Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 275 Manned Landing on Mars (3)

The feat of manned landing on Mars has finally been achieved after more than half a century!

After the American Apollo 11 spacecraft landed on the moon for the first time, people were dreaming about manned landing on Mars.

Unfortunately, after the Apollo 17 spacecraft in 1972, there have been no more manned landings on celestial bodies.

There hasn’t been a manned landing on the moon for half a century, let alone a manned landing on Mars.

As for manned landing on Mars, NASA will release hot news every once in a while, and then quickly disappear without a trace.

Just like a scumbag, he keeps tempting people.

And now, China has completed the feat of manned landing on Mars.

As long as Chang'e-1 successfully returns to Earth from Mars, this first human journey to Mars can be declared a complete success.

An hour into the live broadcast of the landing, the live broadcast no longer continued with footage of Mars, but experts and scholars were having various chats.

The reason for this is because the next scene is not convenient for live broadcast.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of kilometers away on Mars, the cargo bay of the Chang'e-1 space shuttle has been opened.

Astronauts and scientific researchers are moving things out of the cargo hold, and then using Mars engineering vehicles and Mars robots to build a Mars scientific research station.

The 'Mars Scientific Research Station' will be the first permanent scientific research station on Mars. This time it is initially completed and can accommodate five scientific researchers for long-term duty, and the supplies can also meet the needs for up to one year.

And because sandstorms occur from time to time on Mars, the safety of scientific research stations is very important.

Considering that Mars' atmosphere is a hundred times thinner than Earth's, sandstorms themselves are not dangerous. Dangerous are static lightning that occurs with sandstorms, and long-term light decline that prevents solar power devices from obtaining enough energy.

So on earth, these considerations must be taken into consideration.

Before you knew it, an oval-shaped building was built.

Although part of this scientific research station uses solar power generation devices, part of it is powered by nuclear batteries.

Therefore, unless there is a long-term sandstorm, there will be no problem with the power supply safety of this scientific research station.

As for the climate prediction on the surface of Mars, even if China has deployed meteorological satellites here, you must know that the climate change on the surface of Mars has always been very mysterious. Due to the thin atmosphere and severe desertification on the surface, there are basically no reliable observation methods that can predict the climate. Make accurate predictions of its climate change.

Instead, it can only be inferred based on experience that summer is a period of frequent sandstorms. A global sandstorm on Mars occurs once every five to six years. It may last for several months or even a whole year, and is accompanied by the collision and friction of gravel and lightning.

Those two weather satellites are more for providing some reference, but their accuracy is far inferior to the weather satellites on the earth.

It’s not that the performance of Mars’ meteorological satellites is inferior to those on Earth, but because the understanding of Mars is still quite lacking.

After three days of construction, the first Mars scientific research station was completed.

In addition to the work area and experimental area, there is also a small living system that can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis.

There are even five small rooms in the scientific research station, which serve as private spaces for scientific researchers, where they can rest and relax.

Of course, this private space is not large.

As for the necessary fitness equipment, they are all available here.

After all, the gravity here is only one-third that of the earth. If you want to stay here for a long time, you will inevitably need to exercise regularly, otherwise you will get sick.

Building the first Mars scientific research station is just one of the missions of this manned mission to Mars.

Next, it is time to conduct geological drilling.

Drilling equipment was set up and drilled down.

This time, a 100-meter drill hole will be drilled to detect whether there is water and life on Mars.

After the drilled soil was taken out, it was immediately put into the prepared device and sealed.

This is to be brought back to the earth for geological research. What needs to be maintained as much as possible to prevent damage and pollution.

In addition to Martian soil, some meteorites from Mars will also be brought back to Earth.

When returning to Earth this time, nearly forty tons of Martian objects will be taken away for various studies.

After staying on Mars for two full weeks, the astronauts and scientific researchers embarked on their return journey.

Compared to Earth, it is much easier to take off on Mars and enter space.

After all, the gravity of Mars is only one-third that of the Earth, and the atmosphere is only one percent as thin as the Earth. The space shuttle can easily take off and accelerate to the first cosmic speed of Mars, entering space faster.

