Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 281 The new air show

Compared with the scale of seawater desalination in the Middle East, China is far behind.

At present, the total scale of seawater desalination along the entire coast of China is only 1.65 million tons per day!

In recent years, although there have been various extreme weather events that have caused huge losses in floods, overall, water resources have gradually become scarce and become more and more insufficient.

Although there is groundwater, it is highly polluted, making it unusable.

In this case, seawater desalination has become the best choice for coastal areas and islands.

After all, sea water is inexhaustible!

Desalination has become one of the main ways to solve water shortages in coastal cities, especially in Zhejiang Province.

As the saying goes, market demand has spawned a number of companies in related industries. Currently, the listed companies in China's seawater desalination industry mainly include Hailiang Co., Ltd., Shuangliang Energy Saving, Jinmu Technology, Jiuli Special Materials, and CICC Environment.

In terms of seawater desalination technology, China is not the most advanced, but it is still passable.

However, it is obvious that in order to meet the water needs of cities in coastal areas, even if the total scale of seawater desalination in the country is increased tenfold, it will only be a drop in the bucket.

Like Ludao, the daily water supply capacity of the water plant exceeds 2 million tons per day, and this is only used for domestic water, excluding industrial water, municipal water and agricultural water!

Even Narcissus City now has a huge demand for water resources.

Cai Jin has not forgotten that there were five consecutive years of drought from 2016 to 2020. Water for rural domestic use only came every two or three days. Each reservoir dried up and bottomed out, and crops withered and died.

In that case, artificial rainfall is useless, because artificial rainfall may not be useful at all times.

If there were desalination plants at that time, the drought could be greatly alleviated.

"In this case, I will contact you later on this matter." Cai Jin did not agree directly.

He had to experiment on his own and find something with concrete results, then he would be confident.

At this time, realizing the importance of seawater desalination, Cai Jin naturally took it seriously. Even if there was no demand from Middle Eastern customers, he would do it himself just for the sake of China.

While in Zhuhai, although the exhibition has not yet started, Cai Jin has already met with several waves of customers, some of whom want to import bionic robots for military use, and some who want to import bionic robots for civilian use.

For bionic robots in the civilian field, Cai Jin is naturally happy to have more customers, the better.

As for the bionic robots for military use, unless the other party can go through domestic channels and obtain a license, otherwise, Cai Jindu smiled and asked them to contact the relevant company.

In the blink of an eye.

It’s time for the show to start.

Cai Jin entered the venue through a special passage and rushed directly to the VIP seats next to the runway.

It's said to be a VIP seat, but it's actually pretty much the same, except that it's a little closer to the front so you can see the fighter jets on the runway more clearly.

Cai Jin glanced around and admired secretly.

It is indeed advancing with the times.

There are satellites in space, aerospace fighters in suborbital space, electronic reconnaissance aircraft and drones in high altitudes, thousands of bionic bird robots distributed at a limited height from the ground, and intelligent mechanical dogs on the ground constantly patrolling and maintaining order. , forming a complete three-dimensional security system.

Coupled with artificial intelligence, it controls the entire Internet and ensures that the entire air show proceeds smoothly.

If there is any slight disturbance, an early warning will be triggered immediately, and the security department can take corresponding measures as soon as possible.

At least, Cai Jin didn't notice that someone brought a real guy into the venue.

Air show opening ceremony.

The air show is definitely a must.

Since the J-20 performed an above-board flight show two years ago, the Bayi Aerobatic Team, which opened the show this year, also flew J-20 fighter jets.

Different from the previous ones, the number of J-20 fighter jets this time has reached eight, and they are all equipped with domestic engines.

With the flight demonstration, the excellent performance of domestic engines was fully demonstrated. With more powerful power output, the fighter jets are more flexible.


All the military fans shouted in disbelief.

Click click click.

The media reporters on both sides of the viewing platform were all pressing their shutters frantically at this moment, taking beautiful photos one after another.

Then came the J-10 series fighter jets, a performance team composed of eight J-10 fighter jets of various types, performing an aerial performance.

