Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 279 The Troubles of Happiness

10 million tons of blue gold.

It’s not that there are only 10 million tons of blue gold on the moon, but that the large crater is estimated to contain 10 million tons of blue gold.

In fact, there may be only 10,000 tons of blue gold, or it may be 100 million tons of blue gold.

This number is not an exact number, it is just an estimate and has reference significance only.

Looking at these two documents, Cai Jin also understood that there was actually a debate over whether to develop the moon or Mars.

Yes, with the success of manned landing on Mars, different voices have emerged in the aerospace field.

Previously, the aerospace field had only one option, which was to explore and study the moon and develop lunar resources.

Things are different now. After the manned landing on Mars was successful, the voice of developing Mars also appeared.

The moon is close to the earth and is rich in scarce resources, such as titanium, iron, uranium, rare earths, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sodium, potassium, nickel, chromium, manganese and other minerals. The lunar basalt alone contains at least 100 trillion tons. Titanium metal can be mined and utilized, but the earth's proven titanium reserves are only 2.78 billion tons.

Developing the moon is easy, the investment is relatively small, and the results are quick. The earth will soon be able to obtain a large amount of lunar resources.

Using the moon as a base and marching into the sea of ​​stars is undoubtedly a very ideal situation.

The most important thing is that the moon is close to the earth. If something happens, the earth will know it as soon as possible, and we can quickly depart from the earth to the moon.

As for Mars, it is still too far away from the earth based on the earth's aerospace technology.

It takes several months to go back and forth.

Even the best window period can greatly shorten this time, but you must know that the best window period does not occur every year, but only occurs once every 15 years.

Of course, Mars is not without its advantages.

The diameter of Mars is about twice that of the Moon, and in terms of the possibility of life, Mars is more likely to have life!

Transforming Mars and making it a life planet suitable for the growth of life is theoretically possible.

"Is this considered a trouble for happiness?" Cai Jin touched his chin, thoughtfully.

Sometimes he had to admit that having only one choice was a good thing. Just one choice, no choice, and all the efforts in one direction could often produce miracles.

And if there are too many choices, there will be no consistency.

Likewise, if there is a way out, all potential cannot be unleashed.

"However, the best choice at the moment is to develop the moon, obtain lunar resources first, and let the earth take flight. As for Mars, we can leave it until technology allows it in the future!" Cai Jin thought to himself.

Mars has all kinds of benefits, but there is an unavoidable problem, that is, Mars is too far away.

Development costs are too high!

On the second day of the meeting, there was great controversy at the beginning of the meeting.

Both parties emphasize their own strengths and highlight the other's weaknesses.

But those with the same thoughts as Cai Jin accounted for the majority.

In the end, the entire meeting gradually formed a consensus that the moon should be developed!

Although it is possible to develop the moon and Mars at the same time, you must know that resources are limited, and manpower, material and financial resources are limited. If you fight on two fronts, you may not be able to wait until the day when the balance of payments is reached, and you will collapse first.

This kind of thing is not impossible, on the contrary, it is a high probability!

Although China's influence is increasing day by day, it is undeniable that we are still in the transition period between the old and the new, and China's focus is still on domestic development and the earth.

It is impossible to devote all manpower, material and financial resources to the development of the moon.

Soon, the "Lunar Development Planning Report" was released.

This planning report formulates short-term and long-term plans, combining the short-term and long-term.

The planning report gives a timetable, with 20 years as the short term and 50 years as the long term.

There is no doubt that this will make the aerospace industry more and more intense, and will promote the birth of a large number of emerging industries and the birth of a large number of super rich people.

Cai Jin couldn't help but click his tongue when he got this planning report.

It can be said that this kind of gesture is huge.

It will take 50 years to establish a human base city on the moon and establish a series of industries including mining, smelting, factory forging and production.

The estimated investment is as much as 50 trillion yuan, which means an average investment of 1 trillion yuan per year.

What will probably make countless people crazy is that there is a timetable for opening windows in various fields of aerospace. Only when the window is opened can more private enterprises be able to participate.

Only by participating can you have the opportunity to make money.

Otherwise, you cannot participate and can only watch helplessly.

