Cai Jin knew about this.

But I didn’t pay attention anymore.

Even the importance of this matter is not enough for Nie Xiaoyu to handle it personally. Instead, he only needs to instruct the people below, and naturally there will be specialized people to handle it properly.

Cai Jin began to develop related robots.

A space maintenance robot can become a lunar maintenance robot with only slight modifications.

What he wants to do is intelligent industrial robots, intelligent logistics robots, and space robotic arms!

Intelligent industrial robots are intelligent robots used in lunar scientific research stations and Mars scientific research stations for industrial construction.

Whether it is the moon or Mars, the environment is harsh and it is destined that there will not be too many people at the scientific research station.

Scientific research stations are more about conducting scientific research and studying the moon and Mars.

The moon and Mars are rich in resources, which naturally need to be developed. Otherwise, manned landings on the moon and Mars are pure inputs with no output and will not be sustainable.

And robots have become the best choice.

Mainly robots, supplemented by scientific researchers and astronauts, build factories to mine resources.

Precious resources can naturally be transported back to the earth in the form of resources.

But resources such as iron and copper are naturally best made into finished products.

Intelligent logistics robots are used in space, the moon, and Mars. There are small robots, medium robots, and large robots, which are used for different logistics needs.

As for the space robotic arm, this is used in space.

Speaking of space robotic arms, it is not a new thing.

The earliest space robotic arm was a six-degree-of-freedom robotic arm system developed by Canadian Spaceflight Corporation. It is generally called the space shuttle remote-controlled robotic arm system or the Canadian Robotic Arm One. The Canadian robotic arm has a total length of 15.2 meters, a diameter of 0.38 meters, and a dead weight of 410 kilograms. It was initially capable of deploying, releasing or grabbing a load of 332.5 kilograms. In the mid-1990s, the Canadian robotic arm system upgraded the load quality to support the construction of the space station.

In addition to the Canadian robotic arm, there is also the small space robot system ROTEX developed and successfully launched by the German Aerospace Center in 1993. It has 6 degrees of freedom, is equipped with various sensors and actuators, and can specify within a 1-meter range of motion. In 2007, we conducted research on the inspector series of free-flying robots.

The engineering test satellite 2VII launched by Japan in 1997 is the world's first free-flying space robot system. Its robotic arm is 2m long, has 6 degrees of freedom, is equipped with cameras and auxiliary tools, and is equipped with three fingers about 0.15m long at the end. The dexterous robot system, the entire robot system weighs about 45kg, was the first to attempt unmanned free rendezvous and docking and remote control operation of an extravehicular space robot, demonstrating the use of multi-degree-of-freedom and multi-sensor manipulators for precision on-orbit services in space. possibilities, and verify teleoperation technology that overcomes large delays and limited communication capabilities.

China, on the other hand, started relatively late.

After the launch of the space station project of China's manned space program, many units such as the Fifth Academy and the Eighth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation began demonstration and research work on the space station's robotic arm. The development work was completed in 2008, and the construction was completed in 2012. The space robotic arm has a seven-degree-of-freedom redundant robotic arm with a length of 10 meters and a maximum load of 25 tons!

Cai Jin is not too familiar with the space robotic arm.

Because every Chang'e space shuttle is equipped with a space robotic arm used to release and capture satellites.

But this time, what is needed is a large retractable robotic arm that can be adjusted as needed. The maximum length of the robotic arm will be up to 100 meters, with a maximum load of 100 tons.

This large space robotic arm will be used for the assembly of giant space stations.

The giant space station adopts modular construction. Each cabin weighs 100 tons. Each cabin is assembled from parts. It is transported to space by space shuttle, and then assembled into cabins by robots and astronauts, and then large space machinery. The arm assists and connects cabins.

As a giant space station between the earth and the moon, China is serious this time. The design cycle of the entire space station is based on a 50-year design, which means that once completed, the service life will reach 50 years.

For this kind of giant space station, the large space robotic arm will not only play a big role during the construction period, but will also play a huge role after it is completed.

On this day, Cai Jin, who was researching intelligent industrial robots, received a call.

The technical person in charge sent by Future Technology Group to the Middle East lost contact.

"Boss Cai, I'm sorry that we failed to protect Mr. Qin Feng." Prince Alwaleed said apologetically.

Prince Alwaleed now holds an important position in the Arab League and can be said to be of high authority.