Over the years, the J-10 fighter jet has been continuously explored and developed, and a series of models have been derived. It can be said that it has been exploited to the limit.

Such as J-10C and J-10D!

The J-10 fighter is the pride of China's third-generation aircraft. Its birth truly marks the transformation of China's aviation industry from preventing other countries' fighter jets to fully independent research and development.

The canard-delta wing layout is very common on European fighter jets, but it is still China’s first attempt, so it is extremely challenging.

The successful development of the J-10 fighter jet has really trained a strong fighter development team and laid the foundation for the development of the improved J-10 fighter jet and the J-20 fighter jet.

Although the J-10 series of fighter jets are no longer advanced with the more advanced J-20 fighter jets and even air and space fighter jets, its significance is still undeniable.

Even now, they have formed an aerial high-low match with the J-20, and they can still guard the sky for at least twenty or thirty years!

The J-10C and J-10D are also the stars of China’s fighter jet foreign trade today and are highly anticipated by overseas countries.

The performance is advanced and the price is not expensive. The unit price of a J-10C fighter is only 400 million yuan!

The unit price of a J-10D fighter jet and the export price are only tens of millions more!

Moreover, it is a one-stop service, without any messy conditions, and is purely commercial trade.

Not only are the J-10 series fighter jets selling well now, but training aircraft are also selling quite well.

UAVs modified by J-5 and J-6 are exported in large quantities and are favored by Africa, the Middle East, South America, and Southeast Asia.

Cai Jin also applauded the J-10 series fighter demonstration team's flight performance.

This year's opening ceremony featured more flight performances, and the next one was a performance by F-series fighter jets. This made many military fans shout that it was incredible and happy!

At the same time, the guests on the live broadcast also took advantage of this opportunity to reveal relevant inside information to the outside world.

Before, it was natural to keep it a secret to avoid leaks.

But it's no longer needed.

This is a sign of confidence!

Even if someone is unhappy, they can only watch, but they can't stop it.

"The air and space fighter jets haven't officially met with everyone yet. How long will this be hidden?" Cai Jin muttered to himself.

He originally thought that the superiors would use this opportunity to let the aerospace fighter plane meet the world and make its official debut.

But when the performance ended, there was still no trace.

You know, ordinary people don’t know about China’s ‘sixth generation fighter’ J-30, but the military of major military powers all know about it.

After all, every time someone wants to get excited, the J-30 fighter jet, the world's first sixth-generation fighter jet, will always appear at the right time and then show its excellent performance.

But what is very strange is that China has not officially announced it to the outside world and has always kept it secret. There are no reports about it overseas, as if everyone doesn't know about it.

Then, Lockheed Martin will always reveal the development progress of the sixth-generation fighter jet from time to time, as if it will be born at any time.

After the opening ceremony, both the outdoor venue and the indoor venue became a hot spot for everyone.

In addition to the J-20 fighter jets and domestic C919 and C929 large aircraft, the F series fighter jets and the Nantianmen Project exhibition area in the science fiction exhibition area are the most popular.

There is no doubt that the F series fighter jets were once desired by countless military fans in China, representing advanced performance and powerful combat effectiveness.

The Nantianmen Plan is actually more than just a plan, it is being implemented.

Perhaps in the near future, there will be aircraft carriers on the sea and Nantianmen in the sky and space.

It's very science fiction, but it is indeed no longer an idea or a plan, but a huge amount of money has been spent on construction.

Cai Jin did not visit the Nantianmen Project exhibition area, but went to visit the C919 and C929 domestically produced large aircraft.

The Chinese have always had the dream of big airplanes. The loss of Fortune 10 has become a pain in the hearts of countless Chinese people and an eternal regret.

However, the Chinese have never given up their dream of pursuing large aircraft. In 2006, the country issued the "National Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan (2006-2020)", and the major project of large aircraft was identified as one of the 16 major scientific and technological projects. In the same year, a leading group for major large aircraft projects was established.

Overcoming difficulties step by step, completing experiments one after another, and after a series of efforts, we finally obtained airworthiness certificates for various regions.

Also, C919 and C929 were officially delivered to civil aviation!