Entering Mars orbit easily.

The Chang'e-1 space shuttle continued to sail in the orbit around Mars for 3/4 of a week, and then started the return procedure and began to switch orbits and return.

Traveling slowly, it will take almost a month to return to Earth.

But this has made people all over the country and the world feel extremely *.

I'm excited, after all, this is the first time humans on Earth have landed on Mars.

Although it is said that the space shuttle has just embarked on its journey and it will take a month to return to the earth. Only when it successfully returns to the earth can it be considered a complete success. But at this point, no one in the world will doubt that the Chang'e-1 space shuttle will not be able to successfully return to the earth.

Returning from the orbit of Mars to the Earth is much less difficult than going from the orbit of the Earth to the orbit of Mars!

Cai Jin's family watched the live broadcast with excitement.

However, after watching, Cai Jin paid more attention to the continuation of the last symposium.

By now, the results of that highest-level economic symposium in the country have basically been released one after another.

Relevant favorable policies are stimulating all walks of life, making the entire social economy feel like a shot in the arm.

The old industrial bases in the central and western regions and the northeast have all introduced preferential policies to attract investment, attracting industries from the eastern coastal areas.

On the eastern coast, preferential policies have been increased to speed up the optimization and upgrading of the industry.

Of course, the most attractive thing is the preferential policies in finance and taxation, which increase the intensity of loans and preferential treatment for private enterprises, reduce the financing costs of private enterprises, and make it easier for private enterprises to go public. In terms of taxation, relevant taxes and fees are reduced, profits are given to private enterprises, and the threshold and exemption amount of personal income tax are further increased.

This kind of real benefit stimulates the stock market and all walks of life.

As for the most popular property tax, it was not launched directly. Instead, a vacancy tax was launched and piloted in major cities.

The vacancy tax will undoubtedly hit the real estate speculators the hardest. It will increase the cost for real estate speculators, forcing them to face a choice, cut off the market or continue to bleed.

Cai Jin was a little surprised. He thought that real estate tax or even inheritance tax would take this opportunity to be released.

Unexpectedly, it didn't.

But think about it, whether it is property tax or inheritance tax, they are extremely difficult to deal with.

For example, a real estate tax would be great. People who bought houses in the past had already paid a lot of taxes. There was also an astonishing shared area, and the property rights only lasted for decades. If a real estate tax is introduced under such circumstances, it will undoubtedly affect The coverage is very broad.

As for inheritance tax, the resistance is even greater.

Even if he doesn't care about paying taxes, he will feel distressed and reluctant when he thinks that when his son inherits the family property in the future, part of it will have to be used as inheritance tax.

However, these are ultimately not as popular as the aerospace field.

In recent years, manned landings on the moon, the first permanent scientific research station on the moon, the Guanghan Palace Scientific Research Station, and this time's manned landing on Mars have pushed aerospace to a very high level of popularity, and now it is open to private enterprises Opening up more aerospace fields will undoubtedly stimulate the enthusiasm and motivation of private enterprises.

As early as when China built the first permanent scientific research station on the moon, the Guanghan Palace Scientific Research Station, some experts and scholars declared that the 21st century and 1930s would be the "lunar age".

Mining on the moon, if we had said this a few years ago, it might have sounded like a dream and would be difficult to achieve, but now, it is not so difficult that it cannot be achieved.

On the contrary, it is already within reach.

After all, there are about ten manned moon landings a year. Going to the moon is no longer difficult. It is just a matter of increasing the number of space shuttles.

But one problem that everyone cannot avoid is that it is simply impossible to mine on the moon simply by relying on private enterprises.

But now it’s different. The answer has been officially given. Relevant national departments will jointly issue the first batch of ten licenses!

There is no doubt that whoever can obtain a mining license will have an advantage in the future and stand in the new spotlight.

Moreover, the first batch of lunar mining licenses are now being issued, so is it still far away from mining asteroids?

Compared with the vast universe, the earth seems too small, and the earth's resources seem too scarce.