The reason why it was reused was because Prince Alwaleed was the first to discover the combat mechanical dog, established a deep friendship with Cai Jin, and made great contributions.

"Your Highness, I don't know, but can we find out?" Cai Jin frowned.

I really don't care about others in this matter.

Because it was Qin Feng, he couldn't bear the loneliness and went out to have some fun.

Then contact was lost.

As the technical director dispatched to the Middle East by the Future Technology Group, Qin Feng is equipped with an intelligent mechanical dog.

Being able to lose contact without triggering an early warning from the intelligent mechanical dog shows that this is unusual.

"Boss Cai, I'm sorry. We are still investigating, but we don't have any clues. If it is a kidnapper, he has not contacted us yet." Prince Alwaleed was very ashamed.

Now the entire Arab League is thriving, like a large construction site undergoing intensive construction.

With abundant oil, huge oil income, and huge profits, the Arab League is developing rapidly.

Reinforced concrete furniture and workers from China have built high-rise buildings and spacious roads.

Even the desert cannot stop Chinese workers.

But it is undeniable that the Arab League is still far behind in terms of management and control capabilities.

In the Arab League, there are still various forces, and various forces are playing games here.

But what they did, Arab League still doesn’t know.

At this time, Cai Jin was already looking for Qin Feng's intelligent mechanical dog. Qin Feng went out to have a good time, but ended up leaving the intelligent mechanical dog outside the room, so the intelligent mechanical dog did not have any useful information.

"Your Highness, please increase your efforts to search for this matter," Cai Jin said.

"This is natural. I hope this matter will not affect our cooperation." Prince Alwaleed said.

He was very afraid that after this happened, Future Technology Group withdrew its technical team or even ended the cooperation between the two parties.

Now the Camel Country, and even the entire Arab League, cannot do without Future Technology Group.

Whether the Arab coalition forces need combat mechanical dogs, mechanical bulls, bionic bird robots, or wealthy people need intelligent mechanical dogs.

After hanging up the call, Cai Jin started asking Benben to search the entire Internet.

In front of Benben, any encryption and firewall on the Internet are just as fake.

Even if there is a large amount of information, it can be screened quickly.

Ten minutes later, it was finally locked.

"CIA! It's the CIA again! It's really desperate!" Cai Jin's eyes turned cold, it was the CIA's handiwork behind this.

In this way, we want to break through the technology of intelligent mechanical dogs.

Although the Boston Dynamics robot dog has made considerable progress in recent years, its performance is equivalent to the entry-level intelligent robot dog of Future Technology Group.

Even in terms of battery life, it is far inferior.

After all, this kind of military mechanical dog cannot use Chinese solid-state batteries.

Instead of using a solid-state battery, use your own lithium battery. How can the battery life be comparable!

Although, European and American scientific research institutions have also developed intelligent mechanical dogs.

But every entry-level and above intelligent mechanical dog has a self-destruct program programmed by Cai Jinnong.

Every user is required to sign the relevant terms before they can use it.

Once the signed agreement is violated and forced dismantling is conducted, the self-destruction process will be initiated.

Therefore, in these years, relevant institutions in Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea have not only gained little, but also suffered heavy losses.

Afterwards, after spending a lot of effort, Cai Jin finally located the place where Qin Feng was imprisoned.

Immediately, Qin Feng contacted Prince Alwaleed.

"Your Highness, I have found out the cause and effect of the matter. I also know where Qin Feng is. Next, I need to rescue Qin Feng and will make some noise. I need to tell you about this and ask for your consent." Cai Jin got straight to the point. said.

No matter how it is used, partners still need to respect it.

"Boss Cai, you found out so quickly?" Prince Alwaleed was quite surprised.

You know, Future Technology Group is in China, which is so far away from the Middle East. It can be said that it should not be able to extend to the Middle East.

The result was good. It took only a short time for Cai Jin to get it done.

Then Prince Alwaleed said quickly: "Boss Cai, there is absolutely no problem with this. We can even send troops to help with the rescue."

"Your Highness, there is no need to send troops, we can handle it ourselves." Cai Jin said.

What this matter requires is to be surprised and unprepared!

If Prince Alwaleed sent out troops, it would be impossible not to alert people with such a big movement.

Not to mention, who doesn’t know that the Arab League has long been infiltrated into a sieve by the CIA.

Whenever there is a meeting in the Middle East, the CIA knows it clearly.

