Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 273 Manned Landing on Mars (1)

The word "Jiye" shows his expectations for his son.

Perhaps this is the truest expectation of every father.

I hope my son will become a dragon, I hope my daughter will become a phoenix!

This has been true since ancient times.

Cai Jin will not feel ashamed or think there is anything wrong.

It is said that all men are created equal.

These words were regarded as a grand ceremony.

But this means that no matter who you are, since birth, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes every hour, and 60 seconds every minute, this time is the same.

But a more cruel sentence is that life is not created equal.

Reincarnation has always been a technical job.

Since ancient times, it has always been like this.

In ancient times, how could it be possible for someone to be reincarnated as a descendant of a prince and someone to be reincarnated into a poor family?

To be reincarnated as a descendant of a prince, to be born rich and noble, to have no worries about food and clothing, and to enjoy the best education, is a life-and-death struggle for ordinary people. Those who were reborn into poor families had nothing to eat and nothing to keep them warm, and suffered all kinds of hardships.

The same is true now.

Reincarnated into a rich and powerful family, you have enjoyed a wealthy life since childhood. You go to the best kindergarten, the best elementary school, the best high school. Even if you are a poor student, you can go to the best university in the world.

But if you are reincarnated into an ordinary family, the education you will receive is only an average education, and you may even drop out of school with a high probability.

Even though they have worked hard all their lives, they may not be able to catch up with others’ starting points!

Just like Cai Jin's son, as soon as he is born, he is the heir to trillions of assets. 99.9999% of people in the world will never be able to match him in a lifetime.

I have applied for the birth certificate, registered the newborn’s household registration, etc.

When he was discharged from hospital, Cai Jin donated 100 million to the hospital as an obstetrics fund for those in need.

Since hospitals have undergone market-oriented reforms, they have to finance themselves. The government only provides part of the funding, and the hospital needs to figure out the rest. Every year, hospitals encounter vulnerable patients who need relief or even assistance, and this part of the cost is also a considerable expense.

A wealthy person like Cai Jin can supplement the hospital's financial expenses and alleviate a huge burden with just a few clicks of his finger. It is a win-win situation to some extent.

As the president of a well-known tertiary hospital, Dean Lin is a master at begging for favors from the rich and powerful. Letting these people spend money happily and still be grateful to the hospital is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In fact, this affiliated hospital is just a branch of the city hospital, but its scale and medical level even exceed those of the main hospital.

The doctors here not only receive money from the hospital itself, but also receive a bonus from the Future Technology Group's fund. This is an open and transparent legal income, which has caused people from the city hospital to scramble for their heads.

And this branch hospital is not something you can just come to if you want to, they are all elite soldiers and generals.

Later, Cai Jin, who was overjoyed, gave each employee a month's salary as a red envelope to celebrate the birth of his son.

The average monthly salary of Future Technology Group has reached 25,000. Just by Cai Jin's words, the entire group's finances will have to spend more than 2 billion in additional funds.

In the Future Technology Group, Cai Jin has absolute authority.

After just one sentence, in less than an hour, the red envelope was distributed by the bank.


Suddenly, a text message was received on the mobile phone saying that there was a monthly red envelope income on the salary card. Many employees of the group were wondering what the fee was.

Later, when I inquired about it, I found out that it was the boss of the group who had a new baby.

This red envelope was filled in by a big fat boy who was the boss and gave it to everyone.

For a time, everyone was very happy and celebrated in various ways that the group had welcomed an heir.

After his son was born successfully, Cai Jin didn't care at all that he could spend more than 2 billion on the employees and 100 million on the hospital directly involved. This money is used to help those in need, which is also a good cause.

He stayed in the hospital for five days before being transferred back to his family villa.

The hospital has specially established a medical team to provide services 24 hours a day.

This makes Cai Jin and Nie Xiaoyu, who are first-time parents, feel particularly at ease. They don't need to worry much because everything is done well.

Both the baby and the mother are well taken care of.

Cai Jin rarely felt the charm of money.

With enough money, most of the things that ordinary people worry about are not worries.