Just as the world's attention was attracted by the "Lunar Development Planning Report", a grand welcome ceremony was being held in the Middle East thousands of miles away.

These are four 052D destroyers!

These four 052D destroyers finally arrived at this military port after a journey of thousands of miles.

In order to express the importance of this batch of 052D destroyers, the Arab Coalition Navy held a grand commissioning ceremony.

There is no doubt that as one 052D destroyer comes into service one after another, the navy's strength will usher in a new round of growth.

In recent years, the Arab coalition has continuously increased its procurement efforts, not only limited to the army, but also the navy and air force.

As of now, the Arab Coalition Air Force already has dozens of J-10 series fighter jets, and it won't be long before this number will exceed one hundred.

These four 052D destroyers are the first batch of destroyers, and there will be more later.

This will help the Arab coalition build a regionally powerful navy to defend its borders and safeguard its own interests.

Of course, this kind of arms purchase, in a sense, is also the payment of protection fees.

Anyway, the bearded people in white robes are used to it, and they see this kind of thing very openly.

If people don't charge protection fees, they won't feel at ease.

With the continuous integration of regional integration, the influence and status of the Arab League are increasing day by day. Once the Arab League truly becomes a unified alliance and achieves comprehensive military, political, economic and other integration, then the role it can play will be extremely scary.

Although it is said that the entire Middle East has not been peaceful for more than a year, and there will always be some wars, but compared with the past, these wars are like children's play, not on the stage, and are easily wiped out by the Arab coalition forces. , put an end to the chaos!

The Arab League, which has deep pockets, not only signed a civil cooperation agreement on Beidou, but also signed a cooperation agreement in the military field, and even leased several satellites.

Although the world's economic development has been somewhat sluggish in recent years, oil prices are not low. China's oil imports have reached a new high. In addition, the use of RMB settlement means that although the US dollar continues to depreciate, the Arab League still has a large amount of oil revenue. Can be used in construction.

In the military port, the four 052D destroyers were decorated with ribbons, looking very festive.

Although these four 052D destroyers are about to hold a commissioning ceremony, these four 052D destroyers are no different from those used by the Chinese Navy.

3D multifunctional 346A phased array radar system (4X fixed array antenna), 71HA band 2D long-range air surveillance radar, Type 64 (SR-64) X-frequency 2D air/sea search radar.

4X726-4 18-unit jammer launcher, electronic countermeasures system. 1XH/PJ-38 130mm 70 times caliber naval gun, 8X8 new vertical launch system (loaded with anti-aircraft missiles, anti-ship missiles, cruise missiles and rocket-assisted torpedoes), close-in defense weapon systems include 1X730 short-range defense weapon system, 1X24 The unit HQ-10 rolling body close-in missile system has 2X triple-mounted 324mm 7424 torpedo launchers and two eight-unit anti-submarine depth bombs.

Each 052D destroyer is 157 meters long, 19 meters wide, with a draft of 6 meters, a full load displacement of 7,500 tons, a crew of 280, and a maximum speed of 32 knots.

Moreover, according to the requirements of the Arab coalition, it is also equipped with a bionic bird robot to improve the combat effectiveness of the 052D destroyer.

In the Chinese Navy, the 052D destroyer is a main battleship, let alone in the Middle East.

Here, the 052D destroyer is definitely a big killer, no matter which direction it goes, it is the same.

Of course, for the Arab coalition, the more advanced the warships, the better. So now they are negotiating with relevant Chinese parties to purchase a 0.55 million-ton cruise ship.

After all, compared to the 052D destroyer, the Type 055 destroyer is undoubtedly more advanced and more powerful.

Just wanting to introduce the Type 055 destroyer is not that easy.

This time, the commissioning ceremony of four 052D destroyers was broadcast live on Al Jazeera, which can radiate to the entire Arab world. There is no doubt that this can greatly boost morale.

The EU's previous performance has completely demonstrated how obvious the disadvantages of economic integration without political and military integration are. In the face of crisis, this kind of integration appears vulnerable.

Therefore, the Arab League made a choice to first carry out military integration in the form of a coalition. Once there is a certain foundation, it can have a relatively strong military force, and then promote political integration and military integration.

