Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 285 Heading to the Moon and Annual Meeting

This manned landing on Mars attracted quite a lot of attention, no less than the first manned landing on Mars before.

This reflects that in the past year, the popularity of aerospace-related topics has inspired human beings to explore space and the universe. People around the world are more interested in space and the universe than ever before.

At the same time, this also reflects the subtle shift in the media's right to speak and the change in the power of public opinion.

Although the time is short, the changes are obvious.

It's just that with this kind of change, people's perceptions will always be delayed.

The role of remote breeding technology is becoming less and less obvious. In addition to increasing costs and reducing original investment instead of increasing, and making horses run without letting them eat enough, there is also another reason: these are no longer secrets. It becomes less and less useful and gradually loses its market.

In addition to the manned landing on Mars this time, there is another one that has attracted much attention, that is, there will be a space shuttle that will set off soon. The goal this time is not other, but to fly all the way to stars outside the solar system. system and explore a wider universe.

Deep space exploration always requires continuous advancement.

Since China completed the feat of manned landing on Mars, China's status and influence in the aerospace field have become unquestionable.

If you want to question it, then first have your own space station, manned missions to the moon, and manned missions to Mars!

Cai Jin is full of expectations for this manned landing on Mars.

If there is water, life, or life on Mars, then there must be traces that can be discovered.

"But now, I have to go to the moon first to mine blue gold!" A flash of determination flashed in Cai Jin's eyes.

The next day, Cai Jin took the space shuttle and left the earth silently, and no one could find it.

The Earth's current reconnaissance methods cannot detect it yet.

It landed silently on the moon, landing directly in a large basin.

This is a large basin on the moon, or a huge crater.

No one knows how many times meteorites or asteroids hit the moon to form such a huge crater.

Some people say that the moon is the protector and shield of the earth. This statement is unreasonable.

If there were no moon, the number of meteorites the earth would receive every year would increase ten or even a hundred times.

Although most foreign materials are burned up in the atmosphere before they fall to the ground, they will not have any impact on human society. However, observation statistics over the years show that about 17,000 meteorites weighing more than 50 grams still fall to the earth every year. The reason is that the earth's atmosphere cannot completely resist alien celestial bodies with a diameter greater than 10 meters.

The larger the diameter of the celestial body, the stronger the destructive power.

Without the moon, the earth would be exposed to the vast universe, and the earth would be in a very dangerous situation at all times. The reason why the earth has been able to escape the impact of meteorites and asteroids time and time again is due to the moon's indispensable contribution, which has diverted and resisted the vast majority of meteorites and asteroids for the earth.

These meteorites and asteroids are disasters, but they are also wealth!

They carry a large amount of matter, much of which is not found on Earth.

Like blue gold!

Cai Jin came to this huge crater this time to obtain blue gold.

Crow alloy, which is formed based on blue gold, can not only be used to build space shuttles, but also can be used to build shield machines!

Think about the shield machine made of this extremely hard and sharp alloy. It is simply the best tool for building undersea tunnels and tunnels.

As long as this kind of shield machine is built, the total investment in the plan to transform the western desert can save at least hundreds of billions of yuan.

The space shuttle landed steadily on a flat ground, the hatch opened, and Cai Jin, wearing a mecha, left the hatch directly.

This mecha is Cai Jin's most advanced mecha. In addition to resisting cosmic rays, radiation, etc., it can allow Cai Jin to survive in space for a month!

And it also has a function, which is to find blue gold or blue gold related alloys.

Although blue gold does not easily form alloys and can easily exist as pure metal, no one knows whether alloys will form in this complex environment where meteorites and asteroids hit the moon.

And just as Cai Jin expected, in addition to pure blue gold metal, he actually discovered alloys.

Some are natural Crow alloys, and there are various grades of Crow alloys!

Cai Jin took pieces of blue gold and chromium alloy into the extremely sealed box.

The blue and gold are divided into one piece, and the alloys are also put into one piece.

As for the reason why it is necessary to have an extremely sealed box, it is because these blue gold and alloys may contain bacteria, microorganisms or rays.