Just when Cai Jin was still enjoying the joy of becoming a father for the first time, CNSA officially announced the timetable for manned landing on Mars!

According to research, CNSA will let the first aerospace team carry out a manned mission to Mars, and the time is scheduled for September 30 as a National Day gift.

It was also at this time that the astronauts who landed on Mars met everyone for the first time.

The entire world's attention was suddenly focused on CNSA's manned landing on Mars.

The significance of this time is comparable to the first manned landing on the moon, or even greater.

After all, Mars is too far away from the earth. Even the closest distance is more than a hundred times farther than the moon from the earth.

And September 30th is not the best login window.

When Mars is closest to Earth, it is 56 million kilometers away! The farthest one is 320 million kilometers!

On September 30, Mars was 120 million kilometers away from the Earth!

According to the data originally released by NASA, this distance would require the spacecraft to fly for a full six months to reach this distance using NASA's Saturn V high-thrust rocket!

The whole world is discussing whether CNSA can complete this journey of human milestone.

But Cai Jin didn't have any worries about this.

If you want to understand the differences in the advantages and disadvantages of electric propulsion and chemical propulsion, you must first understand a concept that all junior high school students understand, and that is acceleration.

On a shorter distance scale, due to the huge thrust of chemical propulsion, the spacecraft can reach a very high speed in a short period of time, so it is more advantageous in terms of flight time overall.

However, if the distance scale is extended to hundreds of thousands of kilometers, millions of kilometers, or even tens of millions of kilometers, it is another situation.

Although electric propulsion cannot erupt the working medium in a short period of time in exchange for huge thrust like chemical propulsion, it can achieve a speed far greater than that of chemical rockets through continuous acceleration and huge specific impulse. maximum value.

Therefore, even if it is 120 million kilometers long, one month is enough for the Chang'e space shuttle.

Unfortunately, the parameters of the Chang'e space shuttle have always been highly confidential and have never been leaked so far.

The outside world does not know that CNSA has previously used the Chang'e space shuttle to conduct two unmanned missions to Mars, releasing a series of manned missions such as relay satellites, communication satellites, aerial photography of Mars, and the launch of Mars scientific research stations. The job of landing on Mars.

To be honest, the current foundation of CNSA is far from what it was back then.

CNSA now has such a profound foundation that even if the worst-case scenario occurs, and the first aerospace team fails to land on Mars and the entire army is wiped out, it will not be a big deal for CNSA.

In the blink of an eye, it’s 7:30 in the morning on September 30th!

At this time, the Wenchang Launch Center was already overcrowded. Space enthusiasts from all over the country and all over the world crowded the entire Wenchang and even the entire HAN province!

Millions of people flocked to this tourist province, filling up all the hotels.

Since last night, many people have chosen the best viewing positions and are ready to witness history.

To be honest, the Wenchang Launch Center was originally built by the country as the most important space launch site in the new era of aerospace, making maximum use of the power of equatorial inertia to save rocket fuel.

Since the arrival of the space shuttle, the Wenchang Launch Center has launched two or three rocket missions a year for rocket experiments and exploration.

It can be said that there is no place for heroes to show off their strength!

But here is the location of the First Aerospace Brigade, and also the location of the Fifth Aerospace Brigade.

At this time, the expedition ceremony was underway.

This expedition ceremony began with Shenzhou 5 and has been passed down to this day.

Last night, all the astronauts wrote letters.

Once an accident is discovered while performing a mission, this letter will be a suicide note and will be handed over to the family by the leader.

This is also a tradition that has been passed down for twenty years.

At this time, the manned landing crew on Mars consists of five professional astronauts and five scientific researchers in the Mars field, totaling ten people.

I am afraid of being poor, and I wish I could spend every penny into two cents!

The same is true now.

Even if Cai Jin considers the most comfortable situation, a crew of five or six is ​​the best, and each astronaut has his own small room as a resting place and private space.

But when it came to the actual situation, it was ten people at once!

Even if you are going to the moon, there will be more people, add more seat belts, fasten your seat belts while standing, overcome the difficulties, and then set off!