Cai Jin knew everything with his fingers. If he agreed, the CIA would know about it in a few minutes.

When the CIA realized something was wrong, they transferred the person directly.

After hanging up the call, Cai Jin put on his mecha, holding a precision-guided missile in his hand, and boarded the air and space fighter.

A total of thirty combat mechanical dogs entered the cargo hold of the aerial fighter.

The aerial fighter jets took off and disappeared into the night.

At the 40,000-meter college entrance examination, the air and space fighter jet quickly reached Mach 5.

This speed is already extremely amazing.

In 1 hour, you can fly 6125.4 kilometers.

In more than an hour, we arrived above Mount Mehrat in Yemen.

Mehrat Mountain is located at the junction of Yemen and Oman. It belongs to the two-way zone. It is also a place with a relatively high altitude. There are not many people living there and the forces are complicated.

And here is an important stronghold of the CIA.

Of course, on the surface, this is where the ‘Rhinoceros Mercenaries’ are stationed.

Rhino mercenaries are a relatively famous mercenary force in the Middle East. They are well-equipped and have beautiful weapons from top to bottom.

Almost half of the mercenary members are retired special forces from the United States.

At this time, it was night. In the darkness, no one noticed that there was an aerial fighter plane above the mountains.

Cai Jin followed the location and reached the sky above it.

In order to avoid the opponent killing Qin Feng, Cai Jin did not directly deliver the combat mechanical dog.

Instead, he flew out of the cabin and rescued Qin Feng himself.

After Cai Jin landed, he went directly to a wooden house where Qin Feng was imprisoned.

As soon as he raised his hand, the laser shot out, and a mercenary in custody was killed directly.

Cai Jin entered the wooden house and saw Qin Feng lying on the ground, unconscious.

Upon inspection, it was found that Qin Feng had been given anesthesia and had lost consciousness.

Cai Jin grabbed Qin Feng and left here.

The aerospace fighter landed, the cargo bay opened, and the combat mechanical dogs slid down the rope one by one.

This rope was a full hundred meters long, allowing the combat mechanical dog to land steadily on the ground.

The combat robot dog walked in the mountains and did not launch an attack immediately, but occupied the traffic artery.

Boom boom boom~~

The aerial fighter jets rose into the sky and launched precision-guided missiles.

Twelve missiles were launched towards important targets.

There was an explosion almost at the same time.

Explosions resounded in the mountains and thick smoke billowed.

Screams came and went.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" someone roared, and the siren sounded at the same time.

Da da da da~~

The mercenaries were holding submachine guns and shooting into the sky.

The entire station was in chaos.

Twelve missiles only wiped out half of the mercenaries.

Cai Jin had no intention of letting the remaining mercenaries go.

If you dare to attack his employees, you will have to pay the price.

The task of eliminating other mercenaries is left to the combat mechanical dog.

The terrain here is very complicated. There are only two roads. One road can be guarded by a combat mechanical dog.

The terrain is complex and difficult, which means it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Two more combat mechanical dogs occupied the high ground and conducted fire suppression.

The other six combat mechanical dogs conduct mobile attacks.

Cai Jin took Qin Feng back to the aerial fighter plane and looked at the entire battlefield on the screen.

Even in the dark night, the battle situation is clearly displayed.

Through infrared imaging, no living person can escape detection.

Then they will be eliminated by the combat mechanical dogs.

Cai Jin didn't blink, as if these mercenaries were not human beings.

Without paying attention to the battlefield, Cai Jin let the air and space fighter jets fly towards Saudi Arabia. Ten minutes later, Cai Jin placed Qin Feng in a nearby city hotel and asked Prince Alwaleed to send someone to protect him.

As for treating these things, there are naturally professional doctors to treat them.

Cai Jin returned to the sky above Mehrat Mountain in an aerial fighter plane and admired the battle below.

Watching this kind of thing is much more exciting than watching military movies.

This can really kill people. If you are hit by a machine gun, you will either die or be injured.

That is the true cruelty of the battlefield.

The battlefield didn't end until daybreak.

The entire battlefield was in a mess, with broken eaves and broken walls, corpses scattered everywhere, rivers of blood, and thick smoke billowing.

The fighting robot dog used up all the bullets.

At this time, the oil tank was being dragged and oil was being sprayed everywhere.

Finally, when the oil and fire met, a large area suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

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