Facts have proved that the Arab League made the right choice.

Coupled with the timely adjustment of strategy, it gives the Arab League huge development opportunities.

Of course, people with insight can also see that the Arab League also faces very big problems if it wants to truly integrate.

The first is the social system, which is almost unsolvable. Unless one has great courage to heal the wounds, start over, and reshape the entire social system, otherwise it is foreseeable that turmoil is inevitable.

Secondly, the industry that the Arab League now relies on as its pillar is oil!

You must know that oil is a non-renewable resource. At the current rate of exploitation, perhaps in a few decades, the oil in the Middle East will be exhausted.

Furthermore, although the Middle East is rich in oil, it is not without competitors.

For example, the biggest opponent is American shale oil!

The United States has the most advanced shale oil technology in the world, and its shale oil reserves are as high as 48 billion barrels!

Furthermore, Damao’s shale oil reserves are as high as 75 billion barrels, and China’s shale oil reserves are as high as 32 billion barrels.

There is no doubt that these are threats to oil in the Middle East.

Oil is very precious. It is called the "blood of industry" and is black gold!

But even if it is not valuable, it is not precious at all. There are only a few large markets that it mainly relies on. Once people no longer need it, the oil can only be sold at a bargain price.

Therefore, the industrial structure of the Arab League has fatal weaknesses.

Unless industrialization can be completed in a short period of time, if the oil is exhausted or the large market is lost, the entire Arab League will collapse after losing its economic pillar.

As for the last one, it is the game of big forces. If it cannot be resisted, then it can be said that the whole game will change in one day.

Cai Jin, who was thousands of miles away, was also watching this live broadcast ceremony.

To be honest, the Arab League's navy is not powerful.

The previous main force came from the Saudi Navy, and the wealthy Saudi Arabia's navy is very weak, with only 8 surface ships and 4 frigates, with a total tonnage of more than 20,000 tons, which is not even comparable to the tonnage of a medium-sized aircraft carrier.

The total tonnage of these four 052D destroyers has reached 30,000 tons!

Once the Arab coalition orders 12 052D destroyers, the tonnage will reach 90,000 tons!

It can be said that it suddenly far surpassed the total navies of all the countries in the Middle East.

This time, the commissioning ceremony of four 052D destroyers was accompanied by a performance by the Arab coalition air force.

Five J-10 series fighter jets flew through the sky in formation and pulled up ribbons in the air.

Cai Jin finds it quite interesting. I am afraid that in a few years, the air power of the entire Arab coalition will be dominated by J-10 series fighters.

As for the original European and American aircraft, I am afraid they will all become the blue army of the Chinese Air Force.

At this moment, Cai Jin felt that this world was really magical.

The development of various countries is extremely uneven, with huge gaps.

Those that are well developed are about to enter the fourth industrial revolution, while those that are poorly developed are even worse than the European powers more than a hundred years ago.

Now that China has officially launched the "Moon Development Planning Report", most countries in the world only feel that space is too far away from them!

After all, although there are 223 countries and regions in the world, the only countries or regions that can independently launch launch vehicles are China, the United States, Russia, India, Europe and the United States.

As for the ones that can carry out manned spaceflight, there are only three countries: China, the United States and Russia!

As for the moon landing, it is undoubtedly out of reach for countries and regions other than China, the United States and Russia.

If you want to manned the moon, you must be able to launch launch vehicles independently, and you must master manned space technology and heavy-duty launch vehicles.

Or like China, it suddenly has a space shuttle with super advanced performance and realizes a great stride in the development of aerospace.

In the aerospace field, the competition has always been about hard power, without any tricks. Who is strong enough depends on the performance in the aerospace field.

As for the so-called industrial crown and industrial pearl, I don’t know how many of them have been crushed by China.

Cai Jin shook his head, although some scholars believe that aerospace is the key to human evolution from two-dimensional creatures to three-dimensional creatures. Entering the space age, humans will evolve into three-dimensional creatures.

However, the evolution from two-dimensional creatures to three-dimensional creatures is obviously not something that can be completed in a short time.

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