At this time, colorful flags were fluttering here, and everyone was holding festive banners, wishing the crew a successful completion of the manned mission to Mars.

At 7:50, the astronauts set off on the bus. In just five minutes, they arrived at the apron of the Chang'e-1 space shuttle.

This space mission will also be broadcast live around the world.

Billions of people around the world watched the live broadcast.

Even in remote places without Internet access, you can still watch this live broadcast through the space communication satellite network.

During this period, the global discussion about CNSA has never stopped.

In the short term, whether it is China's exploration, research, and development of the moon or its exploration and research of distant Mars, it is certain to lose money.

Whether it is the helium 3, titanium ore, and rare earths in the lunar soil, or the rich iron ore and methane reserves on Mars, they are still a distant pie.

Just like centuries ago, before the pattern of the Age of Discovery was determined, no one knew whether the future of the colonial era would be in the Caribbean or the more distant Spice Coast.

Even if the moon is indeed closer, it is still 380,000 kilometers away after all. For people on earth, this distance is still quite far.

In this era, although the country has very convenient transportation via highways, high-speed rails, trains, and airplanes, it is very convenient to travel. No matter where you go in the country, you can actually arrive on the same day. But between continents, it still feels very far away, and there are always very few people who can travel between continents.

This is true from continent to continent, let alone between planets.

From an economic point of view, CNSA will definitely lose money whether it is a moon project or a Mars project.

But sometimes it is not possible to consider issues entirely from an economics perspective.

At least as far as China is concerned, the benefits gained from the lunar and Mars projects in the fields of politics, scientific research, culture and other fields cannot be simply measured in terms of money.

Take the Tiangong Space Station as an example. As the only space station in orbit in the world today, other countries that want to participate in space-related scientific research projects can only sign cooperation agreements with China in this field.

The same is true for the Guanghan Palace Scientific Research Station on the moon!

But now, CNSA has not announced to the outside world that the Guanghan Palace Scientific Research Station can conduct international cooperation.

In the past few months, countries such as China, Britain, France, and Germany have cooperated with China on the Tiangong space station, which has greatly changed the international environment.

Rising in the east and falling in the west, there is nothing better than this.

Even Japan and South Korea are making contact, regardless of NASA!

In the past, they believed that NASA was still the dominant space agency, but now they no longer believe it.

Not to mention, NASA is making sky-high claims against these space agencies for the disaster caused by the decommissioning of the International Space Station. Even the smallest one is claimed for 100 billion U.S. dollars. As for the high one, it is as high as 1 trillion U.S. dollars!

In response to requests for cooperation from other countries, CNSA has also shown an attitude of openness and cooperation. Even Japan and South Korea have reserved a place for their astronauts.

Make a few enemies and make a lot of friends. This principle never goes out of style.

To put it more deeply, the competitive relationship between countries is always relative, not unchanging and absolute.

It is definitely not black and white as ordinary people imagine.








While countless people were watching the live broadcast, with the word "ignition", Liu Yang pressed the button, and arc light sprayed out, extending from the end of the outward-opening wings toward the back of the space shuttle.

Under the watchful eyes of all the ground crew, engineers, and commanders of the launch center, it disappeared at the end of the cloud.

The launch plan went very smoothly.

Regarding this, no one was surprised at all.

This scene has happened countless times in the past two years, without ever failing.

The excellent performance of the Chang'e space shuttle was vividly demonstrated.

But no one turned off the live broadcast, because they were all witnessing history.

Cai Jin is holding his son. The whole family is also watching this live broadcast. They are also witnessing history.

A manned landing on Mars is the first time in human history.

If we talk about the previous manned moon landings, many people still talk about the NASA manned moon landing half a century ago. Even if manned moon landings are repeated many times, this voice will not disappear.

Once manned missions to Mars are successful, these sounds will disappear completely.

And in terms of praise, it has definitely reached unprecedented heights.

After all, Mars is too far away from Earth.

This 120 million-kilometer space journey is absolutely incredible.

Everyone on the crew is a warrior for mankind!

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