If it is brought to the earth without treatment, it would be irresponsible for life on earth.

"The blue gold and alloys here are really rich!" Cai Jin thought to himself.

In the previous national lunar mining license auction, Future Technology Group spent 100 billion yuan to obtain a license!

There are high and low licenses, but on average, the auction price of a mining license exceeds 100 billion yuan!

The most important thing is that this lunar mining license is only valid for 50 years, which is 20 years shorter than the property rights of commercial housing.

However, there is also an advantage to getting a lunar mining license, that is, no more mining licenses will be issued in the next twenty years, which means that it will be a separate business for these twenty years. Moreover, those with lunar mining licenses will have priority in obtaining Mars mining licenses and space mining licenses in the future.

Wearing a mecha, Cai Jin can easily lift even a piece of blue gold weighing dozens of tons.

Blue gold weighs dozens of tons. Even though it is heavy, you might think it is huge. In fact, the density of blue gold is higher than osmium, which is currently the densest in the world.

The mass of one cubic meter of osmium is 22.59 tons, but the mass of one cubic meter of blue gold reaches 50 tons!

As for the hardness, diamond is far from comparable.

Back and forth, Cai Jin moved hundreds of tons of blue gold and other items into the space shuttle.

Cai Jin did not stay on the moon longer and left the moon directly on the space shuttle.

In the past, when he was on Earth, Cai Jin was very curious about the moon and full of yearning for it.

Chang'e flew to the moon, Wu Gang attacked Gui.

The moon is always full of a different kind of romance.

But after arriving on the moon, I realized that the moon is full of desolation.

This kind of desolation is unimaginable to anyone who has not seen it personally.

No sound, no life.

This is the restricted area of ​​life!

If a person stays in this kind of environment for a long time, no matter how good his physical fitness is, no matter how good his mental fitness is, it may be difficult for him to survive for a year.

Carrying hundreds of tons of things, they returned home fully loaded.

Taking advantage of the darkness, making it difficult to be noticed, Cai Jin moved boxes one by one into the laboratory.

No one noticed or knew that Cai Jin left the earth and went to the moon, and then returned to the earth from the moon.

Silent and silent, no one is aware of it.

Next, Cai Jin began to forge the shield machine.

It is said to be a shield machine, but it is different from traditional shield machines.

The front one is the blade. No matter how hard the rock is, it will be easily chopped by the blade.

And the blades are all made of Crow alloy!

This is also the most important thing about the new shield machine. All other parts can be made of current metals and alloys.

It took Cai Jin a full month to make just such a set of blades.

Cai Jin handed this set of blades to the project team through special channels and installed them on the shield machine to form a complete shield machine.

And such a new shield machine has suddenly become the most advanced shield machine in the world.

The entire project will use three new shield machines.

After all, aqueducts are different from others. You can't use explosives to blow up the entire mountain and make an open channel.

In many places, this new type of shield machine is needed to directly excavate tunnels.

And in the future, this new type of shield machine can be used in all subway excavations, undersea tunnels, and high-speed tunnels, and the work efficiency has been increased a hundred times.

This day is approaching the Spring Festival.

Future Technology Group held a grand annual meeting.

The annual meeting is held in the gymnasium.

Even before the annual meeting started, employees had been talking about it for a long time and were looking forward to it.

What to expect?

Naturally, there are many activities at the annual meeting!

Like a cash raffle.

Like the Lucky Wheel.

Another example is year-end bonus standards and so on.

All in all, employees have a lot to look forward to in this year’s annual event.

The only regret is that I heard that there was originally an overseas travel lottery, but the boss canceled it.

I don’t know why. The employees are puzzled, but no one thinks that the boss is stingy. After all, everyone knows that Cai Jin is famous for being generous and generous. He has been crowned the best boss in China for several consecutive years. The year was worn on Cai Jin's head.

Although it’s a bit regretful, I’m still looking forward to it.

Because the probability of a cash lottery is very high, and there is no room available, all employees can get it. I heard that the largest cash prize is five eights, and the minimum is three eights. Can you not look forward to it? If you get lucky and draw five eights, you can make a small fortune.