It can be said that chasing the dream of large aircraft is a microcosm of China's continuous efforts to improve itself and make itself stronger over the past few decades.

The improvement of the aviation industry represented by large aircraft is crucial, whether from the perspective of its industrial chain or the strategic perspective of the large air force.

A country becomes stronger not by being top-notch in a single field, but by continuously improving in all fields and becoming world-class.

Although the C919 and C929 large aircraft are outdated products for Cai Jin, they are only for Cai Jin. They are still a high-tech collection in the world and represent the level of national industry. and strength.

This is why COMAC is investing a lot of money in expanding production capacity regardless of cost, driving the entire industry chain.

After visiting the C919 and C929, Cai Jin left the outdoor exhibition area. Whether it was other fighter jets, armed helicopters or drones, it was no secret to Cai Jin.

Cai Jin arrived at the indoor exhibition area and wandered around the venue.

The exhibits of various companies this year are obviously much stronger than the last one. Many equipment that were originally kept secret are allowed to be brought out this year!

After all, a lot of money was invested in the research and development of these equipment. Now that it is outdated, it will not affect safety. Under such circumstances, it is natural to realize as much money as possible to recover the investment in research and development, and maybe it can be used Opportunity to make a good fortune.

Not only these newly-made weapons and equipment, but also many weapons and equipment in service can be exported as second-hand goods.

If you can export some of these things, you can earn back some.

If you earn more money, you will have more funds to spend on replacing new weapons and equipment.

There are also many outdated weapons and equipment that have been transformed through technology to make the products competitive again.

For example, this time, there was an exhibition area that showed a modified version of the Type 59 medium tank!

The Type 59 medium tank is the first domestically produced main battle tank equipped by China. The tank began to be installed in 1959 and was the main equipment of the Chinese armored forces until 1980. China has produced a total of more than 10,000 Type 59 tanks!

Even now, there are still more than 2,000 Type 59 medium tanks in service in the Army!

To be honest, it's not that the Army doesn't want to retire all the more than 2,000 Type 59 medium tanks and replace them all with Type 99 and Type 96 main battle tanks, but because military spending is limited!

The conversion of old fighter jets such as the J-5 into drones has inspired military researchers.

As a result, the modified version of the Type 59 medium tank was born.

Developed countries will naturally look down on this kind of magically modified version.

But for developing countries, especially those that are relatively poor and spend too much money to purchase military equipment, there is no doubt that this is a good choice.

Easy to use and not expensive!

Even, to put it bluntly, destroying a modified version of the Type 59 medium tank is probably much more expensive than the Type 59 medium tank.

War is a kind of consumption. In this case, there is no doubt that it is worth it.

At this air show, Cai Jin clearly noticed that cost-effective weapons and equipment such as drones were more popular!

But thinking about it, Cai Jin also understood that the J-10 series fighter jets are indeed not expensive. The fighter jets are equipped with missiles, which are much cheaper than the same level of fighter jets in Europe and the United States. However, you must know that countries and regions around the world can afford them. , still not too much.

But drones are different. There are drones worth millions, drones worth hundreds of thousands, and drones worth tens of thousands of dollars. Even tribal forces can afford them.

The same goes for other weapons and equipment.

Those who can afford the complete set of equipment for the synthetic battalion are considered relatively powerful.

As for those who can afford a complete set of equipment for a synthetic brigade, they are already the regional overlords.

Not all countries can build something like the Synthetic Brigade.

And this is the cruel reality of the world now!

Soon, the exhibition officially ended.

The total amount of agreements signed during the air show was also announced, which shocked the country and the world. The total amount of trade reached directly set a new record for previous air shows.

No one thought that these developing countries could explode with such strong purchasing power.

Maybe on average, a single contract is not that many.

But I can’t stand the large volume!

Among them, the biggest move of the Arab coalition is undoubtedly the order of 4 Type 056 frigates, 2 Type 039B submarines, 1 Type 055 destroyer, etc. The contract for the warships and supporting weapons alone exceeds 50 billion yuan!

As for other aspects, including C919 and C929, a total of more than 300 billion yuan has been spent, and the whole body exudes pride!

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