Cai Jin didn't expect that such rumors would be released at this time. You must know that this scandal is quite big. Not to mention domestic companies, companies all over the world will go crazy.

In addition to mining licenses, there are also earth and space tourism licenses and lunar tourism licenses!

There is no doubt about the attractiveness of these license plates.

This kind of tourism resource is absolutely unique.

Even if travel costs are high, you must know that the most indispensable thing in the world is rich people.

Rich people, poor people only have money!

That little bit of travel expenses is nothing to wealthy people.

Some companies have even proposed an idea, such as launching a love package, which can use a small satellite to carry the souvenirs of lovers and couples. In space orbit, it can be seen with an astronomical telescope, and it has Users can check the location of their love satellites at any time.

What's even more exaggerated is that some people have come up with sky burial packages. Burial, cremation, and sea burial are nothing. Sky burials are so high-end and classy, ​​and the body can stay the same for hundreds of years if it is put on a space suit.

If you are not satisfied with the sky burial package, you can also have a lunar burial. Burying on the moon and looking at the earth is so exciting and romantic.

It can be said that many people are looking to space, to the moon, to Mars and beyond the earth, which contain immeasurable wealth and inexhaustible treasures.

Cai Jin is very clear that in the short term, there is a theoretical basis for mining on the moon, but the challenges are also huge.

Whether it is the low-temperature and low-gravity working environment on the moon or the high staffing costs on the lunar surface, it is a huge test for the automation technology of the equipment that will be deployed on the lunar surface to complete production tasks.

But there is no doubt that this is a trend and there are huge benefits.

Whoever can get the license can seize the opportunity.

Not to mention the long-term benefits, just by obtaining a license, I am afraid that the stock prices of relevant listed companies will skyrocket, and the company can easily obtain dawn funds.

Cai Jin knows that there is no shortage of money in the world, but there is a shortage of profitable companies and industries!

Look now, according to the latest bank data, my country's RMB deposit balance exceeds 300 trillion!

There are many wealthy deposits here.

These rich people can only use their money as deposits, but they have nowhere to go.

Of course, with such a large deposit balance, Cai Jin also made a considerable contribution.

During this huge space boom, a month has passed since the Chang'e-1 space shuttle left the orbit around Mars and embarked on its return journey.

With the completion of the last stage of orbit change, the Chang'e-1 space shuttle continues to move toward the Earth-Moon system according to inertia.

What is going on at this time is deceleration.

Only by slowing down to a certain speed can the space shuttle be captured by the earth's gravity.

Finally, the Chang'e-1 space shuttle completed its deceleration, was captured by the earth's gravity, and entered the earth's orbit.

At this time, the live broadcast is already underway.

At this distance, the delay in the live broadcast is so minimal that it can almost be ignored.

Normal people cannot feel this delay.

"Jingcheng Jingcheng! We have entered the earth's orbit, please give instructions!" Liu Yang was in contact with the Earth Command Center.

"Jingcheng received it! Jingcheng received it!"

Subsequently, the space shuttle began to continuously change orbit in the outer space of the earth.

At this time, the Tiangong space station and satellites sent the situation of the Chang'e-1 space shuttle back to the earth from different angles.

The Tiangong space station is guiding the space shuttle.

By this time, everything seemed familiar.

The Chang'e-1 space shuttle entered the atmosphere in just half an hour.

At this time, the Wenchang Launch Center was once again crowded with millions of people coming to Wenchang to welcome the heroes of mankind and witness history at the same time.

At the launch center, medical vehicles, ground staff, and engineers are all in place.

Not long after, everyone finally saw the Chang'e-1 space shuttle appearing in the sky. The graceful figure of the space shuttle attracted cheers and cheers from everyone.

At this point, it can be announced that China's manned mission to Mars has been a complete success. No one will believe that there will be any surprises at this point.

The Chang'e-1 space shuttle made a detour in his mouth, as if he was paying tribute to everyone again.

This is an interaction!

And this scene, through live broadcast, spread to every corner of the world, attracting cheers from countless people!

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