Even the smallest three and eight are enough for the whole family to have a good meal.

What everyone is looking forward to the most is the Lucky Wheel.

The prizes on the lucky wheel are very rich, including Warwick's latest smartphones, laptops, IPADs, virtual helmets, smart mechanical dogs of all levels, new energy vehicles, travel vouchers, etc.

Therefore, all employees naturally received a shot of chicken blood, and everyone was looking forward to it.

This annual meeting, because there are many employees in Future Technology Group, is held in multiple venues, through a combination of online and offline.

For example, the entire Fujian province came to the gymnasium here at the headquarters.

For example, the Chengdu production base is located in a stadium in Chengdu.

For example, the Northeast production base is located in a gymnasium in Hecheng.

Other directly-operated stores are in nearby hotels.

Then through the big screen, you can enjoy the grand scene of each venue.

There were many guests attending the annual meeting. In addition to county and city leaders, even provincial leaders also took time out of their busy schedules to attend.

Of course, there are also partners and allies of Future Technology Group!

So far, Future Technology Group has many partners, but there are only two allies, one is Huawei and the other is China Semiconductor!

When Cai Jin arrived at the venue at five o'clock in the afternoon, all preparations were in place.

The temporary stage was set up with cool lights. The big screen in the middle said 'Future Technology Group 2025 Annual Meeting', the screen on the left said 'Revitalize China', and the screen on the right said 'Create Wealth of Employees'.

Very practical and down to earth.

On the other side, Lao Gao had a pile of various gifts and props, and various fruit plates and snacks were placed on the seats below.

All the chefs and waiters in various hotels were swept away.

The executives are all here and doing final checks.

Nie Xiaoyu held the child in her arms with joy on her face.

Postpartum recovery, Nie Xiaoyu recovered well.

This is the advantage of getting married early and having children early.

Nie Xiaoyu was still young when she gave birth to her baby. She could walk on the ground not long after giving birth, and she was almost as normal as a normal person the next day. However, some women over thirty years old gave birth and found it difficult to walk on the ground the next day.

There is also this figure recovery. A woman in her twenties can easily regain her figure after giving birth. Unless she tells others, others will not know that she has given birth. After the age of thirty, it is not that easy to get back in shape after giving birth.

At around 5:30, employees and guests arrived at the gymnasium one by one. Under the guidance of the intelligent mechanical dog, they arrived at the table one by one.

The standard is for 20 people per table.

A total of 4,000 tables were placed in the entire stadium!

In addition to employees and guests, there are also some invited family members of employees.

Although they are in the same stadium, there is only a stage in the main venue, and there is a big screen in other venues.

At that time, synchronous delivery will be carried out directly through holographic projection.

Cai Jin, Nie Xiaoyu and others were sitting at the first table. In addition, they were the leaders of the province. As for the city leaders and office leaders, they can only sit at the first table.

At six o'clock in the evening, the annual meeting officially started.

In the majestic and hopeful background music, two hosts, one male and one female, wearing formal suits entered from the left and right respectively. The male host was in a dark blue suit, and the female host was in a white formal suit, which was full of ceremony.

Many people couldn't help but cheer when they saw the host.

Because the two hosts are well-known CCTV hosts.

After the opening remarks, the opening dance began. The opening dance was very festive, expressing the harvest of the past year and the hope that next year will be a harvest year as well.

The dance troupe performing is from the National Song and Dance Ensemble!

It belongs to the national team, and usually everyone can only see it in some CCTV evening parties.

But now, you can see it with your own eyes.

After the opening dance, two hosts came up: "Next, I would like to invite Chairman Cai Jin to give a speech!"

Cai Jin stood up, waved around, and walked to the stage amidst warm applause.

Although this year's annual meeting is different from the past, for Cai Jin, it is the same.

On the stage, Cai Jin didn't even need to read the script, he was completely off-script.

It took almost five minutes for Cai Jin to finish his speech.

Most employees don't care what he says. What they care more about is the cash draw, lucky draw, and year-end bonus standards!

This is related to the interests of each of them!

But some people remember it silently, because it contains the password to getting rich or getting promoted!

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