, and then they lost all consciousness.

The ground shook and the explosions continued!

Even mushroom clouds kept rising.

In the distance, countless people saw it, as if the sun was rising one by one.

In the core area, there were only constant explosions.

As for those affected outside, it still brought raging fire, and the scene was in chaos.

Cai Jin, who was watching the live broadcast, swallowed.

The power of this falling impact is too terrifying!

The earth trembled and the mountains shook, and the sky collapsed!

If it crashed in the Pacific Ocean, an island would probably be directly sunk, triggering a tsunami.

"This time, the losses were heavy!" Cai Jin's heartbeat was beating rapidly.

Sometimes, if a person is unlucky, he will literally choke to death even if he drinks water.

When people sit at home, disaster comes from heaven.

It is obviously predicted to be in the southern Pacific, but it is impossible to reach North America.

However, in this case, there are always some unknown factors, which can cause deviations.

This deviation is just a little bit, and the error is hundreds of millions of points!

The result was good, this naval base was directly destroyed, and even the entire state was destroyed.

Those mushroom clouds are not vegetarian.

It is definitely not just one state that is affected, hundreds of kilometers around it are probably doomed!

This loss is probably worth an unknown amount of trillions of dollars.

At this moment, Cai Jin didn't feel any schadenfreude.

Some are the instinctive compassion of human beings.

"The Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty are above, the Buddha is above, the emperor is the emperor, the queen is the earth, and the sky is filled with gods and Buddhas." Cai Jin didn't know which god he was praying to at this moment. He only hoped that the gods and Buddhas in the sky would bless these people to have a good pregnancy in their next life.

There was no smile on Nie Xiaoyu's face, but a heavy look on her face. It was purely out of humanitarianism and kindness in her heart.

On the contrary, Father Cai and Father Nie laughed heartlessly, and then talked about the useless things they had experienced.

Shouting - You can live if you do evil by God, but you can't live if you do evil on your own!

It can only be said that people really cannot do evil. If they do too much evil, retribution will come sooner or later.

The two of them have been counting from more than half a century ago, to the 1990s, to the millennium, and to the past few years. They are really too numerous to list and cannot forgive.

Take a look, you will see that this is an ordinary person, with a mirror in his mind, keeping an account.

Cai Jin didn't know what to say. After all, those who committed evil had truly done it and could not be erased.

No matter how advanced the remote breeding technology is, it cannot be eradicated.

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